Shri Datta Swami

 23 Oct 2020


Were Jesus and Prophet Muhammed God-in-human-form?

[Shri Anil said: A person is quoting verses from the Quran to prove that Jesus or Muhammad were not God-in-human-form as they did not know the hour (doomsday).

The person further says that Jesus could not be God based on the following points:

  • Mark 9:1, ESV: And He said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God, after it has come with power.”
  • If Jesus were a Muslim, why did he allow himself to be baptized by John the Baptist?
  • If Jesus knew that He had come to die for your sins, why then, did he ask God to remove the cup of death from him?
  • How can Christians be proud of saying they are in love with Jesus PBUH, when they are not even circumcised like Jesus PBUH?
  • Jesus said that God is One and that one should follow the Commandments. But Paul said there are three Gods and that Jesus died for your sins. Does it not mean that Paul is anti-Christ.
  • Jesus Himself told Peter “You are the rock, and on this rock, I will build my church. (Matt16:18)” What did Jesus mean? Why did Jesus not say mosque?
  • There are also contradictions in the Quran. For instance, in one place (Q 96:2) it is said that God created man from clinging substance. In another place (Q15:26), it is said that God created man out of clay from altered black mud. Which one is authentic?

Swami, could you please clarify the doubts and contradictions?]

Swami replied: Regarding the last hour, the reply has already been given (click here to read). One God doing the three cosmic activities of creation, ruling and final dissolution of the world are depicted as three Gods. This actually means that there is only one God doing all the three activities. ‘Clinging substance’ or ‘black clay’ mean the ‘same substance’, owing to which the human being clings to the worldly bonds strongly. This statement should not be taken in a physical sense, but it should be taken in the sense of the clinging quality of the human being. Temples, mosques, churches etc., are only representative models of the abode of God and they all essentially mean the same. Baptization is to be taken in the spiritual sense. It actually means the turning of the soul from the world to God. Jesus’s prayer to God to take away the cup from His mouth, indicates the ultimate strongest worldly bond, which is the bond with one’s life (prāṇeṣaṇā).

When Prophet Mohammad came after Jesus, how can you think of Jesus being a Muslim? Both were Human Incarnations of God who had come to earth for bringing about reformation among souls. The procedures adopted by each of them were as per the psychologies of the receivers of their preaching, in their respective times. It does not mean that there is any fundamental difference between the existing religions in the world. Good people always have full faith in the reformation of souls through spiritual knowledge. They expect a good time to come in the future, when the kingdom of God will be established on earth. When the Human Incarnation says that He does not know the last hour of total dissolution, it is only the humility of God. He avoids predicting the exact time because it is extremely discouraging to all souls, especially to the soul in the last generation.

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