Shri Datta Swami

 07 Aug 2021


How should we introduce Lord Datta as universal God to make universal spirituality possible?

[Swāmi, Lord Datta is the God in all incarnations of all religions. Isn't it? But Lord Datta is familiar only in Hinduism as a Hindu God only. Then, how can universal spirituality is achieved when only Hindus claim that Lord Datta belongs to their religion. How should we introduce Lord Datta as universal God to make universal spirituality possible? Please enlighten me. - At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya]

Swāmi Replied:- The very word Datta means given. It means that the unimaginable God is given to the world of souls through imaginable and visible medium called incarnation. Datta does not mean any specific form that is given or that is taken. Datta means simply first energetic form and specific details of such form can be selected as per the liking of devotee of any religion. Such specific first energetic form selected by the devotees of a religion contains unimaginable God merged with It. Whatever energetic or human form that is already selected by the religion contains this first energetic form. The unimaginable God is beyond the concepts of with form and without form. The first energetic form (Datta or Father of Heaven) can be assigned any form, the religion likes. The resulting energetic or human forms of any specific religion are already established and in such forms, God Datta or Father of Heaven exists with whom the unimaginable God already merged. In this way, we can bring the correlation between the religions through Universal Spirituality.

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