Shri Datta Swami

 02 Jul 2024


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Swami answers devotees' questions

1. Is it advisable to do what we don't love so much to increase our patience and mental strength?

[Shri Soumyadip Mondal asked: We prefer to keep ourselves busy in doing what we love. But is it not advisable to do exactly what we don't love so much but are necessities in worldly life?? Doesn't it increase the patience and mental strength to go a little bit against what the mind wants? By Soumyadip Mondal]

Swami replied:- You are perfectly correct in this concept, which is very essential for worldly life.

2. Is it a sin to have sex before marriage?

[Shri Ganesh V asked: Paaadanamaskaaram Swamiji. If a person intends to marry someone and has sex with that person before marriage. Is it a sin? At your divine feet, Ganesh V]

Swami replied:- It is not a sin provided you marry the same girl.

3. Is maintenance of the same asana important in Japa?

[Shri Jayesh Pandey asked: Padanamaskaram Swami Ji! Is maintenance of the same asana important in Japa? Below Your Feet!]

Swami replied:- Japa means repeated memories of the inspiring stories of God and His incarnations that develop true attraction and love to God. Japa shall not mean the repetition of the name of God that gives headache to yourself and God also. If you follow the real essence of Japa, any aasana is immaterial.

4. Please explain a little more about the difference between type (2b) and type 3 people.

[Shri Bharath Krishna asked: Padanamskaram Swami, My question is related to a recent answer given to Thrylokya's question related to three types of people. You have mentioned that people who are (2b) type have 0.1% to 100% true devotion towards GOD and 0% fascination towards the world. If someone has 0% fascination towards the world it means that he or she has 100% aspirationless devotion to God isn't it? Swami, please explain a little more about the difference between type 2b and type 3 people. Your servant, bharath krishna.]

Swami replied:- Type (2b) is the path and type (3) is the goal. Type (2b) indicates the gradual progress in the path. Type (3) indicates the continuity in the goal. The curve (2b) shows progress of various percentages of attachment to God even though there is no trace of worldly fascination from beginning to end. The line (3) shows fixed percentages (of devotion and worldly fascination), which means the constant percentages (of devotion and fascination to world) that always continues.

5. Why does Veda say that all are Shudra by birth?

[A question by Shri Anil Antony]

Swami replied:- Shuudra means the one, who is always weeping (Śocati iti śūdraḥ). All children born often weep.

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