Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 3441 – 3460 of 3596 Records


Posted on: 18/12/2006

Datta is called as Unmatta Datta, which means that Datta is mad. The reason for this is that He gives the absolute divine knowledge from His absolute state, which is the absolute reality. In that state, everything except Him is only relatively real including the souls. In this state, He is called as Nirguna Datta, which means that He is in the state of the absolute reality; free from any relative reality. The entire creation including the souls is only a relative reality. It is just His imagination or quality or feeling (guna). The guna is a property, which is not independent. It always depends on its substratum (Guni). That substratum is God or Parabrahman, who is far beyond our imagination. The knowledge radiating from that state is the absolute truth, which cannot be digested by human beings...

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Posted on: 17/12/2006

Several devotees ask Me about the truth of truths regarding Me.  They are always bothered only about others and not about themselves. I do not know how many of you can digest the truth of truths regarding Me at this moment. O.K. Let Me tell you the absolute truth regarding Myself. Have you heard about God Dattatreya? He is the energetic form into which the God (Parabrahman) entered. What is the difference between Him and Vishnu or Shiva or Brahma, who are also energetic forms of God? The external energetic form of God Dattatreya reveals the full information about God, which is that, God is the Creator, Ruler and Destroyer...

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Posted on: 16/12/2006

All the rituals must be done according to the scriptures, but they should be done with proper understanding of their real spirit. No ritual is condemned by Me but it should be analyzed in depth and then only should be done with proper spirit and direction so that the real fruit can be achieved. When you are unable to understand even the translation of the Vedic hymns recited in rituals, how can you understand the deep sense of the scholarly language of God? When you study an epic written by a poet, you are expected to know all Shastras like grammar, figures of speech and logic to bring out the sense of the word used by the poet etc. In such case, what about the single non-polluted scripture like the Veda...

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Posted on: 15/12/2006

[Divine Message of Swamiji in Reply to Dr. Nikhil’s article on Shri Datta Swami: Nostradamus’ Great Genius]

Just now I received the article written by Dr. Nikhil from U.S.A. about the great Genius predicted by Nostradamus in his prophecy. I congratulate Nikhil for his exceptional talent of presentation of all the points clearly, precisely and directly. I am surprised and literally shocked to see that every point is matching with the present context. The present divine work of Universal Spirituality is exactly coinciding with the prophecy in every point. The prophecy is not based on the astrology, but it is based on the intuition given by the grace of God...

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Posted on: 14/12/2006

The Gita says that a realized soul, who uses the analysis by intelligence, leaves the concepts of both happiness obtained by doing good deeds and misery obtained by doing bad deeds (Buddhi Yukto Jahatiha Ubhe Sukruta Dushkrute). This means that you are trying for the temporary happiness of heaven and trying to avoid the temporary misery of hell here as well as in the upper world. This means that if you are analyzing the scriptures with sharp logic to realize the ultimate goal of the human life, you will not be interested neither in happiness nor in misery during the life as well as after death. The ultimate goal of life is not anything related to yourself, because it is aimed at pleasing the creator...

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Posted on: 13/12/2006

Can a devotee become the full human incarnation? This is a million dollar question in the heart of every devotee, which is hidden in the subconscious state and is unknown to the devotee. But the omniscient Lord knows everything and therefore, answers this question. The straight answer for this is yes. Yes, any devotee has the open chance to become the full human incarnation, which means the human body and the soul (Jeevatman) in to which God enters as in the case of Krishna, Jesus etc. Suppose I come to Vijayawada. I will come to the house of Ajay and stay in his house for a few days to finish My divine work...

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Posted on: 08/12/2006

The atheist directly attacks the very foundation by asking ‘where is God or hell or heaven in this space? I am going even to the moon by a rocket.’ My counter question to him is ‘I agree that I am incapable of showing God or hell or heaven in this space, but can you also show Me the non-existence of God or hell or heaven in this entire space by taking Me in your rocket up to the boundary limits of the infinite space?’ In this situation there are 50-50 probabilities of existence as well as non-existence of God or hell or heaven. In such case, which side will be towards the safety...

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Posted on: 07/12/2006

[This article was written by Dr. Nikhil, Clean Energy Research Center, University of South Florida, U.S.A.]

Michel Nostradamus was a brilliant French prophet and physician of the 16th century. He made deeply insightful prophecies in the form of encrypted verses called as quatrains. Large portions of his prophecies have come true. In his letters to his son César Nostradamus and King Henry II of France, he clearly revealed that his prophecies were divinely inspired. He was a great devotee and made these prophecies on the command of God. He had a sound knowledge of astrology and planetary movements. Although the visions were natural or instinctive...

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Posted on: 04/12/2006

Dr. Nikhil asked: If [1] the sins of undeserving devotee are postponed along with interest to the subsequent birth, [2] the soul is said to be returning from the hell after exhausting the punishments before coming to the next birth. In such case, how to correlate these two points?

Swami Replied: The earth, hell and heaven come under the plane of materialism (Pravrutti) only. The punishment on the earth and the punishment in the hell differ just by the areas present in the same realm of Pravrutti. It is just the difference between a jail in India and a jail in Andaman Islands in the olden days. Therefore, the postponed sin along with the interest can be met with punishment in the hell...

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Posted on: 03/12/2006

[Shri G. Lakshman asked about the state of the human incarnation while granting the boons to His deserving devotees. He wanted to know whether God is in the state of self-realization or in the state of ignorance.]

Swami replied: God will never become fully ignorant in spite of any effort. For the sake of entertainment and enjoyment God also needs the reality of the creation. When the reality of creation is felt the ignorance exists. Reality of the world is proportional to the extent of self-imposed ignorance on God. However, this self imposed ignorance cannot be complete because the sun can never become jet black. At the maximum, the Sun may look dim...

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Posted on: 03/12/2006

Shri M.V.V.S. Prasad, a sincere devotee of Swami asked: Devotees like Meera sang songs and worshipped the statue of Krishna. Is it wrong to worship a statue by songs?

Swami replied: Except atheism, nothing is wrong, but everything has its own place of importance and time in the spiritual path. Taking a slate and pencil in L.K.G. class is not wrong but that is not the final step. What I say is that you should not sit in the L.K.G class through out your lifetime and waste the entire human life which is very very rare and we can say that the human rebirth is almost impossible except in the case of a few deserving devotees. Shankara condemned the rituals (karma marga) and established the divine knowledge (Jnana Yoga). But again He reinstated...

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Posted on: 01/12/2006

Datta Jayanti consists of two words. The first word Datta means given or adopted son, who is not born to the parents who adopt him. Such son is born to some other parents and therefore, he will have the date of birth. The second word Jayanti means the date of birth. In the case of such son or any human being also, the birth refers to the body only and not to the soul. If this is the case of the human being, there is no need to say separately that in the case of incarnation also the God (Parabrahman) takes a body and the birth date belongs to the external body...

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Posted on: 20/11/2006

A few days back Phani developed a doubt in his mind like this: “Why did Swami tell that we should not ask anything from God? What is the reason? What is the harm if we ask Him as we ask our parents?” Phani was sealing all such questions thinking that He should not ask Swami anything about this topic. He simply took a decision that nothing should be asked from God including the reason for it. In the absence of correct reason, the wrong reason takes the place and appears as the correct reason. Sometimes he was thinking that asking the fulfillment of desire from God is in fact justified. Parents feel happy to fulfill the desires of their children...

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Posted on: 20/11/2006

The husband of Smt. Padma Ram lost the Government job due to some inevitable circumstances. A long time passed away and Smt. Padmaram suffered a lot along with her family members. As a true follower of Swami, she never asked Swami to help in this worldly problem. During this time of difficulties her devotion developed very well. Recently her husband told her “You are a devotee of Swami, whom you claim as Datta. In such case, why are you in such serious problem? Your Datta should give me the job and the response should be seen with in a week”. Surprisingly within the week...

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Posted on: 19/11/2006

Shri Ramanath: O Swami, even in some foreign countries, a lot of corruption happens upto the topmost level. I feel that Indians alone need not be blamed for corruption.

Shri Swami: Suppose you are drinking one bottle of wine every day. I show a person who does not take even one drop of wine and then advise you not to drink. Then you will have some inspiration seeing that person and try to stop drinking. Your trial shall be in controlling your habbit of drinking and not to make a search of that person to see whether he drinks or not. If you have found him drinking ten bottles...

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Posted on: 19/11/2006

Sometimes we find a very young boy or girl to be outstanding in education. We appreciate for the exceptional God-given gift. On this point there are two angles of analysis. In one angle such exceptional caliber is appreciable because this present caliber in the Pravrutti (Materialism) will certainly continue in the Nivrutti (Spiritual effort) also in the future. A person who is active in worldly affairs is similar to a person, who is having exceptional speed in running. Unfortunately, he is running in the opposite direction. We have to simply turn him to the right direction. He will achieve the goal very fast...

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Posted on: 13/11/2006

The generation and propagation of the divine knowledge is not a waste. Certainly, all will not change. A few will partially change. One or two in this minority will change completely (Manushyanam…Gita). Majority remains as it is. They are always concentrating on the worldly bonds only. Their goal is money, family, comforts, fame etc., only. At the maximum they may attend some work shops to get relief from the stress because they are tired with the stress by the problems to attain their goals. For them work is worship. Their ultimate and utmost spiritual effort is only the participation...

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Posted on: 10/11/2006

Detachment from the world and attachment to one’s own self is also Nivrutti in relative sense. Nivrutti means simply detachment. The self is also a part of the world. Therefore, such detachment is from all the other items of the world. Thus, the self-attachment is not the complete detachment from the world since the self is also one of the items of the world. The real and absolute Nivrutti is from the entire world (creation) including the self. Buddhists established such total detachment from the world and ended in nothing (Shunyam). This is no doubt, the total detachment from the world...

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Posted on: 09/11/2006

Devotion is of two types, conditional and unconditional. The former is bound by area and time. Within the limits of certain area only God is honored. If God crosses those limits, God is rejected. Therefore, for the devotee the limits of the area happen to be God, since those limits are ultimate for the devotee. God also follows the same rule and cannot help the devotee beyond those limits. In such case God follows the strict rules of the cycle of deeds (karma chakra) and acts according to justice and injustice. At the maximum, God may do some rearrangements like pre-poning of good fruits...

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Posted on: 03/11/2006

The energetic forms like Vishnu, Shiva etc., are the presiding deities of the corresponding upper worlds. Similarly, the present alive human incarnation is the presiding deity of this earth in the corresponding human generation. The energetic forms are permanent and are the various forms of God, which correspond to the souls that entered those worlds. Thus, God exists simultaneously in various energetic forms in the upper world. In the human incarnation the human body...

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