Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 11 Aug 2021


Can we say that a soul is liberated as long as it is serving contemporary human incarnation of God?

[Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked: Can we say that a soul is liberated as long as it is serving contemporary human incarnation of God and the same soul is bonded when it is under the influence of worldly thoughts?]

Swāmi Replied:- The first phase is pure Pravṛtti in which the soul is under the continuous and constant influences of the worldly bonds. The second phase is mixture of both Pravṛtti and Nivṛtti in which as the bond with God gains strength, the worldly bonds become gradually weak. In the third phase, only one bond with God (contemporary human incarnation) remains. These three levels of detachment from worldly bonds show the three levels of attachment to God. Even a liberated soul accompanying God in human form undergoes these three phases to set an example for the devotees to be liberated. Actually, such liberated souls do not recognise that they are acting because in such case, they can’t act perfectly. Such Spiritual progress of the liberated soul, in fact, is not real at all. Even the human incarnation covers its brain with lot of ignorance only to enjoy the world drama fully. The incarnation has the facility to come out of its ignorance at any time and this facility is not with the liberated soul. But, if the incarnation wishes, the liberated soul can identify itself as the truly liberated soul at any time.
