15 Aug 2024
(Poem by Ms. Noishadha Chatterjee is enclosed. Click here to read)
God Datta is the only end goal,
Selfishness is the single hurdle,
Human form is the only relevant,
Personality love is the only path.
Practical action is the only proof,
Divine preacher is the only guide,
Logical analysis is the only torch,
Ego-jealousy is the only cataract.
Hypocritic love is the only blunder,
Firm faith is the only achievement,
Spiritual knowledge is the only key,
Sacrifice is the only final success.
(A poem on His Holiness Shri Datta Swami by Ms. Noishadha Chatterjee)
In a world filled with noise and haste,
Where truth is often hard to taste,
Shines a light so pure and bright,
Lord Datta Swami, our guiding light.
From the unimaginable God, He came to be,
The only source of pure divinity,
In His voice, the Vedas speak,
And at His feet, all the gods do seek.
Brahma’s wisdom, Vishnu’s care,
Shiva’s power everywhere,
All are found in Him alone,
As Lord Datta, sits on His throne.
With science in His hands, He treads,
And to the soul, His knowledge spreads,
The greatest of the all, the Supreme,
Whose knowledge shines with the infinite beam.
(tread:- walk in a specified way)
In scriptures old, He shows us the key,
Unlocking the truths for you and me,
We should be grateful and keen,
As such knowledge is never seen.
It might take millions of births to find,
Yet now it's here, for the humankind.
Not only God, but Parabrahman Himself,
Preaches the spiritual knowledge, our only wealth.
(Parabrahman:- Unimaginable God)
Teaching not just through word or pen,
But through His life, to women and men.
Countless souls, in search of light,
He guides them through the darkest night,
With His unimaginable kindness, so pure and true,
His grace shows the soul, what’s right to pursue.
(pursue:- to follow)
So let us be grateful, let us see,
Swami’s gift to the humanity,
In the world, that’s torn apart,
Only, Lord Datta, can heal our heart.
But if we don’t pray or love Him right,
We miss the chance to see the ultimate light,
For He is the one, who shows us the way,
And guides us through each passing day.
Let’s not misuse His grace so divine,
With complete surrender, let us align,
For He is the protector, our guiding light,
At His feet, we find strength and might.
(might:- power)
We all souls are brothers and sisters true,
Let’s hold His feet, with love in view,
With tears in our eyes, and hearts that sing,
Let’s call upon our Father, our Eternal King.
Thank You, Swami, for Your endless grace,
On a soul such as me, that’s full of ignorance,
You are the Ultimate God, the only blissful place.
I can never thank You enough or have enough gratefulness.
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