Shri Datta Swami

 18 Aug 2024


Swami answers questions of Ms. Rithika

1. You told that 100% sacrifice is the climax. Does this mean that we need not do any sacrifice till we reach the climax state?

Swami replied:- This is called over intelligence even though I know that you asked this question for the sake of real understanding. I think, I have already answered this question. I told that the correct sequence is knowledge, devotion and practice. This does not mean that you shall not get theoretical devotion and do practical devotion unless you complete the spiritual knowledge. It means that when you complete 1% spiritual knowledge, you will get 1% devotion that makes you to do 1% practical devotion. Even if it is 1% only, the sequence is not changed, which is knowledge, devotion and practice. Slowly developing yourself towards 100% perfection is called the path, which is to be followed before reaching the goal. Some devotees, who intentionally want to avoid the practice, keep themselves in the 1st (knowledge) and 2nd (devotion) stages only!

2. Swami, I am in Nivrutti. Hence, God will take care of my Pravrutti.

Swami replied:- Nivrutti itself means that you have to sacrifice to God without aspiring for anything in return from God. If you are aspiring for Pravrutti (standing on one’s own legs by working hard to earn), how can you say that you are in Nivrutti? In Pravrutti or worldly life, you have to establish your foundation by your hard work without aspiring anything from God. Then only, you are eligible for Nivrutti, which is strictly one way traffic. This one way traffic is created by God in this world to stand as an example for Nivrutti in the explanation of spiritual knowledge. If you aspire for any desire, then it will be instrumental devotion (using God to achieve the fruit of your desire) and not goal devotion (you aspire only for God and not for anything or anybody including yourself). You can learn this from fan devotion (the fan of a hero does not aspire for anything from the hero, spends from his own pocket for the functions of hero and finally commits suicide when the hero dies).



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