Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 04 Oct 2022


Do I continue with married life or maintain silence and do nothing in the current situation?

[Smt. Amudha asked: Attachment to husband bond: Swami, I am so attached to my husband. Unable to move on day by day. Do I need to continue with married life? Or Do I require to maintain silence and doing nothing in the current situation? So much things going on and Shri Phani Sir isguiding me on it but my mind is not stable and I don't how to handle to live the life. I am so emotional and full of regrets. At present, I am not able to sleep, eat and focus on career or anything. Trusting Your words Swami, I completely believe that there is reason behind to learn but I am unable to grasp it. Your words are final Swami, I will act as per it. At  Your Divine Lotus Feet, Amudha. By, Amudha]

Swami replied:- You shall associate with worldly bonds for maintenance of worldly life or Pravrutti on smooth lines. There is no second thought about this because we are living in this physical world. But, this does not mean that you shall be fascinated towards worldly bonds by mind. You should attach yourself to the family bonds, but should detach yourself by mind so that if anything happens externally in your worldly life, you shall not be shaken up even an inch. Whatever pain you are undergoing by the detachment from family bonds, you shall get that pain or even more pain due to the detachment from God. You must attach yourself internally to God, mentally, even though you are attached to the world externally. Such attachments will not bring any trouble to you whether it is in worldly life or in spiritual life. You must have normal worldly life continuously without any disturbance because your mind is attached to the eternal God and not attached at all to these momentary worldly bonds. Detachment from worldly bonds makes you brave to deal with the worldly affairs with bright intelligence. Mental attachment to the world kills your intelligence and you will further sink down in the worldly life ending in total destruction. But, remember that your mental attachment to God will not be giving  results similar to above, since it gives the opposite result, which is perfect protection. Become courageous and fight against the injustice by becoming detached from the worldly bonds in the mental plane. This was the advice given to Arjuna by God Krishna.
