Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 3481 – 3500 of 3596 Records


Posted on: 16/08/2006

[2nd Message on the Eve of Krishnashtami] Lord Krishna proved that knowledge is always the highest because knowledge is related to intelligence (Buddhi). Therefore, the Jnana Yoga is also called as the Buddhi Yoga by which you can certainly attain God (Dadami...). The knowledge gives devotion and you can attain God by devotion. Unless you know that the boy is your son, you will not love him. When you know more and more about God’s greatness, your love increases proportionally. Therefore knowledge generates devotion and also develops the devotion. Knowledge also leads to right action...

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Posted on: 15/08/2006

[Krishnashtami day] Krishna is not counted in the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu as per the verse “Pari Purna Tamah Sakshat….” The Ashtapadi of Jayadeva also reveals the same. Vishnu represents the quality of Sattvam. However, if you see Krishna, He exhibited all the three qualities i.e. Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas equally. Brahma stands for Rajas and Shiva stands for Tamas. Vishnu stands for maintenance and administration of creation. Brahma is the author of the constitution of creation (Veda). Shiva is the force that punishes evil. An administrator needs the knowledge of the constitution and also the potentiality of punishment and only then will the administration...

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Posted on: 10/08/2006

Devotees’ Enquiry: [The following question was asked by Devi and Nikhil to Swami:

Padanamaskaram Swamiji, We are aware that You have said that Shri Sathya Sai Baba is a complete incarnation of Lord Datta and we completely believe that. We beg Your forgiveness for the impudent nature of this question. It is based on the perceptions of the majority of ignorant people, including ex-devotees of Shri Satya Sai...

Lord Datta Answers:To answer this question, Lord Datta Himself has to come forward. I prayed to Lord Datta to answer it through My mouth and now Lord Datta is speaking through My mouth:

I enter the human body to establish both dharma in Pravrutti as well as the path to please Me through Nivrutti. By following the Pravrutti Dharma, the souls will not displease Me, because the foundation of the society which is the stage for My divine play is to be protected. I enter several human bodies at a time for various programs from time to time according to the requirement. This type is called as Purnaavatara...

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Posted on: 27/07/2006

To earn money for basic needs is Bhukti.
Relief from the worldly stress is Mukti.
First is generation and second is preservation of Shakti.
God is the source of both these, devotion is Bhakti.
God is the main aim of life, concentration in it is Rakti.

Arjuna is fighting for his kingdom, which is essential to meet his basic needs. This fight caused lot of stress both physically and mentally. This point relates to your professional work, in which also, lot of stress and strain accumulates on you. Love on grandfather and anger on Duryodhana created confusion and emotion. Love and anger bring the stress and create lot of mental...

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Posted on: 27/07/2006

God is the Ultimate Basis of Creation: Starting from Energy, up to the form, the entire creation is Maya only, which means wonderful because with respect to God, this creation is unreal by itself, yet it attracts and confuses every soul as if it only exists. The ultimate basis is God. Without God, Energy is unreal and does not exist at all. Without Energy matter and awareness do not exist because matter, awareness, light, heat, etc., are forms of Energy only. Without matter, form cannot exist and without awareness quality cannot exist. Thus Maya exists at three levels. The highest level is Energy and Energy can be unreal for God only. This Energy-level is called as the Mula Maya. The second higher level is Maha Maya, which is conversion...

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Posted on: 20/07/2006

Devotion is of two types. The first type is called simply as Bhakti and it consists of prayers or songs through words and emotional feelings through mind. This Bhakti gives only temporary happiness. Knowledge is related to intelligence, which is the discrimination between the real and unreal through logical analysis. By such discrimination, you can realize that all the forms of matter and all the feelings of awareness are unreal. When you have realized that all the forms (rupa) and feelings (guna) are unreal even before the level of yourself, which is pure awareness, your life completely becomes an entertainment in both happy and unhappy situations. Self realization makes...

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Posted on: 18/07/2006

Energy is inert because it is only a property i.e., it is the work of God and so it depends on God. Energy appears as matter and awareness, which are its different forms. Beauty is a property of matter. The face of a girl is made of matter. Beauty is a form of matter. Apart from [physical] beauty, you also see the shine on her face, which is light. Apart from matter and awareness, energy also exists in the form of light, heat, sound, electricity etc. You are more attracted to her internal personality too, which consists of beautiful qualities like love, generosity...

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Posted on: 25/06/2006

[This is telephonic Divine Discourse given by Swami on June 25, 2006, in response to questions asked by devotees from various places in the world. The questions asked by devotees were pertaining to practical worldly problems faced by them. Swami has answered the questions based on the essential message of all the religious scriptures of the world such as the Veda, Bible, Gita, Quran, the Puranas and the great epics.]

Guru Selection: Mrs. Bhargavi (USA), who has created a website on the human incarnation and is a devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, bombarded Swami with a question: “Why have You advertised Your miracles in Your website and propagated about Yourself? We are in search of a Guru, please guide us”. Swami replied, “If you give Me the appointment order to join the duty as your Guru, I shall join at once. I shall be very happy if you select Me as your Guru after conducting an interview and analyzing Me patiently.” A saint from Varanasi came to see Sai Baba. On his arrival, he found a procession in which Baba was walking for relaxation...

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Posted on: 25/06/2006

Love and Sex: [Replies to some phone calls from USA:] Getting the grace of the Lord is more important than pleasing yourself with worldly pleasures here, which includes getting fame. Pleasing the Lord is more important than getting the grace of the Lord. The sages tried to get the grace of the Lord through penance, to save themselves from hell. But the same sages in the form of Gopikas tried to please the Lord even at the cost of going to hell by offering the dust of their feet to Lord Krishna. Therefore, the Gopikas are treated higher than the Lord by the Lord Himself and the life of the Gopikas is more sacred than penance. Bhagavatam, which explains the life of the Gopikas, should be the highest aim of this human life. All the greatness of Bhagavatam is due to the Gopikas. Radha, who even became mad in the love of God, stands as the queen of the Gopikas. The grace of the Lord indicates...

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Posted on: 19/05/2006

[Smt. Padma, wife of Shri Sarma passed a comment “God seems to be interested in money”. Sarma became angry and told her that she will be punished by God for commenting like that. Sarma came to Swami and complained about the matter. Swami told him, “You should not threaten anybody like that. You should analyze the topic and convince people through knowledge. By threatening, the thought is only suppressed and not removed”. Sarma came back along with his wife to Swami and Swami delivered the following divine discourse to the devotees.]

Why Is God After Money?: People say that God is [interested] in money. It is correct because money is Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Narayana is always in her heart. Money is also in the heart of God because Goddess Lakshmi is in His heart. Whatever is in the heart of Lord, the same came out in His word which is the Veda. The Veda says that sacrifice of money alone can please the Lord (Dhanena Tyagenaikena)...

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Posted on: 19/05/2006

[Hanumat Jayanti Day, the birth anniversary of Hanuman] The festival of Hanumat Jayanti is coming in 2-3 days and happens to fall on this Monday. How to celebrate this festival? The low level of celebration is done when devotees worship Hanuman by offering leaves, fruits, special food items and prayers and then finally ask for worldly boons. The second middle level of worship is doing Bhajans on Hanuman with emotion, which represents the love for Hanuman. Since in the middle level there is no desire for boons, certainly the middle level is higher than the low level. But the best and highest level of worshipping Hanuman is to analyze what Hanuman practiced...

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Posted on: 17/05/2006

[Shri Ramnath asked a question to Swami as to why human beings feel and talk like immortals].

Every human being is a composite of three bodies which are the outermost gross body and the pair of inner most subtle and causal bodies. The inner most subtle and causal bodies can never be separated. The causal body is like gold and the subtle body is like its ornament. The ornament cannot exist without gold. But the gold can exist without the ornament. In a realized soul, the subtle body which is a bundle of qualities subsides and only the causal body or the soul is leftover. Only in an ordinary human being does the subtle body...

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Posted on: 23/04/2006

[The following is the discourse given by Swami in reply to the criticism of a saint (monk), from Varanasi. The saint is a well known scholar, well versed in the Advaita school of Vedanta, other darshanas and six Vedangas. He was told about Shri Datta Swami and His teachings by Swami’s devotees. He severely criticized Swami on several points and was concerned that the devotees of Swami are not on the right path. Swami gave the following brilliant discourse in which He has refuted all the criticisms of the saint and has given a teaching for the upliftment of the saint.]

Shankara’s Commentary: There are two items. One is the memorization of knowledge called as vyutpatti. The second is Pratibha, which means the assimilation of the real interpretation by sharp analysis. A debate will be meaningful if the opponent has Pratibha. There is no meaning in arguing with a person who only has Vyutpatti. He will repeat the same text again and again for any of your arguments. He may have memorized the commentary of Shankara very well. But insight is needed for any development. Vyutpatti only leads...

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Posted on: 23/04/2006

When any facility is available in the nature, the Lord will use it. Only when extreme necessity comes, the Lord uses His superpower [to overrule the laws of nature]. Shankara walked all over India for debates because there were no computers, emails or telephones through which arguments could be done. Once He wanted to argue with Kumarila Bhatta. But when Shankara looked through divine vision, the Bhatta was burning his body as self-punishment for a sin he had committed. He was sitting in a heap of paddy husk and had ignited it, so that it burnt his body slowly. For Shankara there was no time to reach there by foot. Therefore, there was an extreme necessity to use His superpower. Immediately He traveled through space...

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Posted on: 18/04/2006

[Discourse given by Swami in response to question asked by Nikhil, Smt. Devi and Smt. Gayathry] Jesus preached wonderful knowledge. The ordinary fishermen were convinced and followed Him as the Lord. The priests of the church were great saints, who were unmarried and left everything for the sake of God. Those priests were certainly higher than ordinary people. The ordinary people followed Jesus because they were convinced in their minds, intelligence and consciousness...

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Posted on: 05/04/2006

O, Brahmin priests! Even today you are the qualified agents for the propagation of divine knowledge of the Lord. Even today the public is inviting you alone to perform religious ceremonies, which are either auspicious or inauspicious. Every human being has to attend the ceremonies and spend some of his time, energy and money either willingly or unwillingly. Everybody is forced by tradition to attend these ceremonies. Even a human being who is busy with his business or profession and does not spend even a single minute for spiritual knowledge and God also has to attend these ceremonies...

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Posted on: 19/03/2006

The meaning of the word Narayana is the Lord who has taken the shelter of a human body. The word ‘Nara’ means the human body. ‘Ayana’ means the person who has taken Nara as his shelter. This meaning of this word exactly coincides with the verse in the Gita “Manusheem tanumasritam”. The Lord is beyond the scope of even the intelligence and logic. You cannot understand anything about Him in any angle as said in the Gita “Mamtuveda Nakaschana…”. In the Veda there are several statements which say that He is beyond the words, mind...

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Posted on: 18/03/2006

The jealousy and ego towards a human incarnation are not directed towards the inner Lord present in the human body but are towards the external human body. People think that the human incarnation is just the human being i.e., the human body. Every human being has jealousy towards another human being in this world. Nobody can tolerate the point of “greaterness” of another human being compared to oneself in any aspect like wealth, knowledge etc. Unless this repulsion towards fellow human beings is removed, the jealousy towards the human incarnation...

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Posted on: 17/03/2006

Several devotees are repeatedly asking Me about one point: How to remove ego towards a human incarnation? The answer for this is that if you are aware of the thief, it is sufficient and he cannot steal anything from your house. It is not necessary to kill the thief and remove him permanently. Similarly, if you are aware of jealousy and ego, the effects are nullified. If you are alert about the thief, who is closely associated with you as your relative, it is sufficient. It is not necessary to kill him or to throw him out from the house.You can keep him in your house constantly...

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Posted on: 12/02/2006

Shankara declared Himself as the Lord in human form. But He knew that people would immediately revolt against Him. At that time, people were either Buddhists or followers of Purva Mimamsa (ritualistic tradition). Both were highly arrogant and egoistic and would not tolerate this concept in which they would have to worship a human being as God. Therefore, Shankara was very clever and following their psychology, declared that every human being is God. Of course He used the word Brahman, which was misunderstood as God by the people. The human being is the greatest created item and can be called as Brahman. But He did not reveal this secret...

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