Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 3361 – 3380 of 3596 Records


Posted on: 29/08/2010

Sin can never be cancelled by any remedy except through realization and reformation of the soul. Realization comes through knowledge and the determination and subsequent practical implementation of knowledge brings reformation of the soul. Adhibhuta is the subject related to matter of human body. Adhidaiva is the subject related to energy of human body. Adhyaatma is the subject related to behavior and qualities of the soul, which is pure awareness. Knowledge is always inherently related to soul. With the help of knowledge, you can change the states of matter and energy easily, but with lot of difficulty only you can change the state of soul since knowledge is inherently related to soul. Knowledge with top most intensity only can change the soul. The intensity of knowledge increases...

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Posted on: 22/08/2010

Mohammad was also human incarnation of God like Jesus, Buddha and Krishna. The unimaginable God possesses a human being, who is a deserving devotee, selected by God to become a member of His inner most circle. Just like the current enters a metallic wire, the unimaginable God enters an imaginable item of creation, which is always a human being. Here, the current is not transformed into the wire. Current did not become the wire. Current only entered the wire. The wire is the medium for current. Similarly, God is not transformed into human being or God did not become the human being (Avyaktam vyaktimaapannam—Gita). God only entered the human being, which is a medium only as said in the Veda (Tadevanupravishat…) and the Gita...

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Posted on: 09/08/2010

Parashurama was human incarnation of God. Human incarnation means a human being possessed by God. The human being may be of lower type or of higher type. Parashurama is a lower type of human being and Rama, a higher type of human being was also the human incarnation. The unimaginable God charging both the human beings is one and the same. Rama is an alloy of Gold and silver. Parashurama is an alloy of gold and copper. Gold is one and the same in both the alloys, but silver is a higher metal than copper. Dasharatha and Janaka were higher types of human beings, analogous to pure silver metal. Rama, Dasharatha and Janaka requested Parashurama...

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Posted on: 03/08/2010

The Veda says that God is the first preacher and He is called as Kashyapa because He is the pashyaka. Since, the meaning of pashyaka is that He who sees the subtle meaning of the scripture (Kashyapah pashyako bhavati). This first preacher preached the spiritual knowledge regarding the information about absolute God called as Brahmajnana to Sun in the beginning as said in the Gita (Imam vivasvate…). The Sun preached this to his first son, Shanaishchara, who is called as Jnanakaraka or the initiator of knowledge. This knowledge was passed on to his brother called Yama. From Yama, the knowledge was achieved by Nachaketa, who brought it to the earth...

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Posted on: 02/08/2010

You must do your duties without attaching yourself to the fruits. If you attach your mind to the fruit, you will be either excited or depressed. You are excited if the fruit is achieved and depressed if the fruit is not achieved. Both excitement and depression are the ways of fast expenditure of your reserved energy. If the energy is lost, you become weak and will be unable to do your further duties. The work is in your hand and the fruit is in the hand of God. You think that the work must give you the fruit in destined way. Several times you do not get the fruit for your work. What is the message in this? The message from God is that all the fruits are in His hand. You do not give importance to God and depend on the work only and believe that the natural...

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Posted on: 25/07/2010

[Guru Purnima Day Afternoon Message: Some devotees told about their visit to a sacred place called Tripurantakam. Swami gave the following message.]

The word Tripurantakam means God, who destroyed the three bodies. The gross body or sthula shariram is made of the inert five elements. The second body is the subtle body or sukshma shariram made of the vibrations of pure awareness. These vibrations are thoughts or feelings, which can be classified into three main categories called as trigunas or the three qualities i.e. sattvam, rajas and tamas. The third body is the causal body or karana shariram, which is made of pure awareness without vibrations. The subtle body is called as jeeva and the causal body is called as atman. The subtle body cannot exist without the causal body...

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Posted on: 04/07/2010

Krishna, Buddha, Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva are the five important preachers in the spiritual knowledge. Krishna gave the original text called as the Bhagavat Gita. He told that God is unimaginable (Mamtuveda nakaschana…) and also told that God is incarnated through the imaginable creation (Prakrutimsvaam…). The incarnation is imaginable part of creation in which unimaginable God exists. The human beings can see, touch, talk and live with the human incarnation from which they can clarify all the doubts and get correct guidance, which is the most important factor. The Gita is the essence of the Vedas and the Vedas also say that God is unimaginable (Namedhaya…) and that God enters a part of the imaginable creation...

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Posted on: 18/05/2010

[Shankara Jayanthi] If the spiritual knowledge is perfect and complete, the devotion and practice are the spontaneous subsequent steps for which there is no need of any effort. If the practice is perfect and complete, the fruit is spontaneous. Therefore, all the efforts should be put only to gain the perfect and complete spiritual knowledge. Hence, Shankara told that knowledge alone can achieve fruit (Jnanadevatu…). The perfect and complete spiritual knowledge is possible only from God. But, God is unimaginable and therefore, the unimaginable God comes down in human form to give this perfect and complete knowledge. For this purpose, which is most important, God will never enter inert medium. The human form means the soul or awareness associated...

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Posted on: 25/04/2010

The saffron color of the cloth of a saint indicates the color of ripened fruit, which stands for the ultimate knowledge in the spiritual path. Without such knowledge, the saffron cloth is meaningless. Krishna never wore the saffron cloth, but He had the ultimate knowledge even from the childhood as we can see from His discourse given to the villagers in resisting the sacrifice to be performed to please Indra. The cloth is only a symbol of the concept and symbol alone without the concept is meaningless. Krishna is the saint without symbol and every present saint is not a saint having symbol only. Shankara is the saint with the symbol. Krishna and Shankara are equal because the inner concept is one and the same and the symbol is not at all important...

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Posted on: 18/04/2010

Sage Parashara banned samnyasa (leaving the family wearing saffron cloth) in this Kali Yuga, since the mentalities of people is changed. The saint cheats the public after teaching the spiritual knowledge. The public is also very much interested to investigate the real color of a false saint than to hear the spiritual knowledge. The devotee approaches the saint after hearing one speech, addressing him as God. The devotee does not stand on this opinion for a long time and changes very shortly. The devotee should take long time to observe the saint through analysis before addressing as God (Swamiji). Therefore, the standards are not maintained on both sides and hence, the sage banned the saffron cloth...

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Posted on: 02/04/2010

Even a real human incarnation of God will not say that He is God. Krishna never said that He is God except on one specific occasion, which is [during] preaching the Gita to Arjuna. The human incarnation is a two component system in one phase. It is like the alloy of gold and copper existing in single phase. The human incarnation results when God enters a liberated soul, which is a human being. The human incarnation appears as an ordinary human being only. When copper is alloyed with a trace of gold, it appears as copper only. Unless you see it through a powerful microscope, you will not be able to find out the existence of gold in it. Similarly, the human incarnation appears as human being only and unless you are capable of intensive spiritual analysis...

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Posted on: 28/03/2010

The devotee should develop unity in mind, speech and practice especially in spiritual side. The devotee calls a saint as Swamiji. What is the meaning of the word Swami? Swami means the Lord or the owner of this entire creation in which the devotee is also included. Therefore, one should know the meaning of a word before uttering the word. The devotees recite long prayers in Sanskrit without knowing their meaning. At least, let the devotee know the meaning of a simple word like Swami before its usage. The devotee does not completely believe the saint as God (Lord) but has a doubt whether the saint is God. The devotee calls the saint as God (Swami) based on the faith of probability. Most devotees are not complete believers in God. They believe in the existence of God due to selfishness and probability...

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Posted on: 14/03/2010

Recently several saints are involved in controversies regarding collection of funds and sexual abuse. Based on this, these saints are being rejected and condemned totally by the devotees. This is not correct on the part of devotees in the light of their own spiritual interest. A doctor is an expert in writing the prescription for your health. The doctor suggested excellent medicine for your lungs, which are spoiled by your constant smoking. The doctor also may be a smoker. You need not reject his prescription since the doctor is a smoker. The personal smoking of the doctor has nothing to do with his excellent prescription. If the doctor is also a smoker, he will suffer personally with his illness created by smoking. You need not bother about his health...

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Posted on: 07/03/2010

Knowledge and devotion are helpful to find out the correct address of God and to please Him perfectly. Once God is pleased with you, you will be appointed by God in His divine service to uplift the people of this world. The correct address of God is only the contemporary human incarnation. The real devotion to please God is only the practical love expressed on God without aspiring for any fruit in return from Him. Once you are appointed in the service of God, there is no need of knowledge and devotion for your sake. You have to preach the knowledge to others by clarifying their doubts and you have to express your devotion for the sake of the others only to improve their devotion. Once you are appointed in the divine service...

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Posted on: 28/02/2010

[A devotee asked Swami about the solution for the ongoing crisis in the division of Andhra Pradesh State and formation of a new Telangana State.]

Swami’s Reply: Unity and diversity are equally important in their own areas of subject. The Gita says “Avibhaktam Vibhakteshu…” the same. While concentrating one form of God, you have to follow your religion and thus diversity is important. While respecting other religions, you have to find unity in the forms of God and thus unity is important. This is the basis for the present solution of the problem. The solution is to have both Unity as the State of Andhra Pradesh and to have diversity as five regions...

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Posted on: 27/02/2010

Shankara never changed even a trace of traditional practices, which are called as rituals. He allowed the entire practical tradition as it is and stressed the part of knowledge in the Vedic statements. He asked the people to discuss the meaning of the Veda than performing the rituals without analysis. The analysis will change the motive of the doer. The motive must be devotion to God because all the Vedic hymns are prayers to God only. A prayer should be recited with the knowledge of its meaning, which alone helps to raise the devotion. Blind recitation of the prayer does not serve this main purpose. The Purva Meeimamsakas before the arrival of Shankara did blind recitation of the Vedic prayers, thinking that the sound energy of the Veda itself is capable of giving divine fruits...

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Posted on: 07/02/2010

The only one point that hinders the fall of God’s grace on you is the instantaneous desire of the human being, which is always directed towards selfish end. The love on God is expressed as devotion by most of the human beings. The intensity of the devotion of these devotees is also of very high order. You think that the intensity of devotion decides the generation of God’s grace. You think that the highest intensity of the devotion will bring the highest fruit from God. God is not pleased with the intensity of the devotion. He is pleased only by the purity of devotion. Purity means lack of any trace of desire in the direction of selfishness. The moment you think about your need from God, the impurity of devotion begins. As long as you think about the need of God...

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Posted on: 26/01/2010

[Republic Day Message] A devotee asked Swami ‘The Brahmin priest collects about one lakh rupees as fees for performing the rituals after death. Is this justified for your caste?’

Swami replied: The priest is Brahmana. But every Brahmana is not priest. Ofcourse, if a person in a caste behaves wrongly, it reflects on the entire caste. I condemn this behavior of the priest as he loots the society through exploitation. This specific case is certainly opposed by Me. At the same time, every exploitation in the society and consequent looting everywhere in all walks of life of all the people should be equally condemned. Every job holder and every businessman loots the society through exploitation. I am not supporting this specific case, since generally the exploitation exists everywhere...

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Posted on: 23/01/2010

Sage Shuka was completely attached to God and was completely detached from the family. He left his family and went away for the sake of God, though his father ran after him. His attachment and detachment were exposed and were not hidden in his heart. The Veda says that one should leave the family as soon as one is attached to God (yadahareva…). King Janaka was also completely attached to God and was completely detached from the family like Shuka. But, his attachment and detachment were not exposed and were hidden in his heart. They were exposed only when the Lord conducted the test (Datta Pariksha). Once, Janaka was immersed...

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Posted on: 01/01/2010

There are several scholars, who are unable to implement their right knowledge in practice. Knowledge is the seed, which should be transformed in to practice-tree. The force of inspiration required for this transformation, like a fertilizer, is devotion. Mere knowledge and mere devotion are inefficient to cause the transformation. Man has natural instinct to practice worldly procedures. For example, one serves his family members with natural instinct. The person has all the knowledge about service to his family members. He has sufficient inspiration to implement his knowledge in doing the service to his family. No preacher is required for anyone to love and serve his family members, but preachers are required to love and serve God! Even if the preacher preaches, the person fails to develop...

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