Shri Datta Swami

 25 Mar 2025


Why did the 12 Gopikas commit suicide when Krishna left the body, but could control emotions when He left Vrindavan?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, why did the 12 Sthitaprajna Gopikas commit suicide when God Krishna left the body, but could control their emotions when He physically left Vrindavan? In both the cases, they were living Physically away from Him right? And their sole desire is always to please God only. What was their thought process behind this decision after God's physical demise? Is it that "these bodily luxuries are not enjoyed by God anymore so I too don't want it"? But in this decision, their feelings are more predominant than feeling of pleasure of God right? Or with their sage power they knew that God will feel happy with their sacrifice? If there's anything wrong in my attitude or question, please forgive and correct me. At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]

Swami replied:- Leaving Brundaavanam and leaving the world are not one and the same. In the first case, there is a possibility of the Gopika going to Madhura to see Krishna or there is a possibility of Krishna coming to Brundaavanam to see the Gopika. But, when the gross body is left, such possibilities are completely absent. This is the reason why people weep on the death of a person and not when the person is going to another city for some work! The only reason for the sacrifice of the lives of the Gopikas is that Gopikas can’t live on this earth if Krishna leaves the earth permanently. This is the only basic truth around which we are dancing in various styles!

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