Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Dec 2020


Swami Answers Devotees' Questions

An online spiritual discussion was conducted on November 21, 2020, in which several devotees participated. Some of the questions of devotees answered by Swāmi are given below.

1. Who is Allāh? Is Allāh the Unimaginable God?

[A question by Śrī Ganesh.]

Swāmi replied: Allāh is the unimaginable God. But devotees also say that Allāh appeared as a light without form. This light can be treated to be the Father of Heaven without a form. The Veda also says that the unimaginable God appeared as a formless light called Yakṣa.

2. If we do business or financial transactions with sinners, do we get a share of their sins?

[Śrī Ganesh asked: We do not have any control over others’ sins. Should I rent out my house to someone who eats non-vegetarian food or indulges in homosexuality? Since such actions are sins, I think I might also get a share in their sins.

Dr. Nikhil asked: Even in business, we might have to deal with sinners. Should we buy, sell or do any kind of financial transactions with sinners?]

Swāmi replied: There is no connection between the sins of one individual and another individual, who gives his house on rent or who deals in business with such a sinful individual.

3. Is a Human Incarnation of God in a state of monism or dualism with God?

[Smt. Anita Renkuntla asked: Paraśurāma was insulted by Śrī Rāma for developing the ego that He was in the state of monism with God. Is this monism the monism between the God-component and the human being-component of the Incarnation?]

Swāmi replied: Every Human Incarnation of God is in a state of monism between the God-component and the human being-component. In spite of such monism, dualism also exists between the two components. But that dualism is beyond our imagination. Due to this, the human being-component can develop an ego and hence, He should be very careful.

4. Is it a sin to offer milk to a serpent?

[Smt. Anita Renkuntla: You have said that offering milk to snakes, as is done on the day of the Nāga Pañcamī festival, is a sin. But, in the bhajan composed by You, “Urageśa vandanam…” You mention offering milk to Ādiśeṣa? How to correlate these two ideas?]

Swāmi replied: Offering milk to a serpent is not a sin. But pouring the milk in the snake’s abode (termite mound) is a waste of food (milk) and hence, is a sin.
