Shri Datta Swami

 31 Jul 2024


Swami answers questions of Ms. Geeta Lahari

1. Did Draupadi ask for help from Krishna in that situation when she was being disrobed?

[Ms. Geeta Lahari Bandi asked: Paadanamaskaram Swami. Questions to Swami. Brother Abhiram and Kishore questions:- When Draupadi asked God Krishna to save her from the situation, God Krishna saw her account (merit) and gave her infinite number of sarees because she gave God Krishna a piece of cloth when He got injury to the finger (without aspiring in return). Did Draupadi ask for help to God Krishna in that situation?]

Swami replied:- Draupadi asked God Krishna to help her in that situation.

2. Her revenge attitude toward Kauravas was justified because of humiliation. Please comment.

[In this context, I feel her revenge attitude on Kauravas was justified, because any woman in her place also have thought of the same and its a double humiliation to her.]

Swami replied:- Who are you? You are also a human being. Your feeling is not valid to justify a human feeling. You cannot be the judge in this context. Control of emotional feelings is of a greater status about which you cannot understand since you are also a human being like Draupadi.

3. Will God Krishna save any other woman without seeing any accounts, or will He see her accounts and save her?

[If in the place of Draupadi , if any ordinary soul would have asked for help in the same situation and manner, then would God Krishna would see her accounts or save her without seeing any accounts.]

Swami replied:- Your over intelligence is extrapolating the situation. You should not conclude in this way. Had Draupadi been innocent without revengeful attitude, God Krishna might have considered to save her or any lady if she was innocent. Since Draupadi was revengeful, even though Krishna saved her from becoming naked, Krishna did not save her children since she was revengeful. When Duryodhana fell on the ground mistaking water as floor, Draupadi laughed telling that the son of a blind man shall also be blind. She provoked the quarrel from her side due to her ego. Had Draupadi not done the practical sacrifice, the situation would be very difficult for God Krishna to act in that situation.

4. Is complaining to the police about the incident also a revengeful attitude?

[In the present times, if a rape victim, goes and complain to police about the incident, is that also a revengeful attitude (referring to the statement of Jesus "Revenge is mine").]

Swami replied:- All justified procedures must be followed by everybody when somebody harms in an unjust way. When the criminal is very strong and if the victim is unable even to proceed through justified way, then only, God comes into the picture. The victim must have patience without any revengeful attitude. In this situation, the victim shall pray to God and leave everything to God without revengeful attitude towards the enemy. Then, God will compensate the victim as early as possible. The victim shall not worry about the punishment of the criminal since God will take His own course of time in reforming the soul.

5. Will God protect her if the soul does not surrender to God?

[In such unfortunate situations , if the soul does not surrender to God or does not recall God , will God not protect her? (because even that soul is the child of God).]

Swami replied:- Even though all souls are issues to God, you cannot bind horse and donkey to the same pole. Kindness also must have some logic. Irrational kindness shows innocence without intelligence.

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