Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 21 Aug 2022


I am being influenced by my friend to follow another guru. Please guide me.

[Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya asked: Pada namaskaram Swami, my name is Lakshmi Lavanya, I have a friend who belongs to Gayatri pariwar, she helped a lot to me when i was in need. I followed a guru for 16 years, when he left his body, my friend helped me handle myself physically and mentally. After Phani Swami came into my life, I am very happy. My friend follows another guru. He told me to serve him,  because he feels he is God, they both try to threaten me to follow him (I felt like that). I introduced him Your knowledge but they didn't listen and try to divert me towards him, I can't stand it, I talked very rashly that there is no need for me to maintain a relation with someone other than God (I felt if I talked smoothly they would’nt give up). She felt that Iam alone and I need her friendship and she abandoned me. I also cut my relationship with her because if I talk to her, then she pressurizes me to follow her guru and I don't want it. But sometimes I think that I must tell Your knowledge to them because I have experienced superfast growth in spiritual life, in pravrutti also all my problems, confusions have vanished. My doubt is why am I thinking like this as well, I know that they are not ready to listen, is it because of my attachment with her or because of my ego or is there any other reason. Please enlighten me and help me to concentrate only on You. Pada namaskaram Swami.]

Swami Replied:- You always follow what your inner consciousness advises you because the inner consciousness is the medium through which God speaks with you. As long as you have surrendered to God, you need not fear for anything. God will protect you in any crisis including this.
