Shri Datta Swami

 25 Sep 2024


Swami answers questions of Smt. Chhanda

1a. Kindly explain why is the Veda called Apara Vidya in some context and Para Vidya in some other context.

[Smt. Chhanda asked: Paadanamaskaram O Guru Datta. In today’s Satsang, what a wonderful spiritual knowledge You showered on all of us! With my head bowed down completely, I would like to request You once again to kindly explain this topic on why Veda is called Apara vidya (inferior knowledge) in some context and Para vidya (superior knowledge) in some other context. You made the understanding of the Veda clearer today.]

Swami replied:- In Sanskrit, ‘Paraa’ means one and ‘Aparaa’ means the other. ‘Paraa Vidya’ deals about God, whereas ‘Aparaa Vidya’ deals with the subjects related to the world and professional life. Both are equally important because Aparaa means the subjects with the help of which practical devotion to God is possible. Practical devotion is the life of theoretical devotion. Practical professional work called Karma Kaanda, which is the preparation of food for a spiritual seminar occupies 80% of the Veda. Without practical sacrifice, mere theoretical sacrifice of work is of not much use. Karma Yoga consisting of sacrifice of practical work (Karma Samnyaasa) and practical sacrifice of fruit of work (Karma Phala Tyaaga) is the most important final step from the point of spiritual effort.

b. Please correlate the preaching of Shankara and Kumarila Bhatta with the various Kandas of the Veda.

[You also explained Karma Kanda, Kamya Karma Kanda, Jnana Kanda and Upasana Kanda etc., in a very beautiful way and correlated them with the preachings of Adi Shankara, Mandana Mishra and Kumarila Bhatta. Please remove all these ignorance of mine by explaining them.]

Swami replied:- Mandana Mishra preaches action (Karma Kaanda) only, which was practiced by the forefathers without any analysis. In such case, certain blind ignorant traditions are also possible that have entered the practice through blind authority of ancestors. Shankara condemned only the ignorance present in the blind actions and this does not mean that He condemned the very action itself. Since the action was fully mixed with ignorance, such ignorant action like a pot of milk mixed with poison was condemned by Shankara. Shankara condemned only the poison and not the milk. Kumarila Bhatta was the preacher of Mandana Mishra, but still, Kumarila Bhatta preached about action based on analysis and knowledge, which is like milk mixed with sugar. It is wrong to count Kumarila Bhatta as a scholar of Purvamiimamsaa, which is based on the blind tradition without analysis.

2. Can we say that the devotion of the monkeys was compared to Hanuman in the role of a devotee?

[Swami, from Your recent revelation on the divine fruits of all the monkeys (angels originally) that did not hesitate to give away their lives for the mission of Lord Rama, can we say, their devotion was compared to Lord Hanuman in the role of a devotee? I think Hanuman is not comparable to them from the viewpoint of devotion and service to Lord Rama. Please remove this confusion. At Your divine lotus feet always, Chhanda.]

Swami replied:- Hanuman is the ideal leader of monkeys just like Radha is the leader of Gopikas. Both Radha and Hanuman are the incarnations of God Shiva. Hence, Hanuman and Radha stand as the climax devotees of God.

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