Shri Datta Swami

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How can Parabrahman also be called as Brahman?

Posted on: 08/10/2023

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- Parabrahman is also greatest among all the worldly greatest items or Brahmans...

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Please explain about thoughtless awareness, imaginable awareness and unimaginable awareness.

Posted on: 08/10/2023

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- Thoughtless awareness means only awareness without any thought, retaining only its awareness of awareness...

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Swami answers questions by Ms. Thrylokya

Posted on: 08/10/2023

1. God's samkalpa makes even the smallest action in the world. Does it mean that God is always busy in doing samkalpas continuously?

Swami replied:- God has written the constitution and as per its rules, all actions take place. He is free to entertain Himself with the creation. Once the guidelines are given by God, the actions proceed as per those guidelines and hence, God need...

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Swami answers questions of Smt. Chhanda

Posted on: 07/10/2023

1. a) How to come out of the ego and jealousy?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, in today’s discourse (01/09/2023) You have explained each and every detail of how a spiritual aspirant may slip from his/her spiritual path. The most dangerous one is ego and jealousy. In that context, can You please enlighten us on the following doubts: How to come out of this problem?]

Swami replied:- You should think that all merits belong to God and not to the soul. You should also think that all defects belong to the soul and not to God. You get ego-based jealousy on seeing merits in a soul...

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Swami answers question of Shri Bharath Krishna

Posted on: 07/10/2023

Sometimes, the Incarnation exhibits bad qualities to test devotees. One may assume Him a bad human being and avoid service. How to avoid this?

[Shri Bharath Krishna asked: Padanamskaram Swami, In the recent message of Yours, You have mentioned that we should be careful in avoiding (serving) the bad human beings because God will never be a bad human being. But You also tell that a Human Incarnation exhibits some bad qualities in order to test devotees. There are chances...

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What is the meaning of the word 'Govindaa'?

Posted on: 07/10/2023

[Ms. Geetha lahari asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, What is the meaning of the word GOVINDAA. Thank You Swami, At Your divine lotus feet -Geetha lahari.]

Swami replied:-Govinda’ means the cowherd, who always approaches the cows. The word ‘Go’ means...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Jayesh Pandey

Posted on: 07/10/2023

1. Are the advices/orders of parents be followed blindly?

[Shri Jayesh Pandey asked: Padanamaskaram Swami ji!]

Swami replied:- You must analyse even if God says something. God Krishna told Arjuna...

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Is it true that Christianity is acceptance-based, whereas other monotheistic religions are merit-based?

Posted on: 07/10/2023

[Dr. Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I seek Your kind clarification on the following question. Your servant, Nikhil.

A renowned Christian philosopher claims that there is a fundamental difference between Christianity and other monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Islam. He says that Christianity is an acceptance-based religion, whereas the other monotheistic religions...

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Swami answers questions by Shri Hrushikesh

Posted on: 07/10/2023

1. Is it justified for a devotee to reach out to the incarnation for worldly problems?

[Shri hrushikesh pudipeddi asked: Dear Swami, I request You to kindly help me with the answer for the below questions. I have read in one of Your discourses that Human incarnation will follow the rules of nature of human body. Human incarnation also has birth,hunger, sleep, sex, disease and death. Also, I read that Human incarnation takes the diseases of His devotees and suffers...

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Is it okay to earn money through interest by giving money on loan to others?

Posted on: 07/10/2023

[Shri Manikanta asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Is it okay to earn money through giving interest to other people? By, Manikanta]

Swami replied:- It is quite justified, provided justified interes...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Bhanu Samykya

Posted on: 07/10/2023

a) If God is beginningless, does it imply that there is no possibility of existence of nothingness in all times?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I have few doubts regarding unimaginable God and Incarnation system. a) God is said to be beginningless. Does this imply that there is no possibility of existence of nothingness in past, present or future?]

Swami replied:- Nothingness of the world existed before its creation. God is beginning-less...

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How can space be pervaded by God?

Posted on: 01/10/2023

[Shri Ganesh V asked: Padanamskaram Swamiji, What is the meaning of the word vyāptam in the context of the below slokha from Srimad BhagavadGita.

dyāv ā-pṛithivyor idam antaraṁ hi
vyāptaṁ tvayaikena diśhaśh cha sarvāḥ
dṛiṣhṭvādbhutaṁ rūpam ugraṁ tavedaṁ
loka-trayaṁ pravyathitaṁ mahātman 11.20...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Bharath Krishna

Posted on: 01/10/2023

a) Please correct me if my following understanding of Your knowledge is incorrect.

[Shri Bharath Krishna asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Kindly answer the following questions of mine related to marriage. From the spiritual Knowledge given by You, I have learned the following reasons why a spiritual aspirant should marry. 1. One should get married so that Lord Datta can test one's attachment to Him by competing with these worldly bonds. 2. The life partner will support in Spiritual effort. 3. Biological needs are taken...

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How long can injustice be tolerated?

Posted on: 01/10/2023

Smt. Sudha Rani asked with salutations: Paadanamaskaram Swami, Pandavas patiently tolerated the atrocities of Kauravas on them since childhood. But they fought back after a long time only. How to know when to fight against injustice in our personal life...

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Swami answers questions of Smt. Anita

Posted on: 01/10/2023

1. How to convince a devotee that You are incarnation of God?

[Smt. Anita R asked: 🙏Jai Guru Datta 🙏🙇‍♀️🌺🙏. My Salutations to Sadguru Sri Sri Sri Datta Swamiji 🙏🙏🙏. My son said I believe Lord Dattatreya is God but I don’t believe Datta Swami as God. He is also a man or a person. How to answer this question Swamiji?]

Swami replied:- Leave My case. I am supplying the argument not for My sake, but, for the sake of human incarnation...

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Swami answers questions of Smt. Chhanda

Posted on: 01/10/2023

1. a) Can devotees discuss spiritual knowledge among themselves without Your permission?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, in a spiritual discussion we were stuck with the following points. Please clarify them. a) Among the co-devotees, can we not discuss spiritual knowledge without asking Your permission as we all know and accept that the source of this knowledge is You only?]

Swami replied:- You can discuss spiritual knowledge with your co-devotees freely. But, when you draw conclusions and if those conclusions are not found in My spiritual knowledge, please refer them to Me so that I will give you the final version...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Durgaprasad

Posted on: 01/10/2023

1. Can I have oral discussion of Your knowledge with my wife and other family members?

[Shri Durgaprasad asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, this is regarding Your message to devotees about spiritual discussions. Can I propagate Your knowledge through oral discussions with my wife and other family members who are not ready to read Your messages directly? Kindly enlighten me. At Your lotus feet, -Durgaprasad]

Swami replied:- Certainly one shall start the propagation of spiritual knowledge...

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Devotees get pained seeing the Sadguru suffering for their sins. What is the solution?

Posted on: 12/09/2023

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:–  When the human incarnation is taking the responsibilities and sins of His devotees, the real devotees get pained at the suffering of the contemporary human incarnation. What is the solution?]

Swami replied:– Actually, God is omnipotent and takes the responsibilities of all the devoted souls. God is the absolute reality...

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Will all qualities go away when Kalki gives the shock treatment to living beings?

Posted on: 08/09/2023

Ms. Thrylokya asked:– With reference to the question asked by Ms. Purnima (September 05, 2023), I got a doubt. When Kalki gives electric shock treatment to living beings, will all qualities go away? If all qualities go away, what is the quality leftover...

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Is it justified to do sins and escape the punishments through worship?

Posted on: 08/09/2023

[Ms. Purnima asked: If we do sins and worship God, becoming a devotee, do these sins and their punishments get cancelled, does it become justified?]

Swami replied:– In the Gita, God Krishna says that even a sinner can escape the punishments through devotion of God (Api cet sa durācāro…). God also said in the Gita that for the sake of God you can even leave...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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