Shri Datta Swami

Madhura Bhakti – Sweet Devotion

Showing 1 – 20 of 91 Records

Madhura Bhakti (sweet devotion) was discovered, developed and dragged to climax by the devotees only and not by God. It is the main theme of the scripture Bhāgavatam. Without understanding the topic, some religions try to mock at Hinduism. For the first time in 5000 years, Shri Swami is explaining why this is the highest scripture that gives salvation to the soul in 7 days. The triad (Tripuṭī) of this topic is also highest since 1) Gopikas (Gantā) are the highest reborn sages, who were being worshipped even by angels, 2) Kṛṣṇa (Gamyam) is the highest form of incarnation (Paripūrṇa tamaḥ) and His highest abode is Goloka, which is higher than Brahma loka and 3) The path (Gamanam) adopted to reach the highest goal was liberation from all worldly bonds including the bond with life-partner in which even worldly justice is opposed (Sarvadharmān... Gītā).

Read these articles to know more on Madhura Bhakti.

Why did the 12 Gopikas commit suicide when Krishna left the body, but could control emotions when He left Vrindavan?

Posted on: 25/03/2025

Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, why did the 12 Sthitaprajna Gopikas commit suicide when God Krishna left the body, but could control their emotions when He physically left Vrindavan? In both the cases, they were living Physically away from Him right? And their sole desire is always to please God only. What was their thought process behind this decision after God's physical...

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Satsanga about Why God Krishna is Called as the Real Celibate (Part-1)

Posted on: 16/03/2025

1. Why did God Brahma tell Naarada that the only celibate is Krishna only?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Paadanamaskaaram, Swami. God Krishna married 16,108 women and produced 10 sons plus 1 daughter through each wife! Why God Brahma told Sage Naarada that the only celibate (Brahmacaarii) is Krishna only?]

Swami replied:- First of all, I can say that your question is actually the question and its answer. The number of children (1,77,188) itself proves that Krishna is God. God is omnipotent. Omnipotence...

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Satsanga about Why God Krishna is Called as the Real Celibate (Part-2)

Posted on: 16/03/2025

5. Why did Krishna say that He is Radha and also Gopika, who are real and unreal forms respectively?

[Swami, God Krishna said to Radha that He and Radha are one and the same. God Krishna told the same sentence to every Gopika also. Every Gopika is the unreal form of the Maayaa power of Krishna whereas Radha is the real form of Krishna. In such case, how He could say the same sentence to both real and unreal forms?]

Swami replied:- In the case of Radha, really, Krishna and Radha are one and the same as explained above. Hence, in the case of Radha, Krishna told the truth. In the case of each Gopika, He told the same...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Thrylokya on climax devotion of Gopikas

Posted on: 15/03/2025

1. Since Gopikas jumped into fire after Krishna left His body, they are failed as Sthitaprajna. What do You say?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Paadanamaskaaram, Swami. The 12 Gopikas were Sthitaprajnas throughout their lives. There is no doubt in this. But, You have to accept that they failed when they jumped into fire after God Krishna left His gross body. Failure is always a failure and cannot be treated as pass. What do You say?]

Swami replied:- Actually, the 12 Gopikas passed this test of sacrifice of life also by jumping into fire and they did not fail. I was telling that they failed with a view that such suicide shall not be encouraged. By your bombarding...

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Can we say that the twelve Gopikas were not Sthitaprajna since they jumped into fire?

Posted on: 07/03/2025

Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami; Please give Your answers to the following questions. At Your Divine Lotus Feet-anil. Swami, 12 Gopikas were successful in 3 tests, however after God Krishna left His body they could not control their emotions and jumped into fire and committed suicide. Since they could not control...

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Were Gopikas not able to control their emotions due to lack of knowledge?

Posted on: 07/02/2025

Smt. Chhanda asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami! Swami, in reply to a question asked by Shri Anil recently, You said that excess of devotion will spoil the health and bring madness. You also said that devotion is emotion that is uncontrolled due to lack of complete spiritual knowledge. Swami, can I apply this same concept to understand...

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Is it justified that Radha broke the promise made on God in the marriage ritual for the sake of God Krishna?

Posted on: 29/09/2024

Shri Abhiram Kudala asked: Padanamaskaram Swamy, Swamy, in one of the articles, You have mentioned the below statement: Radha was so amazing that she broke the divine promise done on God (God Krishna Himself) for the sake of the same God Krishna. Could You please explain a little more on the above statement? Can one keep a false promise on God? If yes, in what circumstances...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Swathika and Smt. Priyanka on devotion of Gopikas

Posted on: 10/09/2024

1. Is it correct to say that a Gopi is anyone, who hides his/her real devotion towards God? Is Sthitaprajna also a Gopi?

[Ms. Swathika & Smt. Priyanka asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, In discussion with Swathika about the Gopikas, certain doubts came up between us as listed below. Please give us clarification on these points. Is it correct to say that a Gopi is anyone, who hides their real devotional feelings towards God? If yes, can Sthitaprajnas be called as Gopis because they hide their real love for God and do their duties..

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Gopikas were attracted to Krishna. Is such an example possible in the case of other devotees?

Posted on: 04/03/2024

[A question by Smt. Ramya]

Swami replied:- It is not possible because such great devotees like the Gopikas, who were sages doing penance through millions of births, were not found either in the life of Krishna or after the life of Krishna. Hence, such a story is never heard...

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Why is the Bhagavatam said to be very highly critical and the most holy scripture?

Posted on: 23/02/2024

[17. Smt. Chhanda asked: Why is the Bhagavatam said to be very highly critical and the most holy scripture so that it is said that the spiritual knowledge of a scholar must be tested in understanding the Bhagavatam? Please explain in elaborated manner.]

Swami replied:- As far as all other Skandhas are concerned, the normal devotion-paths are explained and the whole complexity comes in 10th Skandha only because of the incarnation of God Krishna. We must see the just precedent situation before the birth of Krishna. Sages approached God Rama and wanted to hug Him becoming females through their superpower. Such thought came in their minds...

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How is Radha a better devotee than other married Gopikas who were under more pressure to reach Krishna?

Posted on: 04/02/2024

Ms. Samaikya asked:- Swami, the married Gopikas had more pressure than Radha in reaching God Krishna. You told that Gopikas left their husbands after union with Krishna and became mad roaming on roads. Then, how is Radha praised...

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Is it not discrimination that Radha could meet Krishna now and then in Dwaraka, but not the other Gopikas?

Posted on: 02/02/2024

[Smt. Swathi M asked:- Paadanamaskaaram, Swami. Radha used to visit Dwaraka to meet Krishna now and then, but, the other Gopikas never went to Dwaraka. Is it not discrimination between Radha and other Gopikas even though all were very strong devotees of God Krishna?]

Swami replied:- The case of Radha is entirely different from the other Gopikas. Radha loved Krishna, but since Radha was older than Krishna, she was married to Ayanaghosha, who was the younger brother of Yashoda...

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Were the Gopikas not expecting that Krishna would conduct the joint test of money along with the bond with their spouse?

Posted on: 12/01/2024

Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Please give Your responses to the following question. At Your Lotus Feet-anil. You said “The sages in their previous birth were asking God to test about their Daareshanaa (bond with spouse), but, Krishna conducted the joint-test for the bond with money (Dhaneshanaa) and the bond with children (Putreshanaa).” Based on the above preaching, were the Gopikas not expecting that God Krishna will conduct...

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Please elaborate the concept of 'Law of the land'.

Posted on: 12/01/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Please elaborate the concept of ‘law of the land’, in the context and background of topic of Madhura Bhakti; is there any difference in the law of land if the places were Jerusalem and Mecca?]

Swami replied:- ‘The law of the land’ means the belief of the public present in a land. Sometimes, a specific belief may be wrong. Generally, such specific belief, which is wrong is opposed by at least some people...

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How can Radha be admitted to Nivrutti when she failed to do justice to her husband?

Posted on: 11/01/2024

[Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked:-  You told that unless one succeeds in Pravrutti, he/she will not be admitted into Nivrutti. What I mean is that since Radha failed in justice with her husband, Ayanaghosha, she should not be admitted into Nivrutti by Krishna.]

Swami replied:- If you take the case of Radha, it is climax mad love towards Krishna, which is an infinite ocean that drowned...

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If the love of the Gopikas to God Krishna was pure and devoid of lust, what was the necessity for physical union?

Posted on: 24/04/2023

Shri Anil asked:  If the love of the Gopikas to God Krishna was pure, devoid of lust, how did it result into a physical union? What was the need for physical union if it were pure love?

Swami replied:- Lust is from the point of souls only and the response of God towards them is for their satisfaction. I have told this point in the love of Magdelene towards Jesus and the love of some ladies towards Mohammad...

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What is the message given by Gopikas in refusing the advice of God Krishna?

Posted on: 28/03/2023

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami! What is the final message given by Gopikas in refusing the advice of God Krishna that they should go back to their homes, otherwise, they will face horrible hell?]

Swami replied:- God is greatest and hence, greater than anything and anybody as said in the Veda (Na tat samaścābhyadhikaśca…). Therefore, God is greater than even the advice of God. The love related to the greatest...

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Since Lord is the husband of all the souls, how could the sex between Lord Krishna and Gopikas become illegitimate?

Posted on: 20/03/2023

Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya K asked: Namaste Swami. You are always saying that God is real husband of all souls and all souls are His wives, then how could sex between Lord Krishna and Gopikas becomes illegitimate! I feel this was legitimate and sex between Gopikas and their husbands was wrong because both are wives of Lord Krishna. How could anyone say that sex between two ladies is legitimate. Please clarify. Thank You Swami.

Swami replied:- The word husband (Bhartaa) means maintainer and the word wife (Bhaaryaa) means maintained...

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Why did Gopikas want to have illegitimate sex even when Lord Krishna warned against it?

Posted on: 13/03/2023

Shri Ganesh V asked: Padanamskaram Swamiji, Why did the Gopikas want to have illegitimate sex even when Lord Krishna warned against it? According to a recent answer given by you regarding lust Vs love, you clearly mentioned that Gopikas aim to have sex with Lord Krishna was to please Him and not their selfish lust which was non-existent. Then why did the Gopikas want to have illegitimate sex despite Lord Krishna warning against it? If Lord Krishna warned against it...

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Is God more pleased if we don't follow His words at times?

Posted on: 13/03/2023

Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Lord Krishna orally told to Gopikas to go away to their houses when they approached Him in the midnight. But, Krishna internally was moved by their strength of devotion in not going back and was pleased with their opposition. We usually think that one should follow the words of God to please God. But, this incident always makes me doubt the words of God. Is God pleased more if we don’t follow His words? What is the correct measure...

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