25 Mar 2025
[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, in a recent Satsanga, You have said that Sita Devi should have given fire test and proved herself chaste and should have come back to God Rama. But, does it not show that the situations She faced were traumatic to her and she might not control her emotions. Here, I have few doubts - God Rama being omniscient, He knew that this question will make her emotionally unstable, right? Why did He put this question in front of all? I know that no one loved Sita Devi as much as God Rama. But, What was the reason for putting this question to her being omniscient?]
Swami replied:- God Rama did not put this proposal since He doubted Sita. He suggested this proposal for the sake of the public of Ayodhya city. The remark on the character of Sita came from a washerman, who was the citizen of Ayodhya and one of the members of the public of Ayodhya. God Rama also told openly “Let Sita give a proof for her pure character to the public of Ayodhya from which a bad comment came”. He openly told this point. Had He not opened this point so clearly and had He told “Let Sita give a proof for her pure character”, there might be a possibility for Sita to misunderstand Rama that Rama was asking for the proof of her character. Then, her emotion is justified and her entry into earth is also justified. But, Rama clearly told that since the bad comment came from the public of Ayodhya, let Sita prove her pure character before the public of Ayodhya. This clearly means that He was not doubting the character of Sita at all. God Rama firmly knew that Sita would not be burnt in the fire since she was not burnt in the fire when she gave the fire test in Lanka.
Therefore, there is no place for doubting Rama that Rama might have planned this with a hope of burning Sita in fire to get rid of her! I am projecting this point now itself because I have a doubt that you will put this type of question again in the near future!! In fact, in Lanka also, Rama did not say that Sita should give a test for her character and also, Rama did not ask Sita to enter the fire to prove her character. Rama told Sita in Lanka that she is free and she can go wherever she likes and live. Rama told that she can take the protection of Bharata or Vibhiishana for her lifelong stay. This does not mean that she should marry them! After hearing this, Sita could have simply told that she will live with Rama only and Rama might have accepted advising Sita to give a proof for her character. Here also, He would ask for a proof because the people of Ayodhya will not accept a woman as their Queen, who stayed in the place of another man for ten months. The king is always bound by the public according to Dharma (Justice) and Rama is an embodiment of justice.
Rama thoroughly knows that Sita is spotless in her character and that she will win any test. In such case, what is wrong with Rama even if He asked Sita to give a proof? Sita did not say anything and she herself decided to give the fire-test in Lanka. Then, the public of Ayodhya were not present in Lanka and hence, such bad comments came from the citizen of Ayodhya. Therefore, Rama wanted to give one proof since He very strongly knew that Sita would easily pass any test. But, Sita misunderstood Rama due to her emotion and got herself separated from Rama permanently. Even in the presence of the public of Ayodhya, Rama did not ask Sita to give the fire-test. He only asked that let Sita give confidence to the public of Ayodhya about her character (Pratyāyayatu Maithilī…). Sita could have simply told “If my character is good, let a sudden rain fall now”. Immediately, a rain would have fallen and the public of Ayodhya should have believed Sita. Only this much was the intention of Rama. Therefore, her emotion and entry into the earth are not justified at all. She did not understand the point clearly. She misunderstood Rama that Rama wanted the proof once again!
The lesson we have to learn from this is that we shall analyze the statement of others with balance of mind and peace without a trace of emotion in our lives. All this was done by Rama to show that a ruler should be above all fascinations and should be answerable to every comment of the public. He wanted to stand as a guide for the rulers. Like this, all His idea was about the public only and not personal about the character of Sita, which is excellent in His mind.
Q. Is it possible for every soul to master emotions?
[Is it possible for every soul to master emotions? If so how? I'm zero in this aspect and want to learn Swami, please give guidance. If there's anything wrong in my attitude or question, please forgive and correct me. At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]
Swami replied:- Emotion will kill logic like snowfall in the winter kills the lotus flower. Therefore, whenever the emotion starts, you must concentrate on its control immediately. If you do not control, you will be destroyed like the above mentioned Sita.
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