Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 24 Apr 2023


English »   Malayalam »  

What is the inner meaning of saying 'God is the substratum of the world'?

[Shri Anil asked: Hinduism: Padanamaskaram Swami, Please grace Your answers to the following questions. At Your Lotus feet-anil

When it is said that world is on God and He is the substratum or basis, I thought it is not in geometrical sense. For instance, the husband is the basis of the family. Here, the husband provides for the family needs etc. Why was geometrical sense (like one object placed on another object etc) given for the explanation of the above concept? Kindly elaborate.]

Swami replied:- Husband and family members are also imaginable items whereas God is an unimaginable item. Geometrical sense cannot be attributed to the unimaginable God. The examples are given to bring the concept of support only. I have given the example of magician and the magic in which there is no geometrical sense. I also have said  that this simile is the best example in which support of the head for the family is completely mentioned. Being the unimaginable God, we bring all types of examples to bring out the concept approximately by beating around the bush.
