Shri Datta Swami

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Posted on: 14/04/2019

Shri Phani: How do you correlate the vivarta vaada of Shankara with the parinaama vaada of Ramanuja?

Swami: Vivarta means an apparent modification whereas parinaama means an actual modification. Water appearing as a wave is an example of vivarta. Milk getting modified to curd is example of parinaama. In fact, scholars call only parinaama as a modification. In the case of vivarta, the word ‘modification’ cannot actually be used. Standstill water itself appears as a wave when some kinetic energy is imparted to it. There is no actual modification in the water at all! But we can still use the word modification in sense of the different appearance which is the result of the association of the water with kinetic energy. We can define modification in terms of a change of qualities. In the case of water and the wave, the water remains the same, chemically. There is no change in its qualities as in the case of milk turning to curd. But even in the case of milk turning to curd, the change in qualities can be attributed to the association of the unseen bacteria...

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Posted on: 15/07/2015

[Third Part of Dr. Nikhil’s Questions] We can conclude all the above discussions by categorizing the whole subject in to three phases.

Unimaginable Phase: The existence of unimaginable entity can be noted in two ways: 1) the unimaginable boundary of this infinite universe is a standing proof for the existence of unimaginable entity. If you reach the edge of this imaginable universe, you must find something, which is different from imaginable phase. Beyond the edge of this imaginable universe, if you find again imaginable...

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