Shri Datta Swami

 18 Aug 2024


Swami, please clarify once again about the salvation from waste.

[Ms. Thrylokya asked]

Swami replied:- Long back, there was a scientific project called ‘Wealth from Waste’. I extended that project to ‘Salvation from Waste’. God says “I am not asking for the money, which you are spending to live at the present. I am also not asking for your money, which you are saving for the old age in the future. I am only asking for that money, which you are wasting in enjoying luxuries. These luxuries spoil your health and prestige in the society of learned people. By diverting the expenses of these luxuries to God, you are saving your health and simultaneously getting salvation from God because the sacrifice of fruit of work is the highest whether it is Pravrutti or Nivrutti since it is a proof of your true love existing in your theoretical devotion. Here, you are getting salvation not by losing your money, but, by getting the simultaneous benefit of health. If God does not deserve your true love at least in this way, what right you have to expect anything from God, be it a materialistic benefit or salvation?



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