10 Feb 2025
1. Is Sthitaprajna related to the control of emotions or the death of the devotee where it will accept it by remaining undisturbed?
[Smt. Chhanda asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami! In our everyday discussion, we got the following doubt on Sthitaprajna. Please clear our minds. What actually a real Sthitaprajna is? By taking the examples of king Janaka and Gopikas, You revealed that king Janaka is the real Sthitaprajna as he could control his emotions and was able to do his worldly duties. But, Gopikas went into madness as they could not control their emotions. And hence they are not Sthitaprajnas. Swami, is it only the control of emotions (love for God) that makes a devotee Sthitaprajna? Or is it related to the death of the devotee where it will accept death by remaining undisturbed? In my view, a soul being Sthitaprajna, can take death also without any disturbance. This state at the end is a byproduct only. Please correct me wherever I am going wrong.]
Swami replied:- The Gita says that a Sthitaprajna is very peaceful and maintains perfect balance of mind even in the time of death (Sthitvā'syāmantakāle'pi…). The emotions of death are controlled by the Sthitaprajna because he/she could control even divine emotions. Theoretical expression is emotion whereas practical expression is devotion. We are not telling that emotion is bad and shall be completely avoided. Emotion within the accepted limits is good and essential also. Only the excess of emotion shall be controlled so that the heart is maintained with good health so that the soul can live more in this world and serve God for more time. Even though death is a byproduct of excess emotion, the context of it is the main basis for the extension of life that is essential for the extension of spiritual progress. King Janaka and the twelve Gopikas come under the headline of Sthitaprajna. Other failed Gopikas could neither do the basic needful worldly duties nor could do the spiritual work of God.
2. Can I say that Sthitaprajna enjoys happiness and misery equally as he/she is in the climax of devotion to God?
[Can I say that a Sthitaprajna can enjoy happiness and misery equally (of course by the grace of God) as he/she is in the climax of devotion to God and hence does not get disturbed by anything worldly? Or is this state of equal enjoyment possible only in the case of human incarnation as He is always in infinite bliss? So, about His equal enjoyment, there is no doubt. The term Sthitaprajna is applicable for souls only and not for God as He is always in Brahmananda. So 'Sthitaprajna' term loses its significance in human incarnation's case. Am I correct in saying this?]
Swami replied:- Sthitaprajna is a state of psychology. It means the perfect concentration of intellectual analysis in any practical situation of life. In this state, decisions are taken only with the help of powerful logical analysis of perfect power of intelligence. The constant devotion to God undisturbed by any practical situation is also due to the most perfect decision of logical analysis of intelligence only. The Gita says that a devotee must always surrender to the analysis of intelligence (Buddhau śaraṇa manviccha). Intelligence is the topmost faculty of awareness or individual soul.
3. In the time of Lord Krishna, is there any example of Sthitaprajna in the form of female devotees?
[Swami, in the time of Lord Krishna, is there any example of Sthitaprajna in the form of female devotees? Why I am asking this question is that King Janaka was a Sthitaprajna in the time of Lord Rama where His mission was to establish Pravrutti mainly. He behaved like a perfect human being as He had to play the role of ‘Maryada Purushottam’ in that incarnation and it might have been easier for king Janaka to control his emotions being a male. But, in Lord Krishna’s incarnation, He broke all the rules and established that God is greater than justice and by this act, Gopikas went into Maha Nivrutti and the fruit we all know. The same Gopikas could not become Sthitaprajna as it became impossible for them to control their emotions while being away from Lord Krishna. Can we say it is because emotion is always more in females? And also, are there any other examples of Sthitaprajna in the form of male devotees at the time of Lord Krishna? At Your divine lotus feet ❤️🌹 always, Chhanda]
Swami replied:- In the time of God Krishna, the twelve successful Gopikas were Sthitaprajnas only. There is no question of gender in recognizing a Sthitaprajna. Sudaama was a perfect example of Sthitaprajna. The female gender generally lacks ego and the male gender is generally hit by ego. Of course, there are exceptions in both cases. All types of souls exist in all times. Only the failed Gopikas realized the reasons for their failure and were depressed. Such depression increased their love to God Krishna and their emotions became very powerful leading them to madness. What is the use of catching leaves when the hands are already burnt? Time is a very important factor. Postponement is always the climax of ignorance either in Pravrutti or Nivrutti.
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