Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 09 Jan 2024


Swami answers questions of Shri Divakar

1. Do the gunas remain in the same proportions at the time of birth?

[Shri Divakar asked: Padnamskaram Swami, As I understood, soul samskaras are expressed in a certain percentage of 3 gunas. Let's say X, Y, Z are the percentage proportions of 3 gunas at the time of death. Do the gunas stay in the same proportions at the time of birth as mentioned above if at all soul takes new birth. If percentage proportions of the 3 gunas gets changed for a soul at the time of birth, what is the reason for this.]

Swami replied:- The ratio of three gunas present at the time of death will remain as it is called as karma shesha at the time of new birth also. The quantitative ratio is only changed and not the qualitative ratio. The qualitative ratio can be changed by the true spiritual knowledge of the divine preacher or the Sadguru.

2. Does the learning of spiritual knowledge happen in other lokas also?

[Earth is a karmabhumi, where the soul does different types of karmas. One of the important karma is learning spritual knowledge. Does the learning of spiritual knowledge happen even in other lokas also?]

Swami replied:- You cannot treat learning of knowledge as Karma Yoga, which is practical devotion as a proof for theoretical devotion. Certain faulty concepts are rectified by the enlightened souls in the above worlds after Suvarloka or heaven.

3. Why did God create thorns over the plants if they were meant for food?

[As per my understanding based on the article from internet, thorns are developed to protect the plants against plant eating animals (It includes even human beings also). If plants are created for the purpose of food to human beings and other plant eating animals, why did God create thorns over them? This question was raised when I was having a discussion with my friend Sharon at my office about veg. and non-veg. food. Thank You Swami for letting me to ask this question. Please correct me if I am wrong. Regards, Divakar.]

Swami replied:- Thorns are developed for the protection of plants from foolish animals etc., which spoil the plant even if they are not hungry.
