Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 19 Sep 2022


Swami, please give a reply to a person commenting on Jesus

Shri Anil asked: A person remarked about Jesus in the following manner: If he was God as he claimed, why didn't he saved himself from death? It's just a hypothetical religion without any serious facts, the Bible even says that earth is only 3000 years old and lots of biased things. It was just a propaganda to make people gather together so as to strengthen the power of the supreme head of the religion and believe non-sense things while Hinduism never compels anyone to only believe what is written in the book. Swami, please give a reply to this.

Swami replied:- Criticize the followers of religions and not the founders of religions. Such foolish followers are in every religion. The Divine founders are also in every religion. Diamonds and charcoals exist everywhere on earth.
