Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 06 Jul 2021


What if a soul focuses more on career & family and slips into the worldly bonds?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: Swāmi, You are so kind in guiding us to settle down (in the world with a stable job and family) in Pravṛtti before entering Nivṛtti (spiritual path). No other preacher has taught like this. Spiritual journey always implied giving up the world. But, You are encouraging us to win the world and also surrender to God out of love. What if a soul focuses more on career & family and slip into the worldly bonds? How do we know to what extent we focus on building a Pravṛtti base? Kindly enlighten us. -At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Thrylokya]

Swāmi Replied:- The foundation is Pravṛtti and the huge castle built on it is Nivṛtti. Nivṛtti means propagation of true Spiritual knowledge learnt from Sadguru in this world in order to maintain peace and justice. While doing the propagation in this world, the importance of Pravṛtti is very much significant especially in this Kali age. At present, the standards of even minimum ethics are cracking. If a sincere person tries to do God’s work, which is propagation of Spiritual knowledge, the society has fallen to such a low level to misunderstand the worker in God’s service as a beggar coming to earn food and treat him as cheap as a result of which even the precious knowledge preached by him is neglected. In the ancient times, the society recognised the value of the Spiritual knowledge and serves the worker of God’s service with all love and respect. Hence, in the view of present situation, the worker involved in God’s work shall not depend on the society for anything including food. The propagation of true Spiritual knowledge in the world is done based on real love to God and not based on earning livelihood. Until the society recognises the value of the Spiritual preaching and forces the worker to accept its service to him, the worker shall strictly maintain himself or herself on self-earning or on self-property only. The worker shall impress the society that he/she is doing the divine service only based on his/her real love to God and not based on the real love to humanity or real love for his/her maintenance. The worker shall never beg for food or for anything keeping full faith in God. Is God so poor that He can’t maintain His own workers? If even such basic faith on God is absent, one shall not enter the divine service of God.
