Shri Datta Swami

 27 May 2012



The case of the present politicians, officials, contractors, businessmen etc., can be compared to the case of Kuchela as far as the sin is concerned. You cannot compare Kuchela with these people as far as the nature of the soul is concerned. Regarding the nature of the sin, the comparison is that all these people snatch away the wealth of others in spite of their stabilized life. God has given you sufficient wealth to maintain your health. But, you steal others wealth in doing the corruption, which develops tension that spoils your health. All these people will be severely punished like Kuchela, who suffered with poverty for a long time. The sin of these people is common to the sin of Kuchela. But, there is difference between the sinners. Kuchela is a good soul devoted to God. It is the spur of the moment in which Kuchela slipped. The wife of the preacher gave two parts of food, one for him and the other for Krishna. The part of the food given to Kuchela is sufficient to pacify his hunger. But, due to over ambition, he stole the food of Krishna and ate it also. In this way, the nature of the sin is similar to the nature of the present people because they steal others’ wealth through corruption in spite of the sufficient wealth given to them. But, the nature of the sinners is different because Kuchela repented a lot for doing sin especially in the case of God. When the sin happened, Kuchela did not know that Krishna was God. Later on, when Krishna brought the dead son of the preacher alive, he recognized that Krishna was God. His repentance was extreme and he became a very strong devotee of Lord Krishna. He never bothered about the poverty because he knows that it is the punishment given to him committed towards God. He went to Krishna only due to the pressure of his wife but, did not ask any help since he realized the background of his punishment.

You may think that corruption in the case of God is only serious and the corruption in the case of human beings is not that much serious. In fact, this point is totally reverse. God is not affected by the corruption of Kuchela since He is omnipotent. But, the human beings are with limited energy and limited wealth. God becomes more furious towards the corruption done to the human beings. This will spoil the balance of the society and God becomes extremely furious. Even though God was not affected by the stealing of the Kuchela, God punished him because such behavior of Kuchela may be extended to the human beings in course of time. You should not steal the money from the temple thinking that it will not affect God. The money of the temple is used in the service of the human beings only. The jewels of God are also important to attract the human beings to come to the temple and see God. The sin of Kuchela was his first sin, which also was the last sin. The punishment of Kuchela in this world itself is to preach the world. If all the sins are punished in the hell only, there will be no practical proof to realize here the inevitable punishment of a sin. The protection of Kuchela was also for preaching the world. If you do not repeat any sin, all the record of your punishments and sins is destroyed. The realization that brings the reformation is the fire of divine knowledge that burns all the sins (jnaangnih… Gita).

The punishment can only reduce the magnitude of the sin. The reduced sin in the form of a tiny seed can never be burnt by punishment. But, reduction of the sin is also useful to the world. The sinner takes lot of time to do the sin just like the seed takes lot of time to become a huge tree. The childhood is this time of growth. When the sin becomes a huge tree, the human being becomes a demon. Then again, the cycle of punishments repeats. If the soul enters this world like a demon in the beginning itself, this world is always severely disturbed. Hence, the hell, where the punishments are given, is useful in the divine administration. Only the divine knowledge and subsequent divine devotion can burn the seed of the sin.

In ancient India, the education system was mainly concentrated on divine knowledge and development of devotion. There were no courts, police department and anti corruption-department. Only the king used to deal all the cases with the help of a board of judges because the number of sins was very little. The education system contained little concentration on the earning of money needed for food, cloth and shelter. Only little money is sufficient for the basic needs and hence, much concentration on professional education was not done. The ethics of the society was the most predominant field of education, which can be achieved only by knowledge and devotion. Temples were many than universities and colleges. The scholars in the temple used to preach the spiritual knowledge to develop ethics in public. Hence, such huge temples are seen. They were learning centers of spiritual education. Now, the temples have also become centers of business because here the devotees come and bargain with the Lord. They offer money to God for some favour in return. Even God is dragged into corruption! Today, the centers of professional education are everywhere and the spiritual knowledge disappeared. This is the reason for the present corruption, which is going to disturb the society finally leading to chaos.

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