Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 08 Sep 2021


What can a devotee do when he or she is worried about the pains You go through?

[Smt. Priyanka asked: You had once mentioned that the suffering we see is only an illusion, whereas God is entertained by all these hot dishes. For mere souls like us, it is hard to accept that the pain You are going through is just an illusion! Devotees will naturally want to show care and concern towards You, knowing that You go through a lot for the sake of everyone else to keep them safe and healthy. The more we realize the true nature of God, the more speechless we get seeing His unimaginable love and kindness towards His children. Even when our worldly parents are having some pain, we feel worried about them and want to help them feel better. In the case of God, who is the real parent of all the souls, what can a devotee do when they are worried about the pains You go through? How is it possible for us to just tell ourselves that God is enjoying on the inside and we should ignore the suffering we see on the outside?]

Swami Replied:- This is the reason that why God undergoes suffering with a smile on His lips.
