Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 24 Dec 2020


Does the wisdom as mentioned in the Bible mean divine knowledge?

[Śrī Anil asked: Pādanamaskāraṃ Swāmi! In the book of Sirach 1:1–10 in Bible the following is mentioned: 1 All wisdom comes from the Lord and is with Him forever. 2 The sand of the sea, the drops of rain, and the days of eternity—who can count them? 3 The height of heaven, the breadth of the earth, the abyss, and wisdom —who can search them out? 4 Wisdom was created before all things, and prudent understanding from eternity. 6 The root of wisdom —to whom has it been revealed? Her clever devices—who knows them? 8 There is One who is wise, greatly to be feared, sitting upon His throne. 9 The Lord Himself created wisdom; He saw her and apportioned her, He poured her out upon all His works. 10 She dwells with all flesh according to His gift, and He supplied her to those who love Him.

In the above verses, does ‘wisdom’ indicate ‘divine knowledge?’ If that is the case, how was it created before all things? As per Your messages and the Veda, the first created item is space or energy. In this context, can we say that the divine knowledge is space or energy itself? But the unimaginable God has no beginning and end, and the knowledge should have been associated with Him from the beginning, even before creation of energy or space. Could You kindly reconcile these concepts. -At Your Divine Feet –anil]

Swāmi replied: Wisdom and spiritual knowledge are not different. Knowledge is said to be power. The unimaginable power of the unimaginable God means that the extent of His knowledge is unimaginable. Creation and knowledge are different. The knowledge of creation existed with the unimaginable God even before He created this creation.
