21 Oct 2020
[Shri Anil asked: In the divine discourse given on December 25, 2005, You mentioned that Jesus confined Himself to His causal body and watched both the crucifixion of the gross body and the agony of the subtle body. You also mentioned that one should be the spectator of everything. It means that one should watch both the internal and external cinema shows. If somebody scolds us or abuses us, it can be treated as a feeling and can be watched as a cinema show. But when somebody physically beats us, it will be very difficult to treat it as a cinema and enjoy. How can one achieve such a state, in which even physical torture can be enjoyed like Jesus did during the extreme torture of crucifixion? Also, a person asked me why the Father would sacrifice His Son, instead of sacrificing Himself? Since both are God, anyone could have suffered.]
Swāmi replied: The Human Incarnation is a single phase-three component system. The three components are the unimaginable God, the Father of heaven (Energetic Incarnation) and the human being component (Jesus). These three components are present in the single phase of the human form of Jesus. The unimaginable God watched the show of crucifixion since He is beyond space. I called this unimaginable God, (the first component) by the name of Jesus (the third component) because of their perfect merging. There was perfect merging between the unimaginable God and the Father of heaven and between the Father of heaven (energetic) and Jesus (human). Due to their perfect merging to form a single phase, only the human form was seen. The other two items were not seen. Hence, only one name ‘Jesus’ applies to the visible single human phase. The Father of heaven is present in that human phase of Jesus, but He is invisible. The unimaginable God is also present in that single human phase of Jesus, but He is both invisible and unimaginable.
The second question is also answered because the resulting merged relative soul of the Father of heaven and Jesus together suffered the agony of crucifixion. The Father of heaven is the energetic form of God related to the energetic beings of the upper worlds. The unimaginable God merged with the Father of heaven for the sake of expressing Himself to devotees, who are present in energetic bodies in the upper world, so that they can worship Him. The same Father of heaven also merges with a selected human devotee on earth for the reason of expressing Himself to devotees present in physical human bodies on earth. Since humanity saw the suffering of Jesus, who was a fellow-human form, the expression of suffering became crystal clear to humans. This brought kindness to the hearts of even cruel people.
| Shri Datta Swami | How can we enjoy even physical torture like a spectator? Why did God sacrifice His son, Jesus, instead of sacrificing Himself? |
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