Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 30 Jun 2024


Reply to the poem 'Dedication to the Infinity, my Sadguru, my Swami' of Smt. Chhanda

(Poem by Smt. Chhanda Chandra is enclosed. Click here to read)

Swami replied:

Avataara means descending from the highest to lowest level,
You, the soul, ascended to highest level of practical devotion,
Hence, God becomes the servant of devotee in this dualism,
O Chhanda Master! I get the highest pleasure in serving you,
You are equal to Paramahamsa, showing practice as the truth.
(Avataara or incarnation:- ava=downwards, taara=descending)

Always, I thought seriously "How is this Chhanda possible at all?"
Practical devotion is true and mere theoretical devotion is false,
This concept is also true in worldly life in estimating love-bond,
Your detachment from world is not the fruit of your effort at all,
It is a spontaneous by-product of your true love to God Krishna.

I plan to create 16th world for devotees in service and sacrifice,
You be super-queen of that world like Radha for the 15th world,
Your thoughts are always divine and spread the flavour of God,
Due to you alone, your husband, son, in-laws and parents also,
Reach My abode gradually, this is My bonus boon given to you.


Dedication to the Infinity, my Sadguru, my Swami

(A poem on His Holiness Shri Datta Swami by Smt. Chhanda)

[June 22, 2024]

It was Ambubachi day, all were celebrating the fertility of Mother Earth
And the menstrual cycle of Devi Kamakhya,
You selected such an auspicious day to bring this soul to this world,
Who was facing lot of difficulties just before its very first contact with the earth.

Doctor’s call was to select either the mother or the baby to be born,
But what the worldly doctor can do if Universal doctor has turned that decision?
Is there anybody in this whole creation, who can stop it to happen?

Finally, You brought me out from my mother’s womb miraculously,
First came the legs and then the head, which does not happen normally.
This one point is sufficient for me to do Nishkama Karma Yoga,
But alas! This fool had to walk for a long to understand it and practice the real yoga.

You placed me in such a family that was struggling economically,
But you covered those apparent sufferings with inputs – spiritually.
You graced us to be happy always by focussing what we possessed, 
Rather than being unhappy by not focussing on what we missed.
You made all the arrangements for me to concentrate on my spiritual aspects,
By providing some good people, who indirectly taught me how to love You selfless.

From my childhood itself, I felt You, my God, surrounding me all the time,
You always took care of everything and guarded me against all sorts of crime.
There are several numbers of occasions when You saved my life O! Omniscient,
O! Swami, my Lord Krishna, please accept my gratitude – respectful and decent.

The surrounding around me was not that encouraging externally,
But You turned all my darkness into light by removing ignorance internally.
All odd things that occurred, every time giving some lesson,
You only made it possible by diverting everything into a positive direction.
All such incidents used to impact my mind very strongly, 
Leading me to develop more and more confidence in You finally.

You not only saved my brother from drowning down into a pond,
You saved me too at the same occasion as I was also about to drown.
In a struggling family, whatever emergency situations came,
You only managed everything and brought us out with proper mind frame.

You made a unique opportunity for me to get attracted to a Baul song from a blind beggar,
(Baul song is a type of folk song, carrying devotion to God)
Who sang that a mansion is useless as each one will mix with the soil one day or the other.
That song was so deeply meaningful from the realization point of view,
Every time I came out of home running spontaneously, trying to feel You in lieu.
(in lieu: instead)

I used to sing many movie songs and felt more attracted to You by the lyrics,
Be it in Bengali or Hindi, but always with a feeling of shyness as they were from movies.
Sanskrit being unknown, I did not get that interest in Gayatri mantra to develop devotion,
Though I liked the tune very much, but internally lacking that attraction.
You defined Gayatri mantra as singing in any language, any region, any gender or any caste,
This is just path breaking and revolutionary, the only purpose being feeling closer to God.
Your revelation of this real meaning of Gayatri mantra boosted my confidence like anything,
I got more inspiration to sing movie songs for You and they were helpful devotionally.
And what a coincidence, the song that You mention most of the time in this connection,
That same “Chura liya hai tumne” song used to be my most favourite selection.
Whenever I sing these movie songs after knowing Your explanation,
It is not only devotion but I really feel more and more protection.

You sent me to various places travelling throughout the day,
So that I can learn how to take difficulties in a joyful way.
Then You took me to the abode of Lord Shiva, the most sacred place, Varanasi,
Where You gave me lot of good lessons through observation and personal experience.

You took care of my studies from the beginning to even today,
You only provided a respectable job to arrange my food comfortably every day.
This job not only fulfilled my personal requirements,
But my full family was saved from all angles, planned by You, O Omniscient!
You made me earn a living in an unimaginable way, by Your grace only,
Which I could never thought of, being a girl from a very needy family.

As soon as I joined BARC, You brought Surya sir into my life, an extraordinary soul,
You decided to reach me through him, to give me knowledge spiritual.
This moment became the most auspicious and indeed my life’s turning point,
For which, I waited for births together as I understand.
Your knowledge started working on me immediately,
It really removed lot of ignorance and I started living freely.

O my Lord Krishna! You made me taste all the bondings of this world,
Finally, Your bonding only came out to be the most sweetest one.
You removed all my pain and allowed me to remain unhurt in all situations,
I enjoyed infinite gain, as You made me understand the meaning of salvation.
Life has become a musical journey with which I am just floating,
You made me realize the purpose of my life for which I was thirstily waiting.
For so long, I was waiting for Your intervention in my life personally,
You finally came and showed me the way, what should be done practically.

For so many years, You provided me the required air, water and other basic elements,
For the survival of this sinful soul without any proper reasons but only due to Your kindness.
All my body organs are functioning without any problem due to Your unconditional mercy,
Not only saving my family members, You also took my mental pain by Your omnipotency.

If I start noting down all my sins that I have done till now,
That list will be a never ending as it is very natural for a soul like me, who is so low.
And if I start counting down all the blessings that You have showered on me,
Undoubtedly, I can show that list as infinite as Your very own nature is infinite mercy.

It all have been possible with the direct intervention of You, my Ishwara!
Hence, it will really be demeaning You if I just say a thank You to You, my Parameshwara.
I surrender myself at Your divine lotus feet, not to slip ever for eternity,
Whatever may be the situation, may I be free from ego and jealousy for You - my Infinity.

Today I dedicate all my merits and demerits till date – both on world and spiritual ground,
Pray to You that let me always be driven by You, never by my own selfish background.
Let my devotion overflow only for You, not for getting anything in my aspiration,
So that I can always be in the path of giving You at least some satisfaction.

O Swami! Never will I leave You, never will I disown You,
My one and only aim of this life and all my future lives is just to love You.
This life is meaningless if it is not with Your personal association with mine,
I can’t live without loving You, my Sadguru, my Lord Krishna, the Supreme Divine.
I know very well that my love loses all its significance in front of Yours,
But that is only my maximum capacity, always trying to make it pure and even more pure.


