Swamiji has composed hundreds of devotionals songs and hymns on a number of deities. These exquisitely composed hymns are filled to the brim with Swami's divine knowledge and the sweetness of devotion for God. Swami says that one should sing them with total absorption of the mind, remembering all that God has done for us and thanking Him:
All the difficulties that He helped us cross effortlessly...
All those sorrowful moments when He was by our side and comforted us...
All those disasters that we miraculously escaped...
All those successes that He generously showered on us, although we did not deserve them.
The key is to sing with complete absorption of the mind. As we thank God thus, the heart fills with gratitude and devotion, and the eyes overflow with tears. That gives God the greatest bliss; when His beloved devotees so gratefully and humbly appreciate His help and protection. Even though He is not bound to do anything in this creation, He incessantly continues to work for the upliftment of His dearest devotees and the entire humanity. He expects nothing in return; not even thanks. But when those beloved devotees sing His praises and gratefully appreciate His efforts, His bliss knows no bounds. He drinks deeply, this sweetest nectar of devotion.
These are extremely powerful hymns and many devotees have experienced miraculous effects such as healings, protection in difficulties etc. upon singing them with full absorption of mind as mentioned above.
For lyrics of the Bhajans please click here.
Here, you can listen and download the bhajans sung by Swamiji Himself and two close devotees of Swamiji — Smt. Devi and Smt Padmaram. To download Right Click and "Save As"
*Bhajans sung by Swamiji(), by Smt. Padmaram (
), by Smt. Devi (