Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 02 Jun 2021


Swami Answers Shri Anil's Questions

Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, some questions raised in internet discussion forum is presented below. Please grace Your response to the same. At Your Lotus Divine Feet-anil

1. What is the difference between Om (Aum) and Allah? Are both Nirgun?

Swāmi replied:- Nirguna means unimaginable God only. Aum and Allah stand for both unimaginable God as well as first energetic incarnation.

2. What are the next steps for me now that I have come to the conclusion that God’s love is the only love and people, well they only take you to hell?

Swāmi replied:- This conclusion will be strongly confirmed after going through all My Spiritual knowledge thoroughly. Then, surrender to Sadguru or human incarnation of God and participate in His service of propagation of true spiritual knowledge in this world.

3. Is Muhammad the second coming of Jesus?

Swāmi replied:-I will come again” does not strictly confine to second coming only. Every repeated return can be represented by this statement. You can say that Mohammed is another coming of Jesus or unimaginable God.

4. How do I renounce a relationship with matter (prakruti) (body)?

Swāmi replied:- The soul represented by I is related to your body just like your body is related to your external dress.

5. How is it possible for God to be eternal without beginning or end?

Swāmi replied:- If there is beginning, there must be end. Of course, such end can be continuously avoided by the unimaginable God. Such extended end is not the inherent eternality. Eternal means that which has no beginning and end.

6. Why do people become terrorists even though they know that the outcome will always be bad?

Swāmi replied:- They don’t know that this is bad. Even if they know that, they have not assimilated such truth and hence, they are often ignorant of the truth.

7. Could life and death be the exact opposites of what we normally think they are?

Swāmi replied:- Life is existence of awareness and death is absence of awareness in the body. From the point of body both are opposite.

8. How does one become pure in heart so that they could be blessed to see God? Referencing Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”

Swāmi replied:- Heart stands for love. Pure heart means pure love. Pure love means that which has no aspiration for any fruit in return.

9. Given that Jesus revealed Himself to Thomas which led him to believe that Jesus is God, why should God expect everyone else to simply believe when that is not the case for everyone else?

Swāmi replied:- Jesus projected an important concept through this, which is that those who have love for God for past several births believe without seeing the proof. Thomas is only an instrument used to project this concept.

10. Is God only one? Whether such only one God has image or structure?

[There are 33 million Gods in Hinduism (Gods), but in Gita Krishna says "there is only one Supreme Power" and the Quran said "There is no image and structure of God". Who is right? Why did Lord Krishna describe all other Gods as demigods (some commentaries on Gita says so)?]

Swāmi replied:- In all external divine media, there is only one supreme power, which is the unimaginable God. Naturally, Unimaginable God can’t have any image or structure.

11. Why was the Last Supper the most significant act of the life of Jesus wherein He even washed the legs of His disciples?

Swāmi replied:- This is projection of other important concepts that when one becomes a spiritual preacher, he should not have ego of his knowledge. After Jesus, they are going to become preachers and hence, He projected this concept before them by washing their feet.

12. How is Israel protected when it committed terrible sin by rejecting Jesus?

[If Christians claim that Jesus was Yahweh in the flesh and then the Jews must have committed a terrible sin by rejecting Him, yet this God continues to bless and protect Israel. How come?]

Swāmi replied:- Pure love does not expect any fruit in return and never the revenge.

13. Even Jesus Christ has a death. Why are you praying to Him to secure you from death?

Swāmi replied:- The body of Jesus Christ had death. Neither the soul of Jesus nor the God merged in Jesus have death. Aim of our prayer is not the body of the Jesus.

14. According to various Hindu scriptures, we have an eternal life. In that case what are my eternal activities?

Swāmi replied:- Eternality of the soul is not inherent characteristic of the soul. It remains eternal as long as the will of God to continue it is running.

15. What is the method to rise above the three 'Gunas' as per Gita?

Swāmi replied:- If you fix your mind on God, you become totally detached from everything including these three gunas.

16. Are Hindus lucky compared to Muslims?

[Why do I think Hindus are lucky and got religion, cultures and God with attributes? How can we help Muslims to bring out from Muhammad's company and its high ego boss Allah?]

Swāmi replied:- All your ideas are totally wrong. Allah was also seen as radiant energy by some devotees. This indicates the mediated God also. Mohammed is actually the human incarnation of God.

17. Why does God kill good people instead of bad people?

[Why does God kill good people like my father (a humble, responsible, kind, good person without any type of addiction) instead of other bad people like heavy drinkers, smokers and cheaters?]

Swāmi replied:- Every human being has its own destined date of death. Nobody is immortal.

18. If people reach Lord Krishna in many lives and the probability of becoming a Krishna bhakta is very less, then how will I ever reach Goloka?

Swāmi replied:- Several births are taken to realise completely that the contemporary human incarnation (Krishna) is the ultimate unimaginable God. Once this point is realised, such a climax devotee will be in Goloka immediately.

19. Why is Goddess Kali black? Why are all main Gods, Lord Ram, Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva all dark in complex?

Swāmi replied:- The dark colour indicates the quality of Tamas which stands for unchangeable fixed determination and this is the best divine quality. The inherent quality of any soul is lack of fixed determination.

20. If you pray to God for one specific girl, will He find a way to make it happen?

Swāmi replied:- If you deserve to her by all angles, God will certainly help you. Even her father will co-operate with you for your marriage with her.
