Shri Datta Swami

 27 Jul 2006



God is the Ultimate Basis of Creation: Starting from Energy, up to the form, the entire creation is Maya only, which means wonderful because with respect to God, this creation is unreal by itself, yet it attracts and confuses every soul as if it only exists. The ultimate basis is God. Without God, Energy is unreal and does not exist at all. Without Energy matter and awareness do not exist because matter, awareness, light, heat, etc., are forms of Energy only. Without matter, form cannot exist and without awareness quality cannot exist. Thus Maya exists at three levels. The highest level is Energy and Energy can be unreal for God only. This Energy-level is called as the Mula Maya. The second higher level is Maha Maya, which is conversion of existing Energy into matter, awareness and other forms like light, heat etc. This second level of Maha Maya constitutes the super powers (Asta Siddhis). The third level is Maya, by which you can produce a form like pot from mud (Matter) or a feeling from awareness. The soul can cross this Maya and realize the unreality of forms and feelings. A blessed soul by God can control the Maha Maya also and can create matter, awareness (life), light, heat, etc., from the existing Energy. But the blessed devotee can be even a demon and Satan has all these superpowers and controls the Maha Maya. You cannot differentiate Krishna and a demon at this level. Krishna created Energy, which is converted into gold (matter) and the matter is converted into a pot. Thus He controlled the three types of Maya. The demon also produced a golden pot but he did not create Energy. From the existing energy only he created gold and pot from gold. Thus the demon controls only Maha Maya and Maya but not Mula Maya. But you cannot differentiate Krishna from the demon on the basis of the creation of golden pot because the creation of Energy by Krishna is invisible. Therefore, miracles indicate power of God but not God. A solar battery producing light indicates the capture of the Solar-Energy but not capture of the Sun.

Family Life is a Co-Curricular Activity

Realize that this family life is only a co-curricular activity like games, seeing picture etc. The spiritual effort to get the grace of God is the main aim like the academic work of a student in the college. Play the game with full involvement as you read, but do not bother about the success or defeat in the game. Your purpose of playing the game is to have a change from studies. For such a change, a real involvement in playing is essential so that you will have a real change. Your aim is not success or defeat in the game. So, do the worldly works with full dedication so that you will have a real change and the purpose is served. Do not bother about the result and this will avoid all the tensions as said in the Gita (Karmanyevadhikarah…). But for this, you have to realize that the game is a side-activity. For this you should first identify the main activity, which is spiritual effort (Nivrutti or Sadhana) i.e., to please God by your service which is the proof of your real love to God.

But, today, the preachers are not emphasizing on the main activity, which is the main aim of human life. They are concentrating only on the side activity and so the people are feeling that the game is the main activity. Now the preacher says that one should not bother about the results. How this is possible? It is impossible as long as one does not recognize the main activity and as long as one is confined to the side activity. Unless you show the ocean, you cannot make him realize that the well is a petty item. How can you relieve the people from stress as long as they feel that the game is the main activity?

The lack of complete knowledge is the main reason of lack of spiritual practice and practice alone can bring the grace of God. Once you are convinced, the determination comes out, which spontaneously results in practice. If all your doubts are cleared, you are convinced. All the doubts are cleared only when the knowledge is true and complete. Therefore, at present, there is a bare necessity of propagation of the divine knowledge, which should be up to the standard of the present developments of science. Science represents the stage of the development of the analytical faculty of humanity. The present standard should be kept in your view. Otherwise people will not be convinced.

The last incarnation is Kalki, which is after Krishna and Buddha. Both Krishna and Buddha preached the divine knowledge at very high analytical level. Kalki will be in that level and will not go to the level of physically killing the people with a sword moving on the fast horse. The sword is the divine knowledge and the horse is the present fast propagating electronic media. The knowledge of Kalki is final. If the ignorant person is killed, he will be born again as ignorant. The ignorance must be killed. All of you should participate in the divine mission of the Lord practically and get the real and permanent grace of the Lord.

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