Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Jun 2021


To become a preacher does one have to absorb all the scriptures?

[A question by Mrs. Latika Chawda, Wardha (Maharashtra)]

Swāmi replied:- A preacher is needed to quote the scripture for at least the important concepts because the receivers have a common psychology that if the source of the concept is shown in the scripture, there is a confidence built up in them that the concept is already told by God. Even if the preacher is incarnation of God, this is essential because the receivers of knowledge from the preacher do not have full confidence in the Sadguru, who is the incarnation of God. Śaṇkara, Rāmānuja and Madhva being the incarnations of God Śiva, God Viṣṇu and God Brahmā respectively quoted scriptures in their commentaries. Even God Kṛṣṇa quoted the Brahmasūtras in the Gītā (Brahmasūtrapadaiścaiva… - Gītā).
