Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 05 Aug 2021


Swami, how to accelerate quickly from cunning devotion to care-not devotion?

[A question by Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya]

Swāmi Replied:- Cunning devotion is the best type of devotion recommended by God. In fact, the essence of Yoga is only cunning devotion, which is conquering illusion by illusion like plucking a thorn with another thorn. All the rotating wheels (Cakras) or whirlpools are worldly bonds obstructing the swimmer of the worldly ocean. The Kuṇḍalinī moving in curved way is the process of escaping the wheels without damage to self and to the worldly bonds. This means that the devotee shall escape the opposing worldly bonds with cunning talent to reach God. Actually, Nivṛtti is the field discovered, developed and dragged up to climax by the devotees only and not by God. However, God gives advice of cunning devotion in order to avoid clash between self and worldly bonds that disturbs both. God never advised about care-not devotion because God cares very much for Pravṛtti (worldly life) and not for Nivṛtti (personal Spiritual life between Him and devotee).

Care-not devotion is again a totally discovered field by devotees only. The climax devotees entered care-not devotion only when the cunning devotion failed. Even if the cunning devotion fails, God never advices to enter care-not devotion. This devotion is not to care justice and not to care the hell coming for the injustice for the sake of God. Such step is taken by climax devotees of madness level and such climax step is dependent on the climax level of devotion of the devotee. Such climax level is at the free will of the devotee and never advised by God. If it is advised by God, such devotion is not real because such devotion is not selected by free will of the soul. God will be advising not to enter care-not devotion, but, against the will of God, the devotee shall enter the care-not devotion (if the devotee is in climax state) by which God is overwhelmed with happiness and grants the highest divine fruit of permanent union with Him. But, the devotee shall remember one point i.e., as long as cunning devotion goes on well, the devotee shall not enter care-not devotion and by this God will be pleased.

God’s ultimate goal is only Pravṛtti and this is the reason why several scriptures in the world concentrate on Pravṛtti. 99% people can rise to the level of Pravṛtti only. Only 1% can enter Nivṛtti and get the greatest fruit of Nivṛtti, which is total responsibility of the devotee taken by God and eternal union with God. In Nivṛtti, the total effort is on the side of the devotee only and God will not assist it. Moreover, God will oppose the effort in Nivṛtti and also will never support any sin committed by the devotee and allows punishment for that sin. Since the devotee is ready to undergo that punishment for the sake of God, God undergoes the punishment of such sin and gives the eternal fruit to the devotee with unexpressed pleasure inside.
