Shri Datta Swami

 11 Nov 2017


Datta Avatara Sutram: Chapter-12 Part-2

Adhyaayah (Twelveth Chapter Continued…)
10) Mataantareshvapi pravruttyanganivruttih pradarshitaa.
Even in other religions, Pravrutti is main and Nivrutti is also mentioned as the basic part of Pravrutti only. This is exhibited by incarnations as the main program.

[Even in other religions, the scriptures preached by human incarnations like Buddha, Christ, Mohammad etc., are related to the program of control of sins and establishment of justice so that the humanity can live with peace and stability. This pravrutti is the foundation on which the mighty building of Nivrutti can be constructed. The excess fascination to own body and limited family bonds results in doing sins and ending with miseries. God, as Father, is anxious to remove the misery of His issues. The link between sin and misery obtained as its punishment is purely based on the existence of unimaginable God and His unimaginable power. The same rule as applied to sins is also applicable to good deeds and their fruits. If the unimaginable and omnipotent God is believed, then only, it is possible to control the sin. Every human soul must develop a strong psychology that even if it escapes the punishment from the worldly Government, it can never escape the punishment from unimaginable God either in this life or after this life. At the same time, punishment must be witnessed in this life also so that there is authority of perception for inevitable punishment given by unimaginable God. Almost all the human souls are controlled through the fear of inevitable punishment only that alone can control the sin. Control of sin due to love on God (since God dislikes the sin) is limited to very very few souls of Nivrutti only, who are almost nil in number. In this way, Nivrutti is not at all useful in direct control of sin. But, Nivrutti is fascination to God that can reduce the excess worldly fascination and thus is very useful in controlling the sin at the very basic step. Hence, in the scriptures meant for Pravrutti, Nivrutti is also introduced. Even though little Nivrutti is sufficient for this purpose, climax of Nivrutti is explained since little practical achievement requires highest goal to be fixed in theory. The incarnations of God always maintain the program in this line only.]

11) Sarvo hi svaartho bhagavadaashaa tu.
Every human soul is selfish only in devotion, but, God continues with endless hope!

[Except very very few blessed souls having real love to God, which is relieved from aspiration of any fruit in return, all human souls are lacking even the scent of Nivrutti. Every soul in this world loves God only for fruits in return only and hence their devotion is instrumental, which means that God is loved since He is the instrument to achieve some selfish fruit. The love to God is based on two types of fruits:- 1) To avoid the punishments of sins (done here), here as well as there (hell) and 2) To get benefits and pleasures without doing good deeds here as well as there (heaven). Even an old human being relieved from all difficulties and blessed by all benefits by God, here in this life, still, continues devotion to God, not due to gratefulness to Him, but, due to fear for hell and desire for heaven after the life there! Hence, you can never expect real Nivrutti to God from any human soul in any place and at any time and this is the practical truth!! The real love without aspiration for any fruit (Nivrutti) can be expected from any soul in the case of its close family only!!! Still, God continues to bless and protect the devoted souls for their unreal devotion (God knows that their devotion is unreal), having endless hope that the devotee will turn to real Nivrutti in His case on someday or other in future!!!!]

12) Raajapushtavedaantaprayojanam paramam.
Spiritual knowledge supported by ancient kings has the greatest application.

[Fools think that spiritual knowledge is theoretical without any practical application. In fact, no subject has practical application as much as the spiritual knowledge has! If the sin is controlled by the spiritual knowledge, self-resistance to sin is induced in every soul so that the efforts of the Government to control the sin disappear and the administration of public becomes very smooth. For this purpose, ancient kings supported spiritual knowledge in education system and they are thought to be fools today! The main purpose of God is to preach knowledge to achieve peace in society. What is the use of developing materialistic education, when spiritual education that controls sins is not developed? The fruits of developed materialistic education will not reach the real needy from Government if thieves are standing in between! Hence, the program of the incarnation of God is always to rectify this most important basic defect, which is strengthened by atheism.]

13) Dattaguroh saama dandaat purah.
Datta is the first preacher and His preaching is the last warning before punishment.

[The first energetic incarnation of unimaginable God (Parabrahma) is Guru Datta (Father of heaven), who is famous as preacher of spiritual knowledge. Hence, the primary aim of the absolute God is to preach spiritual knowledge by which the world becomes sinless and peaceful. Punishment of sinners is in support of this only to control the sin at least through fear. This should not be taken as the cruel nature of God in not excusing the sinners. If this criticism is true, the present existing judicial system is to be abandoned! You may say that the present judicial system is taking care in that line and spiritual knowledge need not repeat that again by punishing sinners. You are totally mistaken because the system of punishment in spiritual knowledge by the incarnations of God is based on the point that one can’t escape punishment from God even if he escapes it from the judicial system. Such point is established by the incarnations of God by killing the demons as punishment of sinners. For such divine punishment, omnipotence of unimaginable God must be proved through miracles, which are often done by the incarnations. In fact, some Christians mock Hindus by saying that Krishna punished sinners where as Jesus excused sinners. But, Jesus showed the horrible hell for sinners, who are not listening Him. The divine preacher tries to the level best to reform the soul through peaceful preaching and love before the last resort of punishment is given. God came as Buddha to preach souls in extremely peaceful way before coming as Kalki to give serious punishment to all sinners. Such peaceful message is the last warning given to the humanity. Inter-religious quarrel is meaningless if the background philosophy is understood.]

14) Purobodho Brahamano dvaabhyaam dandashcha.
Brahma gives initial preaching. Vishnu and Shiva add punishment also.

[The items present in the six hands of Datta indicate this concept. The first two lower hands having garland of beads and small jug of water indicate Brahma, from whose brain the Veda (Knowledge) came through preaching by tongue on which Saraswati (speech) exists. This shows primary preaching of spiritual knowledge without any punishment. The next upper hands contain a musical instrument (Damaruka) indicating speech by sound as prior warning and Trishula (weapon with three tips) that punishes the three types of ego. The upper most hands have similar conch shell (Shankha) blown as prior warning and rotating wheel (chakra) used to cut throat (speaking wrong concepts) for punishment. This shows the philosophy of the divine preacher to give initial preaching followed by warning and punishment to create fear in sinners. This is the basic philosophy exhibited by all His subsequent incarnations like Madhva, Ramanuja and Shankara.]

15) DanditaSomakahrutajnnanachakshurmatsyam.
The first incarnation as Fish indicates third eye of knowledge stolen by worldly pleasures to be controlled.

[Even in the ten incarnations of God, you will find the preaching of spiritual knowledge associated with punishments of sinner through unimaginable power by God. The first incarnation is fish, which indicates the eye (knowledge eye) that enlightens truth from falsehood indicating the preaching of spiritual knowledge. It is said that God as fish killed the demon called Somaka, who stole the Veda. Somaka means the juice of the plant called as Soma, which is intoxicant like wine drunk by mixing it with milk and honey. This indicates the worldly pleasures, which steal the analytical knowledge (Veda) of God. The first incarnation of God indicated by the third hidden knowledge-eye, results in restoration of spiritual knowledge stolen by worldly pleasures. Somaka indicates the false preacher, who steals the true knowledge and punished by God. Spiritual knowledge and punishment of sinner to cause fear for sin are the main aspects of the divine program of incarnation.]

16) Karmapitha kurma samatvam phale jivah.
Tortoise, the second incarnation indicates equal basic support of every action and fruits depend on souls.

[The second incarnation is ‘Tortoise’ standing as the base for the work of churning the sea by angels and demons. This indicates that God’s will acts as the basic power for any action. The direction is decided by the soul, which gets its related fruit. Demons due to ego stood on the side of the face of serpent and angels stood on the side of the tail. The face of serpent acting as rope was omitting poison and many demons were killed by that. The poison of the serpent fallen in the sea was emitted as horrible ‘halaahala’ poison and demons were affected by that. The angels were benefited by the divine nectar. Hence, fruits depend on the direction of the action given by soul.]

17) Avivekaahantayaa nashtaa asuyayaa.
Evil souls are always lost by the blind ego that generates jealousy due to absence of discrimination.

[The demons are always spoiled by the ego that destroys the analysis and generates jealousy directly. The divine items generated in the churning including the divine nectar were given to angels by God. God, in the form of Mohini, deceived the demons in giving the final fruit. This indicates that the sinners will be deceived by God in the time of getting the good fruit due to their blind ego. Demons were jealous of angels for their benefits without understanding the basic reason for such favor of God, which is goodness without sins. The egoistic soul doesn’t analyze the reason of a good soul being blessed by God and feels jealousy that destroys itself. Resistance to do sins leading to eligibility for the grace of God must be understood by all souls. Due to such blind ego directly generating jealousy only, the human soul misses the contemporary human incarnation of God also.]

18) Dhanaakshebhyo lokasthaapanam na nichadruk cha.
Saving the society from corrupt people and no hatred for any living being are preached by the pig form of God.

[The third incarnation is in the form of pig, which is the animal of lowest status and this indicates that you should not hate any living being. It is said that demon Hiranyaaksha threw the earth from its groove. Hiranyaaksha means the devilish people, whose eyes are always on gold (money) and due to such corrupt devils only, this society (earth) loses its groove of balance and peace. God punishes such sinners and brings back the society into normal groove of peace and balance.]

19) Medhaakrodhau Narasimhe.
The extreme intelligence and extreme anger of God are shown by human-lion form of God.

[Hiranyakashipu, the demon, fixed several conditions to escape the death while getting boon from God. The incarnation of human-lion exhibits the super-intelligence of God in avoiding all such conditions. He was neither animal nor human being and thus no death from any category is protected. The demon was killed on the laps at the door protecting killing neither on floor nor in the sky, neither inside the house nor outside the house. The nails used to kill were neither inert nor alive and this protects no killing by inert or alive means. God was in the climax of anger for paining His devotee and this shows that devotees of God shall not be harmed, in which case, God becomes very furious.]

20) Vaamanadvaarapaalakatvam dandaat pruthak.
Apart from punishment, boon is separately given by becoming gate-keeper in fourth Vaamana incarnation.

[King Bali was grandson of Prahlaada. Prahlaada was confined to theoretical devotion only and hence no benefit was granted by God. Bali was always on the side of practical devotion by doing all practical sacrifice. But, Bali was egoistic and snatched heaven from Indra. For this sin, Bali was pushed down by God. But, pleased with practical devotion of sacrificing anything to God, God became his gate keeper. This shows that the fruit of the sin is given separately and the fruit of devotion is given separately and there is no mutual cancellation. God deceived Bali in punishing the sin, for robbing others wealth and this is a lesson for illegal earning.]

21) Kaartavirye siddhepyahantaabhettaa Parushuraamaah.
The next incarnation, Parashurama punished Kaartavirya also for his ego, who was blessed with miracles.

[Kaartavirya had several miraculous powers. Still, due to ego, he forced the sage Jamadagni by taking away his miraculous cow. Parashurama punished him for his ego to take away the wealth of a poor sage. Actually, there is no need of that miraculous cow for him, who had several miraculous powers. It is only the ego of powerful rich people that snatches the wealth of poor devoted souls, gets punished. For this attitude only present in all the kings, Parashurama killed all the kings. This indicates that God will punish the egoistic rich people snatching the wealth of poor devotees.]

22) RaamaKrishnaBuddhaiah paapatrayanigrahah.
Resistance to illegal sex, illegal earning and violence is preached by Rama, Krishna and Buddha respectively.

[The Gita says that the three main gates or sins for punishment in hell are illegal sex, corruption of money and violence. Rama showed punishment of illegal sex by killing Ravana. Krishna got all Kauravaas killed for their illegal stealing of kingdom (wealth) of good Pandavas. Buddha mainly condemned the slaughter (violence) of killing animals in sacrifice. These three incarnations enlightened the three principle sins described as the three main gates of hell by the Gita (Kaamah krodhah tathaa lobhahah).]

23) Sarvapaapinaamantadandah kalkih.
The last punishment of all sinners is indicated by Kalki.

[After giving the final warning to humanity with total peaceful preaching as Buddha, Kalki comes in the last to kill all the sinners. This shows that God will not spare any soul in punishing it for the sins done even though His total creation may end. Till this extreme step, all the incarnations show the hectic trails of God to reform the souls through preaching the spiritual knowledge and punishing the sinners to create fear for doing the sin. Hence, the main aim of incarnation is only to save the goal of pravrutti through spiritual knowledge, preaching Nivrutti and creating fear in the minds by punishing the sinners and by showing the inevitable way of punishments through His omnipotence and unimaginable background of power. Hence, the minimum and maximum expectation of God from any soul is not to disturb the pravrutti, which is balance and peace of this creation.]

24) Svashreyase Dattaanasuyaatrishabdaarthaah.
The internal meanings of Datta, Anasuya and Atri are useful for spiritual development of self.

[Absence of three types of ego (ego of knowledge, ego of power and ego of wealth) is the meaning of the word of ‘Atri’. ‘Anasuya’ means the absence of jealousy towards co-human beings for their benefits given by God based on their purity. If these two qualities are achieved by any devotee, God will donate Himself to such devotee and this is the meaning of the word ‘Datta’. Always, internal hidden meanings must be found out, which alone help the human soul in its spiritual development.]

25) Bhaagyachatushtayaaya Nivruttasyaapi.
For the sake of Nivrutti devotee also, incarnation appears to grant four fortunes.

[God incarnates in this world in human form for the sake of pure Nivrutti-devotees also, who pray God to bless them with four fortunes i.e., vision, touch, talk and co-living. A Pravrutti devotee never aspires for such personal contact with God since such devotee is always involved in aspiring for selfish fruits from God, visible or invisible! But, the Nivrutti devotee is beyond any such aspiration and is involved in pure love only becoming very anxious for personal contact of God. Even though the main purpose is Pravrutti, this rare purpose of Nivrutti is also associated with the incarnation. Such Nivrutti devotees can’t be influenced by the Prakruti (exhibition of natural properties of body) and Maaya (exhibition of negative properties to expel the undeserving devotees).]

26) Sarvashaktericchaanyaayaat cha.
Human incarnation can’t be objected due to omnipotence of God and justified will of devotees.

[God is omnipotent and simultaneously has the capacity to do proper things only (auchityashakti). You can’t object the appearance of human incarnation because it is not only possible for the omnipotence of God, but also, justified due to proper will of Nivrutti devotees. Who are you to put your finger between God and devotee like the in between priest, especially when it is not impossible to God and is simultaneously justified from the angle of devotee? It is meaningless and egoistic attitude of certain scholars, who object the human incarnation of God. Their ego and jealousy towards co-human forms is the reason for negating the human incarnation. Such a reason is not at all justified to reject the possibility of human incarnation.]

27) Anyaathaa mithyaahimsaabhyaam.
Due to false incarnations and torture of real incarnation, this concept was negated.

[Dayaananda and Mohammad negated the concept of human incarnation even though they themselves are human incarnations. The former negated due to the false exploitations of fraud incarnations. The latter negated since the previous genuine human incarnation (Jesus) was horribly tortured and killed by people unable to digest the concept due to ego and jealousy. Both these are immediate precautionary steps to save the devotees from exploitations from fraud incarnations and to save genuine incarnations from undeserving devotees respectively. Sometimes, an emergent step is necessary arresting the truth also in view of the seriousness of the undesirable side reactions.]

28) Na Krishnaanukaranam gireh prajayaa cha.
One shall not imitate Krishna due to lifting a huge hill and generating ten children through each of 16000 wives.

[One shall not imitate Krishna, who tested sages born as Gopikas by stealing butter and dancing with them in Brundavanam regarding the strengths of their worldly bonds when His bond is in competition. The disciple may be the sage born as Gopika. But, you must prove that you are God by lifting a huge hill and by marrying 16000 girls and producing 10 children through each wife like Krishna! The filtration through miracles is sufficient to eliminate fraud human incarnation in such exploitations!]

29) Yathochitapradarshanam bhinnaavataareshu.
The incarnations differ in exhibition of power suitable to the level of devotees and are equal in possession of power.

[All human incarnations contain same unimaginable God only, who has all the unimaginable powers with Him in each incarnation. Depending on the capacity to absorb the concept (spiritual level of devotee), God exhibits His power suited to psychology of followers. Even though several wonderful miracles were exhibited by Jesus, He was crucified by devotees, who were unable to digest even the miracles! Hence, difference in various incarnations is due to difference in the levels of devotees according to which only the powers are exhibited by God. All incarnations possess the same full extent of unimaginable power and difference is only in the extent of exhibition of the possessed power. Based on this difference in exhibition, Kala (a ray of power), Amsha (a part of power), Aavesha (temporary possession of God for a purpose only), Purna (complete life) and Paripurnatama (exhibition of full power throughout life) different incarnations result, the examples of which are Vyaasa, Kapila, Parashurama, Rama and Krishna respectively.]

30) Bahuvibhutyaa vruddhognih.
Excessive exhibition of miracles flares up jealousy fire.

[The extent of jealousy towards human incarnation results in negation, insulting and even killing! Paundrakavaasudeva negated Krishna by saying that he is the real incarnation of God Vishnu since he obtained wheel from God! The power alone doesn’t prove God though it is useful in initial stage. Even though the original wheel weapon is with Paundraka, he could not speak the Gita like Krishna. By the power of knowledge, even Ravana, who lifted hill, could be negated. The ultimate test is the excellent spiritual knowledge only, which is useful for the right direction of the devotees. Hence, the Veda and the Gita say that the excellent spiritual knowledge is the final identification mark apart from miracles (Prajnaanam Brahma, Satya kaamah, Jnaanitvaatmaiva…). Kauravas tried to tie Krishna with a rope and Jesus was tortured and killed even though both exhibited several miracles. The exhibition of miracles standing as proof simultaneously flares up the jealousy fire in the hearts of people due to their thinking that some human being is God whereas they are not. Excessive exhibition of miracles is always not desirable in the normal atmosphere of general humanity.]

31) Aapadyapi Nishkaama sevaanveshanam.
Even in emergency God searches for the service done without aspiration in return.

[Miracles or unimaginable events are essential for the incarnation to give proof for the existing unimaginable God in It. At the same time, miracles are exploited by devotees to solve their personal problems interfering with the normal rotation of wheel of deeds and fruits and this increases the selfishness rather than sacrifice needed for spiritual path. Apart from this, other serious negative reaction is that such exhibition of miracles flares up the jealousy fire in almost all the normal devotees. At the same time, miracles have a positive side also, which are used in solving the problems of real Nivrutti devotees to encourage them in spiritual path without disturbance and tension. Rama had least number of enemies due to non-exhibition of miracles and Krishna had maximum number of enemies due to frequent exhibition of miracles. All the positive and negative aspects are studied and balanced and the miracles are exhibited by human incarnation in a balanced way. The real necessity based on the deservingness of devotee leads to spontaneous exhibition of miracle by human incarnation. Even in emergency, the deservingness is always observed by God. When Draupadi cried for saris, in such emergent movement also, Krishna opened her account book searching for her divine service without any aspiration in return. He found a piece of cloth donated by her to wind up His wound and multiplied it in to several saris.]

32) Avataranam nichaih na dushanaaya.
Coming down to the level of needy shall not mislead you to criticize God.

[Avataara means coming down to the level of a set of devotees, mix with them by having the similar qualities and slowly lead them to the next immediate step. God is on the 100th step and if He comes down to first step, His goal is to lead them to the 2nd step. If they are on 10th step, He leads them to 11th step. He has to stand on their steps to mix with them. If God comes down to a mud pond, He is also marked with mud. If He comes down to a lake, He is wet like others. He confines to their existing level only to become friendly with them. This is essential for the lifter in the process of lifting. By this, we shall not mistake Him as a human being confined to such lowest level only. The person standing on 10th step insults the incarnation of God standing on first step trying to lift people from 1st step to 2nd step. Due to these inevitable problems of surrounding atmosphere, devotees scold their God only, who stands on the lower level. Hence, one shall be careful in criticizing anybody personally, which sometimes may touch even God.]

33) Trimataanyavataare Vidyullataayaamiva.
All the three theories are simultaneously true to different references like the case of electrified wire.

[The concept of monism of Shankara, special monism of Ramanuja (two without isolation) and dualism of Madhva apply simultaneously in the case of human incarnation only in which God and soul are amalgamated with each other. These three concepts are simultaneously true for devotees in highest, higher and high grades. These three simultaneous angles treat human incarnation as God, son of God and messenger of God as per their levels. The human incarnation also behaves accordingly. These theories do not apply to God and an ordinary soul existing separately. The electricity and electrified wire are one only for all practical purposes (monism). Both are separate entities, but, are not isolated (special monism). Both are separate in their structures since electricity is the stream of electrons and wire is the chain of metallic crystals (dualism). There is no context of any relationship between God and an atheistic soul existing separately like electricity in some external source and a non-electrified wire used to tie a bag.]

34) Avataare dashaabhyaam sambandhah.
In incarnation only relationship between God and soul exists through both the planes.

[Even the human being-component of human incarnation can’t imagine the unimaginable God and God continues in the human being component as long as it realizes dualism. Monism benefits the devotees and hence both are simultaneously true in view of different references. In fact, the soul and body of human being-component are also imaginable like in any other human being and the absolute God is totally unimaginable. Hence, there is no point of any comparison between unimaginable and imaginable domains as per Datta Swami, if you take God and an ordinary soul. Even though this total dualism exists beyond any comparison, there is perfect monism in the case of human incarnation since unimaginable God is expressed as imaginable-visible God to Nivrutti-devotees. The unimaginable God is possible as the single reality if we take the absolute plane of Shankara. If we take the mediated God in relative plane of Ramanuja and Madhva, similarities are possible along with differences.]

Twelveth chapter is over.

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