Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 29 Jun 2024


Miraculous experiences of J.S.R. Prasad

[By Prof.JSR Prasad]

Sāṣṭāṅga namasakaram Swami. I would like to share some miraculous experiences with Your kind permission.


Double promotion in service

I worked in C-DAC, Bangalore between 2001 and 2006. In 2006, I joined the University of Hyderabad as a lecturer with 5.5 years of experience. After completing a 1-year probation period, I have been waiting for my past service to be considered for promotion, allowing me to advance to the next level in my career. There are three levels of promotion between an Assistant Professor and an Associate Professor. However, for about 9 years, my past service was not considered due to technical reasons known only to the administration.

In the meantime, with the new service accumulated at the university until 2015, I completed Level 1 and Level 2 as an Assistant Professor (the new title for the term lecturer) through screening committee recommendations. Clearing the third level is necessary to be promoted to Associate Professor. The institution could have promoted me to the Associate Professor level in 2013 if my past service had been considered. I am still waiting to clear Level 3 and achieve the Associate Professor position.

In 2015, I applied for both Level 3 and Associate Professor positions, considering my past government service. Promotions like these come under the Career Advancement Scheme. Fortunately, I had published a sufficient number of papers and fulfilled all technical requirements to make myself eligible for promotion. One day, I was called for a personal interview. Surprisingly, a single interview was conducted for both Level 3 and the Associate Professor position.

As soon as I entered the interview room, the Vice Chancellor greeted me and said, "Prasad, we are promoting you to Associate Professor?" I was unsure whether this was a question or declaration. I immediately responded that I would like to present my achievements through a Power Point presentation. He said that it was not necessary and asked a few questions before leaving the room for another engagement. The experts on the committee then asked some questions, which I answered to their satisfaction.

Indeed, my performance in the interview, where I explained my achievements, was a complete blessing from Swami (mattaḥ smṛitiḥ jñānamapohanaṃ ca - Gita). I completed the interview with high satisfaction. A couple of weeks later, I received an appointment letter informing me of my double promotion—from Assistant Professor Level 2 to Level 3, and from Level 3 to Associate Professor. Additionally, the Associate Professor promotion was given retrospectively from 2013, taking into account my past service of 5.5 years.

Upon joining the new position, I was also appointed as the Head of the Department for a three-year term. I accepted the offer, having previously served as the in-charge Head on many occasions, thus gaining administrative experience. Since then, there has been a gradual and improved recognition of my expertise in my chosen research area. It is my firm spiritual belief that none of these recognitions were based solely on merit, but rather on the abundant compassion of Swami.

Promotion as Professor in spite of opposition

Completing three years of service as an Associate Professor qualifies a teacher for the position of Professor through a personal interview, provided they meet the minimum marks in the application screening. My next level of promotion to full Professor was due in 2016. Typically, aspiring professors should have published a couple of books in addition to journal articles. Many candidates bring suitcases full of their published books to demonstrate their contributions to teaching and research.

However, I had not published a single book. Although I attempted to publish a couple of monographs, they were held up with the publisher. Fortunately, I had a sufficient number of journal publications, which made me eligible for the interview. I could again see the divine grace of Swami in this application process.

In 2017, the institution called for applications for the next round of Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) promotions. By then, a new Vice Chancellor had taken office. He reviewed my application and was not in favour of my publications, stating that the papers were not focused on any specific research area. I thought I would not be promoted this time, as many colleagues from various departments were denied promotion under CAS for various reasons.

When a faculty member is denied CAS promotion, they have to wait until the next year, losing a year of seniority and facing disgrace. It seemed the Vice Chancellor was not in favour of me. Surprisingly, the two subject experts on the interview committee justified my case and explained to the Vice Chancellor about my initial struggle in establishing a new research discipline in the department, which was reflected in my research papers. I did not know what had happened inside after I left the room.

A few days later, HR gave me an appointment letter as a Professor, retrospectively effective from 2016. A Vice Chancellor is called 'kulapati' in Sanskrit. When the 'Jagatpati' (master of the universe) is continuously protecting me, how can any petty kulapati stop my progress? Dear devotees, please note that I did not visit Swamiji even once during these events. It was only in 2019 that I had Swamiji’s darshan for the first time. I correlated all these previous incidents and realized only after His darshan.

Unexpected Earned Leave credit

In 2015, I was appointed as the Head of the Department by the university. Apart from managing administrative, teaching, and research duties, the Head must also be present during vacation periods. I regularly attended to my duties at the university during both the winter and summer vacations each year. To compensate for sacrificing vacation time, the institution credits one-third of Earned Leave (EL) for the total duration into the concerned faculty member’s service register.

However, this is not an automatic process; the Head or faculty member must send a requisition letter to the administration to have the appropriate ELs credited. I was unaware of this incentive for several years, and even after learning about it, I was too lethargic to request it.

In 2021, an officer from the administration called and advised me to apply for the credit of ELs for the total vacation periods I attended as Head from 2015 to 2018, which amounted to six vacations. Initially, I did not pay much attention and remained indifferent. However, the officer persistently reminded me until I finally wrote and submitted the application to the HR section. The officer kindly guided me on how to write the application, including all necessary details and requests. After submitting it through the proper channels, I forgot about it, considering my claim was retrospective and debatable.

A couple of weeks later, I received an office order approving my request. To my surprise, 75 ELs were credited to my service register, a substantial amount given that faculty members typically earn only 30 ELs per year. I called and thanked the officer for his reminders and guidance. He told me that he had never seen such a large number of ELs credited for vacation periods to any Head or faculty member during his entire service.

Acquiring these bonus ELs has the advantage of allowing a faculty member to encash a full month's salary upon retirement, as ELs are typically used sparingly. It was none other than Swamiji who informed me of this rule through the officer and ensured I submitted the application, ultimately securing these compensatory ELs for me. His compassion is beyond my comprehension, especially as I had yet to receive my first darshan of Swamiji at that time. Yet, He protected and blessed me, providing a future monetary benefit. There are no words in the language to praise the affection of the God on devotees.

Testing the Omnipotence of Swamiji

In the second half of 2019, I had my first ever darshan of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. Whenever Swamiji visited Prof. Annapurna Ji's house in Sudarshan Nagar, I would go there to listen to his wonderful teachings, which I had never heard or read before. I have yet to fully realize that I was given the rarest opportunity to learn directly from the contemporary human incarnation.

Once, I was walking on Uppal Road in Hyderabad. The bus stop was far away from where I was standing. My restless mind thought, "If Swamiji is God Datta and has supernatural powers, a bus must come and stop next to me now; then I shall believe Him to be God Datta." Within a minute, surprisingly, a bus came and stopped next to me for no apparent reason, then drove off after a minute!

Oh, my Swami, how ignorant and foolish I was. This miraculous experience changed my opinion about our contemporary human incarnation, His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. I repented and realized that one must never doubt the divinity and omnipotence of the contemporary human incarnation. When I narrated this incident to Swamiji, he just smiled at me!

Protecting my health

The following miracle was presented some time back, and hence it is presented here again briefly.

One of Swamiji's devotees, Shri Karthik, was getting married and invited me to attend his marriage reception on 23.08.2022. At that time, I was suffering from severe stomach ache due to gastritis, and I didn't want to go to the reception. If I attended, it would have been inevitable for me to eat the sumptuous food served at the auspicious occasion. Brother Shri Phani sir, along with Swamiji, was also going to attend the function that day.

He insisted that I come along with them. I told him that I couldn't attend but didn't mention my health problem. Seeing his insistence, Swamiji intervened and told him that I might not be feeling well due to a gastric problem and to leave it at that. I had not told anyone, including Swamiji, about my condition, but the omniscient Swami knew everything!

How could He not know about the situation of someone living under His shade? One of the devotees, Shri Nithin Bhosle, observed that Swamiji took a couple of antacid Gelusil tablets before going to the reception function. Meanwhile, I felt a sudden great relief. This clearly showed that Swamiji took my health problem onto Himself to relieve me from the pain.

I was supposed to go to the Sanskrit University at Kalady for a conference organized on the occasion of Shri Shankara Jayanthi the next day (24.08.2023). If I had gone to the function and eaten the sumptuous food offered there (Brāhmaṇo bhojana priyaḥ), it would have aggravated my gastric problem, resulting in the cancellation of my journey. Swamiji saved me from this chain of problems.

I went to Kalady and returned the next day. However, my gastric problem did not subside and aggravated further. After returning from the trip, I got darshan of Swami at Prof. Annapurna garu’s house. Unable to bear the health problem anymore, I pitiably begged Swamiji to cut off my life ticket. Swamiji smiled at me for a while and kept silent. I didn't realize that it was a mistake to ask the Lord of the Universe to remove my problem, essentially asking Him to cancel my Karmaphala. It was sheer foolishness.

During the evening snacks time, Sri Sarma garu gave me some snacks and sweets on Swami's advice. Some of the items, including gas-aggravating onions, were not good for my health, and I usually avoid such food. But looking at Swamiji, I gained confidence and ate everything. When my stomach bloats, I prefer to eat a betel leaf pan to relieve the congestion. Swamiji kindly offered me a pan as well!

The next day, I realized that Swami took my suffering upon Himself and had a sleepless night with a bloated stomach. Ms. Thrylokya witnessed Swamiji's bloated stomach becoming like a hard rock. Oh God, I am the most undeserving person in this creation to receive Your grace. Yet, You blessed me with perfect physical health by transferring my sin onto Yourself in the form of severe stomach pain. O Lord! Your compassion is a boundless ocean, irrespective of the qualities of Your devotees!

Protection from an attacking person

Those were the initial days of receiving darshan from Swamiji. In 2019, on one fine day, I went to a nearby market in Chandanagar to purchase some groceries and was returning home in my four-wheeler. Normally, I would drive at 50-60 kmph on regular roads, and even faster on highways.

One biker was driving very slowly in the middle of the road and did not give me room to overtake. After watching this for a minute, I increased the speed of my car and overtook him. I continued driving for about a kilometre when I heard continuous honking from behind. I initially ignored it, but it was the same biker chasing me.

I took a left turn towards my home, and this fellow appeared next to my vehicle, stopped me, and started to argue for no reason. His complaint was that I had troubled him with my driving. I noticed from his uniform that he was a GHMC worker. The traffic on that sub-road halted, and he was about to physically attack me in his drunken state.

All of a sudden, a gentleman appeared and shouted at the worker to move away and not to bother me. He gave a strong warning to the worker. Observing the gathering and the warning from the gentleman, the worker got afraid, took his bike, and immediately ran away. The gentleman appeared like a fierce Kalabhairava Swami. When I looked for him to thank him for his help, he was nowhere to be seen.

In a moment, I realized that it was Swami Who had protected me from the physical attack of a stranger by appearing in the form of that gentleman! This again clearly proved that God protects His devotees every moment – Yogakṣemaṃ vahāmyaham! These miracles increased more belief in His Holiness Shri Datta Swami, the contemporary human incarnation of our times. 



A Beggar-like Person guiding me in traffic

I got my first ever darshan of Swamiji in 2019. Until then, I had listened to discourses by many great Sanskrit scholars and read a couple of books in śāstras, but neither the scholars nor any documented text commentaries discussed the wonderful true spiritual knowledge revealed by Swamiji.

Being a student of Sanskrit, I have enjoyed immensely learning directly from Swamiji, discovering innumerable new conceptual corrections and interpretations in spiritual wisdom. I have been in ecstasy as I found my Sadguru! Many unanswered questions are getting answered in the simplest manner. Most of the time, I was deeply thinking and trying to understand the knowledge received from Swamiji.

One incident happened in August 2019. I went to purchase some necessary items at a supermarket located in Chanda Nagar. The road is a highway with shops established on either side, and seeing continuously speeding vehicles is a regular feature. I purchased some items from the supermarket, went to the parking slot at the brink of the road, and tried to reverse my car to join the main traffic.

If I made a mistake in reversing the car, I might collide with a speeding vehicle on the highway, leading to an accident as there was a very narrow gap to escape. As I was moving back and looking through the rear-view mirror, a beggar-like person guided me by waving his hand to steer the four-wheeler safely. I felt happy and safely joined the main road.

I looked around for the beggar-like person who was seen wearing beard and torn clothes. He looked like a rag picker. I wanted to donate something to him for his kind help, thinking that he might expect it. My expectation was wrong. Alas, he was not to be seen there and disappeared suddenly!

Until then, I had never seen a beggar-like person not asking for any help but coming forward to help someone else in need. Later, when I shared this incident with a close devotee of Swamiji, he commented that it was none other than Swami who guided me to be safe in the highway traffic. Yes, it was none other than my beloved Swami, guiding me not only in Nivrutti but also in Pravrutti. This miracle was a first experience for me as He took care of my kṣema.

Avoiding accident at university main gate

In 2021, I was going back home after office hours in the evening. I reached the main gate of my university and needed to take a left turn to join the main road, which is one-way. While taking the left turn, I was looking to my right to safely join the ongoing traffic. Suddenly, a delivery boy came from the opposite direction and hit my vehicle. He was riding the wrong way. He collided with my four-wheeler and fell off his bike. His leg got stuck between the foot pedal and the engine of the bike, and the bike turned over on him. His leg was crippled, and he was crying in pain.

Though the mistake was not mine, I got down and tried to help him with the assistance of another passer-by. I thought that his leg might be broken due to the impact. After a little while, with some effort, his leg was freed. The person started to feel better and became a bit relaxed. Since the mistake was on his side for riding the wrong way, he quietly left, taking his bike with him.

In such incidents, in cities like Hyderabad, even if the mistake is not yours, you can be blamed and even demanded to pay for vehicle damage expenses. I soon realized that my Swami protected me again by preventing the other person from having a leg fracture and ensuring that my vehicle was not damaged. In my mind, I thanked Swami profusely for His continuous protection.

Income Tax Refund – from penalty to bonus!

As a salaried government employee, I am required to submit an Income Tax Return form (ITR) stating all my annual income-related information for the respective financial year. Every financial year, my employer (institution) issues a Form-16 detailing all tax deductions at the source. With the help of that form, the ITR must be filled out and submitted online. Failure to submit the ITR results in penalties.

After joining as a teacher at the university, I partially lost interest in worldly activities, unlike in my previous job in Bangalore. This is because I was more focussed on teaching and research activities. Consequently, one of my childhood friends has been helping me file the ITR on my behalf for several years. I was supposed to submit the ITR for the 2019-20 financial year during the assessment year 2021. My friend was given my login details for filing the ITR. While trying to file my return online, he discovered an additional tax amount of approximately Rs. 62,000 that needed to be paid.

Additionally, due to a technical issue, the web interface did not allow him to complete the data entry process. He called to inform me that he could not proceed and suggested that I try from my side. It was the last day to file the return, and failing to do so would result in a penalty of Rs. 5,000. I was absolutely clueless about what to do.

Then, I received a phone call from Shri Kishore Ram, one of Swamiji's young devotees. As a team member, he contributes technical help to propagate Swamiji’s spiritual knowledge. The call was initially about another issue, but during our conversation, he learned about my problem with filing the IT return. He suggested I contact his friend, Shri Amaranath, who could help me. Shri Kishore Ram arranged a conference call and explained my problem to Shri Amaranath. I remembered that Shri Amaranath also participates in the weekly online satsangas in Swamiji’s presence.

Shri Amaranath asked me to share my computer screen. As he reviewed the details, he found that one of the options was not checked: “Are you a Central Government employee?” Upon his advice, I ticked that option, and the subsequent screen appeared. It still showed that I needed to pay an additional tax of Rs. 62,000. Shri Amaranath then asked if I had missed mentioning any savings under a specific column. I realized that my Form-16 did not reflect my life insurance savings.

He asked me to mention it under a dedicated section before submitting the form. I did as he suggested. Here came the great surprise! The web interface not only allowed me to submit the form but also displayed a tax refund of Rs. 62,400, a little more than the amount I was initially asked to pay as additional tax! What a surprise in the blink of an eye! I thanked Shri Amaranath and Shri Kishore Ram for their kind and timely help.

Later, on 21st January 2021, I received the full tax refund based on my life insurance savings! My goodness, how kind and sweet is our God Datta! In a justified way, Swamiji not only helped me file the IT return but also arranged a tax refund based on my undisclosed savings as per the prevailing income tax rules! All this would not have been possible without the grace of our Swamiji. I do not find words to thank Swami for His causeless compassion!

Financial security through divine guidance

The worldly bonds and the world respect you not because of your degrees or scholarship but because of your monetary power. From my student days, I have been fortunate enough to never face any difficulties regarding expenses. This was largely due to my father, who taught us the value of savings early on. Despite this invaluable lesson, I have always been very bad at financial management, perhaps because I am poor in Math. Consequently, I never maintained proper savings.

However, somehow, money always seemed to come when needed. I attributed it to my ‘luck’. This became especially apparent when I had to make important financial decisions, like purchasing a house. Fortunately, I used to save a monthly amount in a chit fund organized by one of my friends. Those savings came to my rescue when I purchased a flat with a bank loan. I can say it is one of the biggest achievements in my personal life.

One fine day, while speaking to Shri Phani Sir, he advised me to invest in certain mutual fund units and arranged everything for me. Since then, I stopped saving in the chit fund and diverted my entire savings to a monthly systematic investment plan. Maintaining financial security is a must for every middle-class family man. In my case, through Phani Sir, Swami motivated and facilitated a systematic saving plan for me. It was then that I realized how much my financial security, even as a financially naive person I am, is taken care of by God.

Swami’s divine assurance of "Yogakṣemaṃ vahāmyaham" truly manifests in my life, as He ensures both my sustenance and security.

Donation Dilemma Removed by Swamiji

I mentioned in my previous miracle that I come from a lower middle-class family. I strongly feel that Swamiji blessed me to be born in a family that maintains economic discipline. As the youngest in the family, I never saw any lavish expenditure. There was no pampering at all. For example, whenever I wanted to go to a movie as a child, I would get 75 paisa for expenses—50 paisa for the ticket and 25 paisa for a goli soda. Once, I saved some pocket money and gathered 5 rupees to buy a Diwali gun. My father inquired how I got it, then took me to the shop, scolded the seller for providing such toys to children, and returned the gun to get the money back. This discipline controlled all our needs.

In 2001, I started my first government job with a consolidated pay of Rs. 4,000. Later, the job became permanent, and I received a basic pay scale. I have always felt great mercy for the poor and beggars. Once, a couple in Hyderabad requested financial help for surgical expenses through a WhatsApp circulated video. I called them and sent a small amount for my satisfaction. At traffic junctions, I often saw many beggars and kept small change to donate. However, I always wondered if the donations were used rightfully.

Once, someone from an NGO in Delhi called, saying their NGO provided medical aid to poor and orphaned children. They requested a donation for a girl suffering from cancer. I told them I wasn't rich enough to donate for medical expenses. The caller convinced me that any small amount was helpful, and I sent Rs. 4,000 to their bank account. Subsequently, other NGO representatives contacted me for similar reasons. I sent small amounts in a couple of cases, but it became routine to receive such calls. I began to doubt the genuineness of these requests and didn't know how to stop the harassment.

On a Dasara festival day, as I was heading to the market, someone from a Delhi NGO called, requesting money for a girl's surgery. It became clear that these NGOs were emotionally blackmailing me with patient stories. I initially rejected the request. The caller then remorsed me by saying, “How can you enjoy your festival food while someone suffers from a dangerous disease?” I told him that my friends and I had started a similar helping activity in Hyderabad, and in principle, an NGO shouldn't solicit donations from another NGO. The caller became irritated and demanded to know the name of our organization. I scolded him and firmly stated that it was none of his business. The same person called again in the evening, apologized for his behaviour, but continued to request money. I politely rejected and ended the conversation. I realized that my sympathy for needy people was being exploited.

Later, Swamiji kindly blessed me with the true concept of donation and charity, breaking my ignorance once and for all.

One should not do any charity unless one is sure about the deservingness of the receiver. This is impossible for ordinary people like me. Especially, money should not be given to anyone, including beggars. Instead, food, water, clothes, etc., should be donated. Help must be given in kind, not in cash. If a donation goes to an undeserving receiver, they might spend it on vices, making the donor a sponsor of their sin. This must be avoided, and the poorest should be helped first, followed by the poorer and the poor. In deserving cases, while providing the needed help, spiritual knowledge should be imparted so that the person realizes their sin, which is the direct cause of their present state.

These wonderful pearls of wisdom from Swamiji enlightened me and helped me escape the illusion of misplaced sympathy. Now, I only donate food and other essentials, never money. I am confident and happy, following the wonderful spiritual knowledge Swamiji has blessed the entire humanity with!

Teaching me that no food item is bad in creation

As a primary school boy, I used to carry a lunch box with rice and potato-onion fry. After entering Sanskrit studies at age 13, I became reluctant to consume onion and garlic. This change was influenced by the religious teachings of Sri Vaishnava gurus at the boarding school run by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams.

From my childhood, all my mentors belonged to the Sri Vaishnava tradition. Even after my marriage in 2002, my wife cooked separate dishes for me without onion or garlic, as I firmly believed these ingredients increase Rajas and Tamas qualities. Many households in the Sri Vaishnava tradition avoid these foods, and I felt a sense of arrogance, thinking I was among the exclusive devotees who follow this practice.

In 2019, Swamiji visited the house of Dr. Annapurna Garu. Swamiji was served hot rotis and sabji, and I noticed Him eating raw onion with His meal. This puzzled me, as I thought it was unsuitable for a Sadguru. When Sarma Garu and Annapurna Garu offered me the same food, I declined the onions, stating that I didn’t eat them. This was a moment for the Sadguru to correct my misguided beliefs.

Swamiji, knowing my thoughts, explained the medicinal benefits of onions, including their content of phosphorus, potassium, and sodium, which promote good health without negative qualities. He emphasized that no food created by God is inherently negative; it is the individual's thoughts that bring negativity. Swamiji also noted that onions and garlic are used in Ayurvedic medicinal formulations.

Being the omniscient God Datta, Swamiji dispelled my confusion and taught me the value of these foods through practical teaching. My rigid thinking and deep ignorance never troubled Swamiji, as He continued to enlighten me on several occasions.

Later, I changed my dietary restrictions and started eating onion and garlic, which relieved my family. I also began practicing not to waste food, following the Vedic saying ‘annaṃ na paricakṣīta,’ often mentioned by Swamiji. I taught my son not to waste food at home or outside. It was beyond my imagination that an undeserving soul like me could see God in human form, talk to Him, learn from Him, and be guided by Him. This is nothing but Swamiji’s boundless love and compassion towards devotees who truly wish to progress in their spiritual practice.
