Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23 Nov 2022


How do I write my questions briefly?

[Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya K asked: Pada namaskaram Swami, You are saying my questions are very long, all people are not interested in reading them, then why don't You send Your answers to me personally (I don't bother although Your answers are long), although You are omniscient, I feel satisfaction after sharing my feelings with You only. I am also getting confusion now as to how to write my question briefly. Pada namaskaram Swami.]

Swami replied:- I have adopted a policy that the question + answer shall be in a specifically stipulated space. This means that if the question is long, the answer will be short. It is law of conservation of time and energy. This law applies to the readers also. If everybody thinks like yourself, what will happen to Me and the readers? If anybody writes long question, he/she is losing My elaborate clarity of the answer. In the Gita, the questions of Arjuna are very short and the answers of Krishna were very long. The answer will help the reader and address the question as well. If the question is very elaborate, the doubts and ignorance in the minds of the readers get strengthened. If you put a question, I will cover it from all angles. An answer in all angles is better than a question in all angles. A question in all angles will develop the ignorance of the reader in all angles. An answer in all angles will develop the knowledge in all angles. Projection of the answering God is more important than the projection of the ignorant self. This quality of projection is a hindering factor in spiritual progress. Projection indicates the scholarship of the soul to be projected to the society for name and fame. If such scholastic ability exists, there should not have been the question at all. My intention in giving short answer indicates that when knowledge can be condensed so much, can’t ignorance be condensed? If God can condense Himself, why is the soul feeling reservation to condense himself/herself? Expansion and condensation shall be in our hands. Please do not get hurt by My answer because this is a problem I am facing with several devotees and I have sent a circular also in this matter. Brief expression is always very powerful. Huge quantity is always ugly like the huge body of a demon. But, My answer is elaborate because I have to clarify even people of lesser intelligence. You are putting question for yourself whereas I am giving the answer for all. Your question shall be like small Arjuna and My answer shall be like the huge cosmic vision of Krishna. The main point is that even if you put question in one angle, I give the answer in all the required angles of your question. Since you have given all angles of the question, I can’t give the answer in one angle. If I have not covered any angle of your mind, you can project that angle in a fresh question. This will save time and energy of new readers, who just visit briefly in the initial stage. The essence is that the answer in all angles will be useful to the reader than the question in all angles. I have extensively dealt this point in view of all our devotees and not simply in your view alone. Kindly co-operate with Me in understanding the gravity of this topic and I apologise to you if you are hurt, which is not at all in My intension. I request all the devotees to take this matter seriously.
