Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 14 Jun 2021


Can Prophet Mohammad be treated to be equal to Krishna?

[Śrī Anil asked: In an online discussion, the following person objected to my addressing Prophet Muhammad as Holy Mohammad. He could not tolerate Mohammad being called holy, which would give Him an equal status as God Kṛṣṇa.

Opponent: You say Holy Mohammad? So, the key to being called spiritually awakened, intellectual, tolerant, secular and wise in the Kali Yuga is to call anyone holy, even if he is pure evil! Have you studied Islam? Have you read the Quran and the Hadiths? How sad Kṛṣṇa must be that His so-called followers have put a blindfold over their eyes in the name of spirituality. Spirituality does not mean tolerating evil. And here you are glorifying it! Kṛṣṇa taught us to identify and fight injustice (adharma) and to do our karma. And here ‘intellectuals’ like you glorify someone whose followers have committed genocide, massacres, and bloodshed for centuries and are continuing to do so even now. You will not ask why this is happening. If you study Islam, you might realize it is nothing but the most violent cult humanity has seen. Even then you will not speak out and guide people because you think it will lower your status as a ‘spiritual master’ or a ‘spiritually awakened’ person. You have to keep up your act of being a ‘Mahatma’. Shameful! You comment on questions related to Kṛṣṇa, but you have nothing to do with Kṛṣṇa.]

Swami replied: You are infected by excessive emotion that has spoilt your mental health. You lack a cool mind and patience. Your words encourage fanaticism and terrorism, which disturbs world peace. The promoter of terrorism is more dangerous than even a terrorist. You want to enrage others and increase hatred and quarrels within humanity. People like you are the real demons. You are blind with mad religious fanaticism. People like you are the real virus for world peace, who are more dangerous than COVID-19! I cannot give counter-arguments to a madman like you.

If a person or a group of persons commits a sin, that person or that group must certainly be condemned, whatever be their religion. But you cannot condemn the entire community. You are blaming and criticizing others. Have you ever criticized yourself for your own defects? Do you not have any defect? Do you only have all merits? Everyone has both merits and defects. Let us unite with each other in friendship and correct ourselves. Then, let us take the merits from every religion and try to follow them. Are there different Gods just because there are different religions? God will get very furious with mad people like you, who spoil the peace of His creation. Certainly, violence is necessary as the last resort to reform the criminal, at least temporarily. God too adopts violence to punish sinners, but only as the last resort. We must attempt to bring about unity through Universal Spirituality. This step must come before punishing any sinner belonging to any religion. In the first step, we must try for unity with our hearts full of love. War is only the last resort. This is exactly what Kṛṣṇa did before the Mahābhārata war.
