Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 01 Aug 2024


Swami answers questions of Master Atri

1. Is it correct to say that Adisesha, Garuda, Indra, Agni etc., were all souls?

[Master Atri (S/o Smt. Priyanka, Canada) asked:- Is it correct to say that demigods like Adisesha, Garuda, Indra, Agni etc., were all souls, who were born as normal human beings but became demigods with powers due to the grace of God later on?]

Swami replied:- Adishesha, Garuda, etc., are the climax devotees of God and possess almost the unlimited powers of God. Indra is a human soul, who became the king of angels by doing certain rituals involving the worship of God. Agni is a soul created by God and was given certain powers from the time He created Agni.

2. Do some devoted souls become weapons of God?

[Have some devoted souls become weapons of God like Trishulam, Sudarshana chakra, etc.to serve God? Is there a difference between souls who became weapons VS souls who became vehicles in the form of animals.]

Swami replied:- These weapons are inert and do not have awareness. But, their presiding deities are divine souls created by God. For example, Sudarshana is a wheel weapon. Its presiding deity is also called Sudarshana. Sudarshana took birth as Shatrughna. These presiding deities are souls with energetic bodies present in the weapons controlling them as per the orders of God.

3. Is Lord Vishnu's Shankham also a soul in the form of conch shell?

[Is Lord Vishnu's Shankham also a soul in the form of conch shell because it is said that His conch shell was born as Shatrughna as God Rama's brother in Ramayana?]

Swami replied:- The conch shell called Paancajanyam is also an inert conch shell. The energetic being controlling this instrument is also called Paancajanya, who controls the conch shell as per the orders of God. It is the deity Paancajanya, who took birth as Bharata.

4. What is the deciding factor for God to grant the soul to become His vehicle or a weapon?

[What is the deciding factor for God to grant the soul to become His vehicle or a weapon or an object like conch shell? Is it based on God granting the soul's desire or God only decides as per that soul's personality?]

Swami replied:- It is the desire of the devotee to become the vehicle, weapon, etc., and God is pleased with the devotee to fulfill his desire to serve Him in a specific form and in a specific way.


