Shri Datta Swami

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What is the way to control watching movies so that one can divert to God?

Posted on: 29/06/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, my friends say that they are unable to control to see the movies in the TV. What is the way to control this so that they can divert themselves to God?]

Swami replied:- (i) It is better to see the devotional cinemas based on God or based on life histories of devotees so that devotion increases directly. This is equal to reading the Shrimad Bhagavatam regarding the Gopikas and God Krishna. (ii) There are some movies, which are social but God enters in a human form with present modern dress to lead the story as the hero. If you see these pictures...

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What advice shall be given to a person under worldly depression?

Posted on: 29/06/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, one of my close friends is telling me that she is often attacked by worldly depression. What advice shall be given to her?]

Swami replied:- The involvement in worldly affairs must be minimized as far as possible so that one can escape from worldly depression. If you expose yourself to the cold atmosphere frequently, you will catch running nose...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Anil

Posted on: 29/06/2024

1. A Muslim devotee, Zakir Naik, says that even Mother Teresa would go to Hell by virtue of being non-Muslim. Swami, kindly respond.

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Please give responses to the following questions, At Your Lotus Feet-anil. A muslim devotee Zakir Naik says that even Christians such as Mother Teresa would go to Hell by virtue of being non-Muslim. On being asked whether ‘righteous’ and ‘good’ non-Muslims such as Mother Teresa would still go to Hell, he replied, “There are four ways of going to Jannah...

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What should one do when anger and frustration build up inside him?

Posted on: 29/06/2024

Shri Jayesh Pandey asked: Padanamaskaram Swami Ji! What should one do when anger and frustration starts building...

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Does God reside in the souls and guide all the actions of souls?

Posted on: 29/06/2024

[Shri Durgaprasad asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, 1) Myself and a devotee of Krishna were engaged in a discussion and were unable to understand a verse from Gita - "Ishvara Sarva Bhuutaanaam..." that the Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart and is directing the wanderings of all living entities. My questions related to this verse are as below:

a) This verse contradicts other verse from Gita - "Na kartrutvam Na karmaani..." that God is not responsible for soul's actions. How to correlate the two verses?]

Swami replied:- Mediated God Datta is sitting at the center of this world made of five elements. Bhuuta here means...

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Miraculous experiences of J.S.R. Prasad

Posted on: 29/06/2024

[By Prof.JSR Prasad]

Sāṣṭāṅga namasakaram Swami. I would like to share some miraculous experiences with Your kind permission.

[24-02-2024] Double promotion in service: I worked in C-DAC, Bangalore between 2001 and 2006. In 2006, I joined the University of Hyderabad as a lecturer with 5.5 years of experience. After completing a 1-year probation period, I have been waiting for my past service to be considered for promotion, allowing me to advance to the next level in my career. There are three levels of promotion between an Assistant Professor and an Associate Professor. However, for about 9 years, my past service was not considered due to technical reasons...

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You earlier said that there are three types of people. Is it a single path divided into three steps?

Posted on: 25/06/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, recently while answering Shri Soumyadip Mondal, You told that there are three types of people. Is it a single path like a straight line divided into three steps?]

Swami replied:- You have asked a good question. There are three types of people:-

(1) Worldly people:- 0% devotion to God and 100% worldly fascination – fixed ratio. These people will go to heaven or hell or both generally, based on their good and bad deeds.

(2) Middle people:- 0.1% to 100% devotion to God and 100% to 0.1% worldly fascination...

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Kindly explain the real meaning of the Gayatri mantra with regard to the movie songs once again.

Posted on: 25/06/2024

[Smt. Chhanda asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami, please clarify the following doubts: In last Saturday’s Satsang, You explained very beautifully the real meaning of Gayatri mantra w.r.t. the movie songs. Every detail You brought out from real meaning to protection from God. I will request You once to kindly explain it once again.]

Swami replied:- The priests in the beginning of Kali Yuga were ignorant of the meaning of the Veda and hence, they became egoistic and foolish. Due to this, they suppressed all females and all lower castes by denying Upanayanam and Gayatri, thinking that these...

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When people are spiritually very advanced, will they not accept contemporary human incarnations?

Posted on: 25/06/2024

Smt. Chhanda asked:- In continuation to my earlier question, regarding the sequence of ten incarnations, I would like to know once again that even though people were spiritually very advanced, You had to appear in the form of a Fish, then as Tortoise and so on. Could it not happen just by simply coming as human incarnation as they could have accepted more easily? Their ego and jealousy were minimum then. But now the case is different as ego and jealousy...

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Is it good for parents to spend on their children satisfying their desires in their childhood?

Posted on: 25/06/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, this is a question purely in Pravrutti. Is it good for parents to spend on their children satisfying their desires in their childhood?]

Swami replied:- i) Mother and father shall not give to their children whatever the children ask. If the parents give like that, the children will become spendthrifts (Julaayi) and when they grow up, they will spend for whatever they like and will not save money...

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God enjoys both happiness and misery equally, but not the soul. Then, why is the devotee not sad when one does not get the result?

Posted on: 25/06/2024

Shri Ganesh V asked: Padanamaskaram Swamiji, In a recent discourse You have said that only God can enjoy both happiness and misery equally. A soul cannot enjoy both happiness and misery equally. But in another recent discourse You have said that a devotee of God will not get sad when one does not get the result he may desire for a work that he might have performed. He will think that he didn’t get the result because...

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Do we really need to help those who abandoned us during hardship, especially relatives and friends?

Posted on: 25/06/2024

Shri Tinku K asked: This question was asked by My friend Sharath Chandra. Pada Namaskaram Swamy, Do we really need to help those who abandoned us during hardship, especially relatives and friends? When we were fortunate, everyone flocked to enjoy our wealth. Yet, when our family business failed, no one offered a helping hand—not even a meal, a single penny, or a word of comfort. However, by God's grace, we rebuilt our fortune, and now everyone's back, circling us like vultures, expecting more..

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Is the following story true or an insertion? If true, what is the message to learn?

Posted on: 25/06/2024

Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Paadanamskaram Swami, I've heard a story, where a devotee of God Krishna happens to be in danger of tiger attack and keeps thinking of God Krishna intensely. Then, God Krishna gets up to go save the devotee. But, the devotee takes a rock to battle with the tiger. Then, God Krishna goes back immediately and says that this idiot has taken the control of himself instead of giving full control to God...

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Miraculous experience of Smt. Chhanda Chandra

Posted on: 22/06/2024

[By Smt. Chhanda Chandra]

Paadanamaskaram Swami. With Your permission only, I would like to share a great miraculous experience before all Your devotees present here. I am sure that everybody will agree with me in one aspect that there is no lack of unimaginable experiences in our lives by Your kindness. Still, I can’t stop myself and would like to share one such experience here apart from taking away my severe mental tension few days back which is just unexplainable. I can only feel it and I am extremely sorry for my incapability for not being able to put my feelings in words...

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Is it justified if dedicated service to You leads to negligence of worldly life?

Posted on: 18/06/2024

[Shri Soumyadip Mondal asked: Balance between pravrutti and nivrutti. Sashtanga pronaam Swamiji, Kindly put light upon the following:

i) Rules applicable to nivrutti is opposite to pravrutti. Like sacrifice in worldly life has no end. The more you lay yourself down, the more expectations come along your way. The more you think about your family, the more is expected of you.]

Swami replied:- There is difference between Pravrutti and Nivrutti in certain rules. In Pravrutti, people aspire from you since they are in need. In Nivrutti, God does not aspire anything from anybody since He is never in any need. In Nivrutti, one’s sacrifice to God...

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Swami answers questions of Smt. Chhanda

Posted on: 18/06/2024

1. Can money be donated to the construction of a temple, which does food distribution to the poorest along with the propagation of spiritual knowledge?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Paadanamaskaram Swami, please clarify the following doubts: Swami, in continuation to my earlier question, suppose someone proposes to a build new temple and promises that they will satisfy the two criteria of distributing food to the poorest and also propagate spiritual knowledge. And then asks for contribution, how will we know whether he is lying or not? What shall be our approach?]

Swami replied:- When there is such doubt, it is better to avoid them...

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What is the highest form of meditation?

Posted on: 18/06/2024

Smt. Chhanda asked: Swami Vivekananda commented: “The highest meditation is to think of nothing. If you can remain one moment without thought, great power will come.” But Swami, in highest meditation, only the thought of pure awareness remains. Is it not? Is it possible to think of nothing then? Please comment on the real meaning of this statement.

Swami replied:- Nothing refers to the absence of the circle of worldly thoughts. It denotes the purity of mind. The purity of mind is experienced by the awareness along with the absence of worldly thoughts...

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What are the components of the human incarnation of God?

Posted on: 18/06/2024

[Smt. Chhanda asked: In the case of Parashurama, can we say there are four components like i) pure awareness, ii) individual soul, iii) physical body and iv) God? But, in case of Lord Rama, the individual soul component is not present as it was a new case. Is this correct Swami? Do they vary from incarnation to incarnation?]

Swami replied:- Pure awareness may exist in the state of meditation that can be reached by any human...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Geetha Lahari

Posted on: 18/06/2024

1. How is God's love so special in terms of its magnitude, quality etc.?

[Ms. Geetha Lahari asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. As per my understanding, a climax devotee of God has true love to God without any aspiration and he/she sacrifices everything to God in terms of money, time and energy. How can we truly differentiate God's love from climax devotee's love towards God in that state? Please make me understand how God's love is so special in terms of its magnitude, quality etc.?]

Swami replied:- The true love of a climax devotee does not analyze the love of God towards...

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Is the tax saved from paying the tax to the government a sin or not?

Posted on: 18/06/2024

[Shri Hrushikesh asked:- Shri Karthik asked me that whether the tax saved from paying the tax to government is a sin or not because Jesus told that one shall pay a tax to the king and the donation to God separately.]

Swami replied:- In those days, the king was following justice strictly and hence, Jesus told to pay the tax to the government without any fraud. Today, major participants of the government are highly fraudulent and corrupt because...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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