Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Oct 2021


How to balance between Pravrutti and Nivrutti?

Smt. Priyanka asked:

[Case 2: In Rohitagiita (Chapter X), You said that in course of time when our detachment by mind becomes complete, we will spontaneously leave our duties also and attain bliss. The detachment from the family comes from the attachment with the Lord and has to be a spontaneous process. As the bond with the Lord becomes more and more strong, our family bonds become weaker and finally all the bonds disappear. In this state, we are left only with the bond with the Lord. This state is called “Eka Bhaktiḥ” in Gita or the single-pointed devotion. You also mentioned that when our mind is fully absorbed in the Lord, then our duties fully disappear and that shows our full faith in the Lord that He will take care of our duties also in this stage. You said that this stage is the final ripened stage and we must try to reach this final goal every day by trying every minute and slowly one day or other, by the grace of the Lord, we will surely reach the goal.

a) Here, does trying for this goal mean reading Spiritual knowledge every day, so that devotion will increase spontaneously to reach that level of single-pointed devotion with God?

b) Can this devotion be called un-controlled devotion, which is nothing but madness towards God?

c) Does that mean it is a devotee's choice whether to be in controlled devotion (case 1) or madness for God (case 2) and the ball is in a devotee's court to pick what is their final goal and make efforts accordingly?

d) If we force ourselves towards having control over our desire to read spiritual knowledge and be immersed in God's songs/ thoughts every minute and every single day, then how will this help in reaching the fully ripened state of devotion, where duties are spontaneously left?

e) If duties are left, we will end up hurting family members, which is a sin and is not preferred by God. If a devotee reaches that state of spontaneously dropping duties and ends up hurting family members in this process, yet continues their madness for God, knowing that this is sin and they will go to hell for this, will God be pleased with this even though hurting other family members displeases God?]

Swami Replied:-

a) The devotion to God must grow spontaneously without any planning. The devotion of Prahlaada grew in natural way without any plan of action. In such natural development of devotion, the devotee will not bother about God taking the responsibilities of the devotee or not. Such aspiration shall not be there and the reaction of God also must be spontaneous with full free will.

b) The uncontrolled devotion or madness to God is the final climax stage of Nivrutti, which has no planning at all. It is a spontaneous and natural force.

c) Such discussion will not arise when the devotion is born and is developing in a spontaneous way as in the case of Prahlaada. Planning arrived by discussion has no natural force. When the plant grows there is no planning of growth. The growth is natural and forcible.

d) Such discussions have no place in natural way of growth of devotion.

e) Such discussions can’t arise in the terrible growth of devotion with spontaneous force. The devotee will not fear even for hell and sin in the climax devotion. Till such stage is reached, the devotee must know that his/her mind is not yet ripened and yet the climax state is not reached. Such a state is showing that the devotee is in the path only and not reached the climax state. Till then, the devotees have to balance both Pravrutti and Nivrutti giving stipulated periods of time for each and shall use Pravrutti as the interval gap in Nivrutti.
