Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 27 Aug 2023


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More clarification on pure awareness, jiva and chit

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Padanamaskaram Swami, in Datta Mata Vimshatih, You said that Para Prakriti or Cit or Jiiva (individual soul) is pure awareness.  Again, You said that Para Prakriti or Cit joined with Cittam is also Para Prakriti or Cit or Jiiva (individual soul). How is this possible? Can the spiritual knowledge of Sadguru destroy this impure Para Prakriti or Prakriti?]

Swami replied:- If you take a cup of milk, whether sugar (Sugar represents both good and bad qualities. It is good since it is sweet and it is bad since it brings diabetes.) is not added or added, you will call it as milk only. The pure awareness when generated in the beginning of the creation was called as Paraa Prakriti or Cit or Pure Jiivas. Later on, several births happened for each Jiiva and several qualities were accumulated and dissolved in the pure awareness or Jiivas. Now, this awareness mixed with qualities (good or bad or both) is also called as Paraa Prakriti or Jiivas or Cit just like the pure milk after adding sugar is also called as the milk only. As millions of births passed, the solidified qualities are mixed with the pure jiivas or pure awareness. These qualities are the final solidified impurities. These impurities are called as vasanaas in the early stage and when they become materialized, they are called as samskaaraas. These samskaaraas on further solidification become qualities or gunas.

Vaasana is subtle like water vapour. Samskaara is materialized like water. Guna is like solidified ice. Whatever may be the strength, after all, all these gunas or qualities are only various thoughts or modes of awareness only. These qualities are either good qualities as in angels or bad qualities as in demons or good and bad mixed qualities as in human beings. The knowledge of the Sadguru is also several correct thoughts or true concepts and these can destroy the bad qualities like a diamond cutting another diamond. The knowledge of the Sadguru cuts only bad qualities and will not cut good qualities since the knowledge of the Sadguru and good qualities are similar. Pure awareness can be jiiva with good qualities also. Impure Jiiva can mean pure Jiiva with bad qualities. Pure Jiiva can mean pure jiiva with good qualities or pure jiiva without any quality also. There is no other way to destroy the impure Paraa Prakriti or Prakriti (as called by God Krishna in the Gita) or Jiiva with bad qualities other than this said method. Cittam stores all these qualities and when cit or pure Jiiva is associated with Cittam, the pure Jiiva results if qualities are good, impure Jiiva results if qualities are bad and mixed jiiva results if the qualities are good and bad as said in the Gita (Aniṣṭamiṣṭaṃ miśraṃ ca…).
