Shri Datta Swami

 24 May 2021


Is Atman timeless and space less?

[Śrī Guru asked: Namaste. Is Ātman timeless and spaceless? Kindly respond. By, Guru

Reply sent to the above question by one devotee of Swami:

{Devotee: Is Soul Eternal?

Swāmi Replied:

Pure Awareness (Soul) requires existence of 2 items. One is inert energy that is obtained from digestion of food (Annāt Puraṣaḥ- Veda). Second is nervous system, which alone can convert this inert energy into awareness on functioning nervous system. So, awareness is dependent on these two items but God is independent & does not depend on any other item. Matter (food) is converted into energy & awareness is a form of energy.

Thus, matter & awareness are inter-convertible. When a human being called “Ahalyā” was converted in to inert statue & again when statue was converted into human being, this inter-conversion is proved. When Ahalyā became a stone, her soul did not go to upper world. It remained there only. Awareness is an item of creation & so exactly duplicate souls were created by Lord Kṛṣṇa when these souls were stolen by Prajāpati. These points clearly show that awareness is a conversion of inert matter & a form of inert energy and an item of creation only.

If one accepts science, it is very easy to prove that awareness is a special form of inert energy flowing through nervous system while functioning. Robot is just duplicate of human being. Current flowing in wires is awareness flowing in nervous system. Information stored in chip is exactly information stored in brain. Brain is system of several microprocessors working simultaneously, which grasps all points regarding an object in one instance.

You treat brain as CD in which information is stored in the form of written impressions on matter or you can treat brain as the RAM in which the information is stored in the form of pulses by electromagnetic energy. This does not make any difference for a spiritual approach. It is a topic of science. Even in science a physicist does not differentiate matter and energy. Thus, in science it is clearly proved that awareness is inert energy only which on functioning in nervous system becomes a specific form by doing specific work. In fact, awareness is form of special work done by inert energy.}

Śrī Guru: Thanks for Your reply. Pure awareness not of nervous system is different. Am I right? Kindly verify.]

Swāmi Replied:- Even the pure awareness is a specific form of work generated by the transformation of inert energy (obtained by the digestion of food in mitochondria) into awareness in a specific functioning nervous system. Pure awareness is also energy, which is dynamic and a work form only. This pure awareness takes a specific form of mode or pulse, it becomes a specific thought. Thoughts are stored in the information chip (Cittam) of the brain in the form of pulses. Pure awareness is like pure gold whereas a specific thought is a specific jewel having a specific design. Hence, you cannot take pure awareness as the original absolute unimaginable God. Pure awareness is also an imaginable item resulting due to conversion of inert energy into awareness. Hence, even if the soul in meditation state without any thought is also the basic crude soul, which is an imaginable item that is the modification of inert energy only. You cannot attribute the divine status of the unimaginable God to the soul whether it is in the form of thoughts or in the state of meditation becoming pure awareness.

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