Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 26 Jul 2022


Why is it said that God is in highest bliss always?

Mr. JSR Prasad asked (on phone): It is said that God is always in the highest bliss. What is the reason for that bliss? Or is God having reasonless bliss?

Swami replied (on phone): If anybody is blissful without reason, we consider him as mad. A mad person smiles and laughs without any reason. There must be reason for the pleasure or bliss (excess pleasure) of any person. A person likes an item because he derives pleasure or bliss from that item. What is that specific item, which is most liked by God? Such item is told by God Himself with His own mouth. In the Gita, God told that He likes the spiritual knowledge (Jñāna yajñena tenāhaṃ Iṣṭassyāmiti me matiḥ – Gita). He Himself told that He likes spiritual knowledge and this is the main reason why God descends to Earth as incarnations. He is always preaching the spiritual knowledge and hence, the bliss is continuous. Spiritual knowledge of God generates love to God in the heart of a devotee and love to God generates love for the devotee in the heart of God. Hence, love is the spontaneous subsequent associate of spiritual knowledge. Therefore, love also subsequently extends the bliss. Since, love is the spontaneous subsequent associate of spiritual knowledge, if we say spiritual knowledge, it also means subsequent love. Therefore, we can say that the spiritual knowledge is the reason for the continuous bliss of God. Veda also says that God is the spiritual knowledge (Satyaṃ Jñānamanantaṃ Brahma, Prajñānaṃ Brahma and Jñānītvātmaiva…) and Veda also says that God is bliss (Ānandaṃ Brahma iti). This means that spiritual knowledge is bliss. Even before creation, God was in bliss because He was continuously thinking about spiritual knowledge. Since the Veda says that God is not only bliss but also spiritual knowledge, even before the creation, God was not only having bliss but also was having spiritual knowledge.
