Shri Datta Swami

 31 Aug 2024


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Can't we live without having debt to someone?

[Shri Ramakanth asked:- Swami, You said that we are born to souls to whom we have debt to pay in our past births – ‘Runanubandha’. But, every human being must be born to someone. Does this mean that we can’t live without having debt to someone and as long as we reborn, we must have had an unpaid debt? If we don’t have any debts, will we not be born again in this world?]

Swami replied:- Runaanubandha is the reason for rebirth to pay back the loan taken from our issues in the past birth. This is one aspect of rebirth. The soul has to take rebirth in this world to undergo the fruits of certain deeds done in the past birth under special circumstances. This is another aspect of rebirth. Moreover, not having rebirth does not mean avoiding rebirth in this world. It only means avoiding rebirth with worldly fascinations. Liberated souls take rebirth along with the incarnation of God to assist Him in His mission and they are not trapped by the worldly bonds. Such rebirth is not at all the rebirth we think, which is entangled by worldly bonds. Even God is taking rebirth again and again as human incarnations to uplift devotees (Janma Karma ca me divyam…, Sambhavāmi yuge yuge… Gita). Avoiding rebirth means not to be born again in this world in a birth that is trapped by bonds of worldly fascinations.


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