Shri Datta Swami

 15 Aug 2024


Reply from His Holiness Shri Datta Swami to the poem 'Swami - The Final Solution for Spiritual Seeker' of Smt. Chhanda

(Poem by Smt. Chhanda Chandra is enclosed. Click here to read)

Fix yourself in God Datta, the creator, ruler and destroyer,
This is the Vedic definition about the ultimate original God,
Veda says that He is the one doing all these three activities,
Single person with three faces creates, rules and destroys.

Devotee realising this top most divine secret reaches goal,
All are His incarnations, the same one in different garments,
Krishna is the fullest incarnation of God Datta since He alone,
Showed sweet devotion also as best path if God is the goal.

Only the climax Sage-Gopikas were the eligible candidates,
Now, several false Godmen exploit this most subtle concept,
Only passed in issue-wealth joint test are valid in final result,
By this, all worldly bonds roar torturing the soul, most horrible!


Swami – The Final Solution for Spiritual Seeker

(A poem on His Holiness Shri Datta Swami by Smt. Chhanda)

I, the petty soul, had so many worldly desires,
When they were not fulfilled, pitifully I used to cry.
By refusing many of them, You saved my life from total darkness,
Otherwise, I would have been wandering in the materialistic world always.

This strong mercy of Yours has really shaped my life and gave its proper meaning,
Will always pray to You to be like this and take the reign (control) of my life.

You gifted me the sky, the light, the earth, the air and the water,
Also, this body, the life and the mind too in addition to the former.
All these are very necessary not only for worldly life -
but more important for the spiritual life that leads to the path of Yours,
Other than this spiritual purpose, I can’t even think of any other better use of these items.

There are times when I really can’t keep my patience,
As this impatient soul tries to get its God at the earliest.
I keep on lingering but You hide Yourself from me very sweetly,
(linger:- spend a long time over something)
In this way, You are making myself worthy slowly slowly.

Many a time, I forget my limit and take You for granted,
As You have allowed me to behave with You as my most dearest.
Even with such a long distance, You hold me here firmly,
As You know how much unstable my feet are, I may fall anytime uncontrollably.

You accepted me by refusing all my wrong and emotional wishes,
It is Your grace again that You returned me as they were useless for my spiritual progress.
I know Your silence is more powerful than my all words put together,
Still this one desire does not want to get satisfied, of course it is all my error.

There were many unselfish desires too in my mind about which - 
I was sceptical about myself and hence I didn’t even dare to ask for those wishes,
You graced me with those simple, beautiful and great divine gifts, that are really precious,
Again, You are making me worthy slowly for my Goal, that is You, the only priceless.
(sceptical:- not convinced that something is true)

Patience, purity and perseverance overcome all obstacles,
(perseverance:- persistence/determination)
These words of Yours I understand clearly but lacking them in life practical.
I try to inculcate all these good things into my very inherent nature,
(inculcate:- to bring into behaviour)
It won’t be possible without Your kindness as You are the real source and originator.

When I think about all these divine qualities of Yours,
I lose all my control and You take me to some different planes.
As soon as my mind becomes free from worldly attachments,
The realization of Yourself as God becomes even more intense.

Since the mind is pure at that time by Your kindness,
Whatever internal voice comes to me, I know it is from You, my Limitless.
Even after that my thirst for You does not get quenched fully,
I realize, at that stage, I need to go beyond dharma and adharma practically.
(quench:- satisfy thirst by drinking, dharma:- justice, adharma:- injustice)

There is no adharma in this whole creation that can ever touch You,
Like the thorny stick becomes sacred ash when it is burnt in the yajna fire, aiming only You.
In front of You, the word dharma itself loses its meaning,
And the adharma becomes dharma just by Your liking.
There is nothing pure but You, from Whom purity itself is generated,
What this narrow mind can think about You, the Unimaginable, Who has mediated.

When You explain the most sacred devotion of this creation,
The love of Gopikas to Lord Krishna, their contemporary human incarnation - 
Who was dearer than anything and anybody to them in this whole creation,
You make me practically realize the meaning of the word ecstasy -
never could I even imagine and always wanted to experience in this life spiritually.
(ecstasy:- overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement)

If I can lose all my body-senses just by hearing Your amazing explanation,
What might have been those wisest Gopikas condition -
while being with Krishna, the Satchidaananda, Who is beyond even imagination?
They must have experienced a bliss million times more intense –
losing their all-bodily as well as other consciousness,
The divine lustre of Krishna’s body made them experience –
more ecstasy in every pore of their bodies.
(Satchidaananda:- God existing, non-inert and blissful, lustre:- a soft divine glow)

Could the thought of even trivial sensual pleasure arise at all in their minds?
We, the sinful souls, who have not overcome the cheap hormonal lust - 
can only think in wrong lines and try to give it a colour of selfish enjoyment.
(trivial:- having little value or importance)

You explained brilliantly that this whole episode was not only the last test for the Gopikas,
In which they proved their bonding towards God was superior than their worldly husbands,
But, before this, they have already defeated the strongest bond of children for the sake of God. 

Loving God over everything and everybody, took them to Goloka, higher than the highest,
Can Lord give such fruit if their aspiration would have been faulty and thoughts are lowest?
Finally, You revealed that Lord Krishna descended down mainly for their upliftment.

To feel this love of Gopikas to Lord Krishna, even Ramakrishna acted as Gopika for a month,
He concluded that from bhava to mahabhava and finally to prema will lead such climax stage.
(bhava:- feeling, mahabhava:- feeling of absorption in God, prema:- love)

Is it possible for our dirty minds to even understand the embodiment of such climax love -
between God and His climax devotees?
Our impure minds, full of worldly desires can never think of such pure love –
that has gone into extreme madness. 

Can this explanation be ever possible by any scholar, not to speak of ordinary human beings?
When the highest rishi like Suka also had to keep silent on this most sensible topic itself. 
For this blissful and subtle explanation, only God has to come and directly tell us the reasons,
Also, only You have justified this in such great detail for the first time in this whole creation.

In our case, it is clearly understood that God Datta Himself is present in my Swami,
Otherwise, how come is it possible for me to go beyond even the bodily senses?

There are several other very sensible topics that You explained, which are so far untouched,
Each one of them proves Your divinity and by nobody other than God, can be explained.

What we call ordinarily as ‘love’ is not at all true love but attraction through delusion,
(delusion:- false impression)
Whereas prema, the love of God, takes us to the death of death that is to immortalization.
(immortalization:- not subject to death)

When I think about all these wonderful logical and justified analysis,
I really can’t close my mouth in awe and start to think about my fortune as a full bliss.
(awe:- a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder)

I genuinely want to immerse in this blissful ocean of Yours, O Venu Gopala Krishnamurthy!
Please take control of this petty soul and make it pure by removing its impurity,
So that this devotee of Yours can never misunderstand You and Your divinity.

Once Swami Vivekananda said about his Sadguru, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,
I also would like to put my words in similar line about my Sadguru, my most beloved Swami,
Who is none other than the new form of Ramakrishna only, for sinful me,
“He, who will bow before Shri Datta Swami, Who is the Ultimate,
Will automatically get converted into purest gold at that very moment and gets uplifted”.

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