Shri Datta Swami

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Why did the Lord create this creation? Do we have a free will or should we just do our duty?

Posted on: 05/02/2005

In fact the Lord is satisfied by Himself as said in the Brahma Sutra (Lokavattu Leela Kaivalyam). The Lord gets satisfaction when His devotee gets...

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Rohit Gita - IV

Posted on: 04/02/2005


It is a good point that not only God is unimaginable but also

The inseparable characteristics of God are also unimaginable.


The unimaginable God is called as Brahman

Or Jehovah or Allah, beyond the space & time

If the characteristics of God are imaginable, then

Brahman becomes imaginable, if the sunlight is seen...

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What is the purpose of human life? Can we see and talk to God?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

In the materialistic plane, a person says that the aim of his life is to achieve a particular post [career objective] and then help his family...

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What is the difference between Brahman and Ishwara? Who is Datta?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Brahman is pure awareness. You can attain peace and bliss by ‘becoming’ Brahman, which is yourself. If you detach from the body and feel...

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What is the goal of the three Acharyas? Brahman or Ishwara?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Brahman is called as Nirguna Brahman, when the Brahman is without Maya. When Brahman is associated with Maya it is called as Saguna Brahman or...

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How can a different substance (creation) come from Brahman?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

[From pure water only pure water can come; not mud.] The actual Nirguna Brahman is beyond imagination. But in the example, your eyes see the pure...

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What do you mean by Vairaagyam, Sayujyam and Kaivalyam?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

When you cut all your bonds of love for all the things and for all the people in this world, it is called ‘Vairaagyam’. But this stage...

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What is the use of Advaita in the practical spiritual effort?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Since there is utility in Advaita, it was brought by Shankara into practical spiritual effort (sadhana). Actually Advaita was the situation before...

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Is this world real or unreal?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Shankara never said that this world is not a truth. He said that this world is Mithya. Mithya means very little truth, which can be almost...

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Is self-realization not complete salvation and achievement of God?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

The word Atma (self) is common in both Jeevatma (soul) and Paramatma (Lord). The word collector is common in both district collector and bill...

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Doesn't the knower of Brahman become Brahman?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

People have given your interpretation, which I know very well. But I give this interpretation because the Gita says “Mamtu Veda...

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Is peace the characteristic of the spiritual path?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

It is correct to a certain extent, till you reach the self (Jeevatma). But the spiritual journey does not stop there. When you differentiate...

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How can every religion say that if you do not worship their God, you will go to hell?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Christians say that if people do not worship Jesus, they will go to hell, which is the everlasting fire. Hindus (Vaishnavas) say that if one does...

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Is there rebirth for a soul?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Only one Lord created this entire universe. He must have told the same knowledge everywhere in the world. The apparent contradiction is only due to...

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Can You please explain the rebirth of a soul as animals and birds?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

In Islam and Christianity there is no rebirth for the soul. The soul gets human birth only once. After this human birth the soul will either go to...

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Why do You preach discouraging things like sacrifice of money and absence of rebirth?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

The Guru must encourage the disciple in the beginning by telling certain lies and such encouragement is not wrong. But the Guru should not continue...

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Why did God create sin?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

The Lord is always kindest and is interested in the happiness of all the human beings, who are all His children. The Gita says that the Lord is the...

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How can continuously doing good deeds, be boring?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Doing good things is different and enjoying the results of good deeds is different. One can prepare sweets continuously but one cannot eat sweets...

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Is there sin in a tiger killing a deer for food?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

Killing an innocent beautiful deer is the greatest sin and the birth of the tiger itself is the result of the soul’s bad deeds in the past....

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Are our present troubles due to our past sins or due to the will of God?

Posted on: 04/02/2005

People say that it is the sin of their previous birth whenever they are in trouble. They pose as if they are very pure in this life from their...

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Note: Articles marked with symbol are meant for scholars and intellectuals only


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