Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 11 Aug 2021


Why does God take a medium and also act like an ignorant when He is completely omniscient?

[Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked: Swāmi, Lord Hanumān got a curse that He forgets his strength until someone praises Him. But, You revealed that Hanumān is none other than Lord Śiva Himself. Why does God take a medium and also acts like an ignorant when He is completely omniscient? We (souls) are really ignorant and God is acting ignorant. Now, both are appearing as equals. Even a normal soul can claim that he/she is divine entity acting with ignorance. You taught us that Prajñānam (Divine Knowledge) and Premā (Love) are the identity marks of human incarnation of God i.e. monistic incarnations. But, You didn't tell us how to identify other divine personalities like Lord Hanumān, Mother Sītā, Rādhā, Mīrā Bai, Caitanya Mahāprabhu, etc. who are dualistic incarnations of God. Kindly enlighten me. -At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Laxmi Thrylokya]

Swāmi Replied:- Hanumān is the incarnation of God Śiva came to act the role of servant of God in human form. He has already come down with tonnes of ignorance covering His brain, which is very very essential for that role. The curse given by Sages is just a superficial superimposition about which Hanumān laughed very much in His mind. God covers Himself with ignorance to get real entertainment in His creation. If the omniscience of the incarnation becomes active, it will bore God like seeing a cinema, the story of which is already known! Now, the point is that an ignorant soul can also act as incarnation covered with ignorance. Not only this, even a devil after getting some miraculous powers from God also can act as incarnation and everybody will easily believe such case due to the exhibited miracles! The problem raised by you becomes more serious in the case of the devil than an ignorant soul! But, the Veda and the Gītā say that God’s incarnation can be recognised by 1) excellent Spiritual knowledge that is really useful for devotees in giving the right path, 2) unimaginable love for devotees and 3) miraculous powers. Among these three also the 1st is given topmost importance because it helps the humanity in real sense by showing the correct path giving very deep sharp analysis.

Analysis is always the correct and the only path to recognise the truth. Love and miraculous powers have no place for logical analysis. Love is full of emotion and miracles are beyond the logic. Hence, finding out the truth in any context can be perfectly done by logical analysis only. Knowledge is always the best ground for finding out the truth. Hence, God told Arjuna to analyse His knowledge (the Gītā) completely and thoroughly before accepting Him (Vimṛśyaitadaśeṣeṇa…- Gītā). Based on this, the Veda says that God is the true infinite knowledge (Satyaṃ jñānam anantam Brahma) and also says that the excellent impressive knowledge in the level of consciousness is God (Prajñānaṃ Brahma). The Gītā says that when the true knowledge is to be preached, God Himself descends down (Jṇānītvātmaiva…). When Śaṅkara entered the bolted doors of Maṇḍana Miśra, Sage Jaimini and Sage Vyāsa along with Maṇḍana Miśra did not appreciate Śaṅkara for His miracle, but, appreciated Śaṅkara when Śaṅkara argued and gave excellent true Spiritual knowledge. When even miraculous powers can’t establish a human being as incarnation of God, do you think that a mere ordinary human being claiming as “God covered by ignorance” can be accepted as the incarnation by wise world?

A true incarnation can be identified by i) knowledge (Prajñānaṃ Brahma – Veda), ii) love (Raso vai saḥ - Veda) and bliss (Ānando Brahma – Veda) and iii) miraculous powers (Satya Kāmaḥ- Veda). Kṛṣṇa told the Gītā (knowledge), loved Sudāma and Gopikas giving them bliss (love and bliss) and lifted Govardhana hill (miracle). These three identity marks belong to God Brahmā, God Viṣṇu and God Śiva respectively and happened to be the basic identity marks of the incarnation of God Datta. Pouṇḍraka is not having any one of these three identity marks and can be eliminated from Kṛṣṇa in the first filtration itself. Pouṇḍraka can be treated as ordinary human being claiming himself as God covered by ignorance as mentioned by you. Rāvaṇa is having one identity mark (miracle) since he lifted Kailāsa hill. But, Rāvaṇa did not show spiritual knowledge like the Gītā and love-bliss. Hence, Rāvaṇa can be eliminated from Kṛṣṇa in the second filtration based on knowledge and love-bliss of Kṛṣṇa. When even Rāvaṇa having at least one common identity mark (miracle) could be filtered from Kṛṣṇa, is it not more easy to filter Pouṇḍraka from Kṛṣṇa?
