Shri Datta Swami

 17 Aug 2024


As no fruit shall be aspired from God, how can a mantra be recited for the removal of worldly problems?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, You have given the mantra “Shri Anjaneya - Shri Subrahmanya” for removal of worldly problems. Some of my friends are telling that such mantra may be the prayer to God aspiring for some result in return. You have also told that no fruit shall be aspired from God for  devotion.]

Swami replied:- Both these statements are correct in their own contexts, which are Pravrutti (worldly life) and Nivrutti (spiritual life). Nivrutti can’t be taken up when there is mental worry. Mental peace is very much required in the path of Nivrutti so that you can concentrate on God with a peaceful mind. To get a peaceful mind, you require the solution of worldly problems. Here, you must note one important point, which is that you are not aspiring mental peace for the sake of worldly enjoyment in the future. You are asking God for mental peace so that you are able to serve God peacefully. If this aim is present in your mind, praying God to solve the worldly problems for mental peace cannot become the aspiration from God in return. Your direction of intention to get mental peace decides whether your intention is pure or impure. Hence, such prayer to God aspiring for mental peace is not wrong at all. If somebody has the strength of tolerance in suffering the punishments of sins, such a climax devotee need not bother about this mantra or any prayer to God because the devotee is in climax state of devotion like Sudaama and Gopikas. The climax devotion itself gives such wonderful tolerance in enjoying the fruits of deeds. Such climax devotees think “Let me enjoy the fruits of my deeds, which is justified as per the divine constitution”. But, such devotees are very very rare. Majority of the humanity is not in such climax state of devotion. The aim of the divine spiritual knowledge is to cover the majority of humanity and not a minority. Such climax devotees will continue the service and sacrifice to God without being affected by the suffering of the fruits of their sins. Such devotees are very rare exceptional cases.

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